Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 11)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 13: Main text)

               Hello my dear blog readers. I pray that the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you. It is another week to get blessed. In the last blog, you were informed of the incidence that happened to Abram. He left his place of birth to another place Yahweh promised him (the land of Canaan). In relative sense, he supposed to travel all the way to the land of Canaan, but somehow, he went down to the desert of Negev/Negeb. There was famine in that land. He went to Egypt to survive. In the land of Egypt, a lot of drama occurred.

Ø  He ignored Yahweh who called him before he went to Egypt.

Ø  He lied to Pharaoh and residence of Egypt that Sarai (his wife) was his sister. However, Pharaoh took Sarai on in good faith according to Abram's response on whom Sarai was. Pharaoh did not take Sarai from Abram for free. He was given land and gift for consenting to marry Sarai.

Ø  His wife was taken (probably married/in the process of marriage) to Pharaoh of Egypt.

Ø  Yahweh troubled Pharaoh and his people with contagious diseases for taking Sarai as wife.

Ø  Pharaoh found out that Abram had lied to him.

Ø  In fear of God of Abram, Pharaoh gave more gifts to Abram. He sent Abram, Sarai, and Lot with men servants, maidservants (including Hagar), flock of cattle, Jennings and so on.

Thus, Abram left Egypt with more riches. However, in all these, Yahweh never questioned Abram why he lied to Pharaoh. Yahweh had covenants with Abram and these covenants are without condition on whether Abram sinned or not. This is beyond human senses. Yahweh knows better. Perhaps, Yahweh programmed Abram to go on that journey. So, if Abram is called the father of faith, remember that he did not earn it, but Yahweh gave him the grace to be obedience. In short, no one is righteous (Romans 3:11). Please, see the detail of series 10 in last week blog.

               In this week, you are about to learn about what triggered another huge lesson to be learnt about Abram. According to Genesis chapter 13, Abram became very rich. One thing I believe is that there was no record of how Abram shared the booty he received in Egypt with Lot. However, the scripture stated that Abram and Lot grew rich in flocks. Both men had their servants looking after their flocks. They were so rich in flocks to the extent that the land they dwelled could no longer contain them. So, their servants were fighting each other. Yahweh was in the midst of this fight because he wanted to Lot out of Abram's live for a while. Both decided to separate. Lot went eastward towards the land of Sodom and Gomorrah. 

               Could there have been a better way to separate without fight between both Abram and Lot's servants? I believe there could be. However, that was how Yahweh wanted it. Sometimes, things may happen in awkward ways and we may tend to think people we relate with are ungrateful, but Yahweh knows better. We may even make many attempts to patch our associations/relationships with people we relate with. Sometimes, this kind of incidences may be an indication for us to be separated from those we holds dear for Yahweh to fulfill his plans for us. When it is time, he will make it happen somehow. You may not like it, but it may be his plans for your life. You just may need to move on with your life.

               Sodom and Gomorrah had record of wayward life styles but for the fact that the land was fertile and full of green grass, Lot chose ahead of Abram to have better food for his flocks. The place Lot chose was closer to river for his flocks to drink enough water. Abram and his followers were all alone this time. The land  Abram was may appear not to be as fertile as the land of Sodom and Gomorrah but Abram was contented with it to avoid the continuous fight between his servants and Lot's servants. At this time, Yahweh informed Abram that the land Abram was standing was the one promised to him and his descendants.

               So far the earth and everything inside it belong to Yahweh, he will make every unpleasant land you are become fertile because of his covenants with you. So, if you are called, you are a special person and his covenants with your life cannot be altered by any situation. I believe it was time for Yahweh to deal more with Abram than before. A lot of events happened in the subsequent chapters. I hope you will love to know them. Please, keep looking forward to reading next week blog.

Please, your comments and be nice with them.



  1. Wow. How we think it is the end of life because of any unpleasant situation we may find ourselves, but in the eyes of Yahweh, he is making way for you where there seems to be no way! He is with you. You are not alone.


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