EONS and behind the scene of all creations V: HUMANS being exposed to sin

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance): Genesis 1:26-27; Genesis 2:9; Genesis 2:16-17; Genesis 3:1-7; Genesis 22-23; Rev 13:8; 2 Peter 3:8

               Grace and mercy of Yahweh be to you today. In the last blog, we learnt a lot about how Yahweh created humans (both male and female). In case this is your first time of reading my blogs, please take time to read all my previous blogs.

This week, we are going to learn about how Yahweh began to carry out his plans for this world by making good and evil come into picture. Genesis 1:26-27 tell us that Yahweh made humanity in his image and after his likeness but they were not exposed to good and evil deeds of Yahweh yet. Humanity was plain and on clean sheet. They have not known good and evil yet. Therefore, humans were not yet like Elohim completely.

Why? I know you may be thinking what is in Genesis 1:26: "And Elohim said: Let Us make humanity in Our image and according to Our likeness...." Just so you know, this verse was not yet fulfilled until the drama I am about to tell you. So, continue reading.

Genesis 2:9: "So, Yahweh Elohim made sprout from the ground every tree desirable to the sight and good for food, with the tree of life in the midst of garden, and also the tree of the knowledge of good and evil"

               In the above Bible passage, Yahweh began to chip-in or execute his plans for humanities by exposing them not to only good things but also evil things. Yahweh repeated the same action in Genesis 2:16-17. Please, read it: "And Yahweh Elohim instructed the human, saying: From every tree of the garden you may eat, yea eat. But from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you must not eat from it; for on the day you eat from it, to die you shall be dying"

               The above Bible passage is pretty much a direct instruction from Yahweh to the human. This time, it was only the male human this instruction was given. Have you ever asked yourself that when you ask people not to do something is when they would probably want to do it? If instructions were meant for good things, why do some people go against them? Why do we have Policemen to catch criminals? Why do we have laws and orders despite the fact that people understand the consequences of not adhering to these laws? Think about it. Paul pointed out that he would not have known about coveting if it were not written as a law (Romans 7:7). Sometimes, whenever you ask your children not to do something that is when they do it. Can you relate to this situation?

               This time, Yahweh who knows the end from the beginning knew that humans would go against his direct instructions. To accelerate human disobedience, verse 18 of Genesis 2 pointed out that Yahweh made female human out the male human. We discussed extensively on this creation last week. The question I also want you to think about is why did Yahweh not make female human separate instead of making her from the male angular part? The answer I suggest is: Perhaps, male human will hardly refuse or disdain his partner's suggestions. How many times, have ladies changed their men's mind on many issues? In most cases, it is many times. Now, you can see my point?

To carry out Yahweh's plan, humans have to be two instead of one. As a matter of fact, Yahweh meant the two humans to complement each other. Sometimes, it is quicker to make decision when you are alone but when you are two, decision making may be slow and complicating especially if two of you are not on the same track of understanding. Yahweh knew this would happen to enable humans truly become like him by getting exposed to both good and evil.

I like to write a short poem on this drama:

Oh male human; oh male human if you only knew what was coming to you; you would have stayed with your partner to avoid the imminent danger dangling on your head! But you could not have done so because it was meant to be and you could not resist the will of your maker! You had to play your role and she had to play your role.

1. Genesis 3:1-7: Yahweh finally executed his plans through Lucifer. So, when Yahweh instructed male human, Lucifer was probably aware of it. Lucifer/Satan was there to actualize Yahweh's plans and intentions for humanity. That is why Lucifer started with a question when he was conversing with female human. Remember that Lucifer/Satan was created to deceive. So, he carried out the assignment according to Yahweh's plans. I know many of you may think otherwise. Please, read my blog on who truly Lucifer is.

2. Genesis 3:22-23: Yahweh affirmed to his son, Yeshua that human beings have finally come to the knowledge of good and evil. At this time, humans have come to differentiate between the feelings of good and evil.  In Genesis 3:8, Bible referred Adam the male human as the husband of the female human. In verse 9, the male human was first called Adam by Yahweh himself, and verse 20, female human was called Eve.

I have another question: Have humans become like Yahweh completely? The answer is no. Why? The book of Genesis 2:17 points out that from "the day" humans eat of the tree of good and evil, they shall be dying. This means humans die. However, Yahweh does not die.

               Another thing I need you to realize is the word, "the day". To infer from Genesis 2:7, to die you shall be dying is literal death. This is not spiritual death as most bible scholars may have told you. Remember that 1,000 years is like 1 day to Yahweh (2 Peter 3:8). Both humans (Adam and Eve) did not live up to 1,000 years before they died. From the day both humans ate the fruits of the tree of good and evil, they have been dying. Every human born into this world begins to die right from the day he or she is born. Your heart beat can always remind you of this.

               One more thing I need you to take from this blog is that: Yahweh did not test both humans to see if they will obey his instructions or not. This is what you may have believed or being told by any Bible preacher. Yahweh knows humans abilities and he would not blindly put them into trouble because it will always fall back to him. If you are a boss, you will not employ someone you know would not be competent to do your work. Just think about this too. So, stop being deceived.

               I also heard from one of the Jewish Rabi saying that: Yahweh had to consult both Adam and Even before he tested them. This is also not true. All human philosophies and theories in caging Yahweh as someone who cannot control what he created are false. The book of Revelation 13:8 pointed out that Yeshua (Christ Jesus) had been slain before the disruption of this world. It means solution had been created before sins came up. Sin had been paid for before it actually begins. This was manifested physically in the gospel according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Therefore, if it is in the bible, it is true and trustworthy. If it is not in the bible, please, discard it irrespective of which source(s) you got the false information!

To continue Yahweh's plans; Yahweh did not allow Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of life to avoid them to live for EONS. There will be blog(s) on what EONS are all about sooner. You will also need to know how Yahweh relates with his creations. So, it is a whole lot of messages coming for you in the nearest future.

               Oh, lest I forget, someone specifically asked me through private chat on how Children of Adam and Eve got married. I believe this will benefit every reader as well. My simple answer is that they married their siblings. In those days, there was nothing wrong in doing this. In addition to this, Bible did not report names of female children born in those days. For an example, Cain married one of the daughters born by Adam and Eve in Genesis 4:17. If you read Old Testament Bible, you will realize that females were not that mentioned unless they played significant role in the Bible. I hope this answer is sufficient.

Stay connected for the next week lesson by the grace of Yahweh.

Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.

Thanks for your support.




  1. Something just changed....no longer humans but men and women....no longer only good but good and evil. Yet Yahweh said all he made were good. So who is going to question Yahweh for his conclusion on his creations? He definitely has plan and it is all written in the scriptures! His words and plans cannot be changed irrespective of what anyone says. Happy reading.

  2. My ways are not your ways...Isaiah 55:8-9. Yahweh's ways of conducting his will is not the way most people think.

  3. Adam had no option but to play his role as a lover and a fool. Otherwise, he would have rejected the fruit from Eve. All is of God 2 Corinthians 5:18. The plan of Yahweh cannot be resisted.


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