Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 2)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 1 through 2)

Hello my dear readers, may the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you.

This week blog hopes to be a few lines but I pray it blesses you.

               Have you ever seen a cook gathering ingredients to make an Old Fashion Chicken Macaroni Salad? If you never know what the cook was going to make and you are not familiar with the ingredients, you would be baffled at what the cook put on his kitchen table. Among these ingredients would be uncooked elbow macaroni; frozen corn; cooked chicken; sliced celery; chopped hard-boiled eggs; chopped green pepper; chopped onions; mayonnaise; white vinegar; salt; pepper among other things.

               Do you know some of the other things not mentioned? They are the things made to ensure this food is well prepared. They are knife or chopper; kitchen table; plates; pot; stove or gas e.t.c. Imagine that the cook has to create all these things before he begins to prepare it. To the cook, all things mentioned are good. Whether anyone likes it or not, he knows why knife or chopper which could also be instrument of destruction is good. Otherwise, there would be no way to have sliced chicken; sliced celery; and chopped green pepper. Stove or gas is also useful even though it boils through fire heat. Without stove, there would be no hard-boiled eggs. Oh, I almost forgot. How about frozen corn? It means refrigerator or deep freezer also have role to play in making this food. Again, imagine that a cook had to create all these before he makes Old Fashion Chicken Macaroni Salad. Despite instruments of destruction mentioned in cooking this food, Yahweh said all things he created (just like good part and bad part of all things needed to make this food) are good. All things he made are good because they were made to carry out his plans.

Let us see what the scripture says in the book of Genesis 1:31:

"And Elohim saw all that He had made; and behold, it was very good".

From this scripture, it means Yahweh Elohim created all things for his pleasures because he knows what role each of them would play to achieve the plans he had written prior the creation of these things.

               In this week, I like you to understand that in relative sense, good and bad creations exist and they perform their roles. That is why the world is full of good and evil. In absolute sense, Yahweh knows why all these things must happen but in the end, his will is being fulfilled! More discussion would be found in series 3 of this topic (deemed for next week). Just like Old Fashion Chicken Macaroni Salad, Yahweh already knows what the end would be before the beginning of all things begins.

Stay tuned for more information in the next blog!

Thanks for reading this blog. I hope you are blessed through it. Please, leave your comments and questions. Be nice with them.

Have a wonderful day.






  1. To Yahweh be the glory. He made all things according to his pleasure. Meanwhile, this food is making me hungry 😋

  2. He is God and never had a wasted resources! Looking forward to the next blog

    1. Thanks for your comments. Yahweh never have wasted resources even though we think so sometimes. A bad child has his good day too. Romans 9:21-23 says a lot about types of vessels. Most preachers misunderstand this passage of the scripture. Surely, I can't wait to release series 3 of this topic. However, you can read the introduction part of this lesson for the background knowledge. I appreciate your support in this capacity.

  3. All things created are both good and bad... Similar to current.. Positive and negative.... Both light and darkness.... God value everyone... Either good or bad... Its only we human that discriminate

    God bless you... Shalom sir

    1. Thanks for your comments. Yahweh never have useless resources. They're all good and useful to him. The more you read my blogs, especially from the introduction part, the more you get to know who Yahweh truly is.

  4. Oluwatoosin
    Hhhmmm..Awesome God! Everything He made is good and even in the 'seemingly evil' to us is His good will. More grace to you sir!

    1. Thanks for your comment. Yahweh never makes mistakes. All he made fulfill his plans. That's why he said that they are good 👍


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