Potter and Clay relationship

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Jeremiah 18:1-5; Romans 9: 19-23)

Hello readers. May the grace and mercy of Yahweh continue to be with you. I pray this message blesses you as you read it.

Last week, it was established that Yahweh creates good and evil (Isaiah 45:7). I promised that I will explain further in this truth. Before this, I will like to infer from what Paul the Apostle said on this topic in the book of Romans 9:19 through 23.

The followings are the nuggets we can learn from his explanation:

Ø  No one can withstand the intention of Yahweh (Romans 9:19). In order words, Yahweh has reason for how we are created. In addition, no one can know Yahweh's mind on why he creates Sun to be heating up in the day; why moon makes environment feels cold in the night; why rains gets heavy or light or why does it snow like no other one sometimes. Yahweh knows why he made all these things among other creations.

Ø  We cannot protest against Yahweh (Romans 9:19). So, all agitations, swear words, unpleasant statements made to Yahweh, whether oral, written or impliedly, will not diminish his sovereignty, greatness or attributes. He is who he is. He is your maker and maker of all things. It does not matter whether you like it or not. Yahweh is not afraid of anyone. He does not respect anyone. People's protest against his plans and decisions does not move him an inch. All actions protesters make only help to fulfil his plans.

Ø  Yahweh is the Potter. The Potter makes objects out of clay as he decides (Jeremiah 18:1-5). This is an example Yahweh showed Jeremiah during his days. 

Ø  We as human beings are clay. We were made in the way we are. This means we do not have say on how our skin colors, hair colors; heights, size, race, gender may be. Otherwise, we would have decided these before we were born. Scientists make effort to do this, but they are never near perfect of Yahweh's creations. More so, all materials they may use were created by Yahweh before they were born. 

Talking about our beings, there are more to it.

Romans 9 verses 21 through 23 discusses extensionally on this issue. Let us go into it.

Ø  Yahweh creates human beings as vessels. In other words, you and I are vessels or tools in the hands of Yahweh. We are instruments in the hands of Yahweh. We are under the control and influence of Yahweh. We cannot be too smart to think we can outwit plans of Yahweh for our lives.

Ø  Good and evil people are made from the same raw material. That is, from the same clay. Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 established this. He decides what role each creations would play. He creates humans with different kind of nature. Human beings demonstrate both behaviors in society. Yahweh knew both good and evil will be played out in this world before we begin to see both being played out right in our presence. 

Ø  Just like last week lesson, if all human beings behave rightly, there will be no reason to have laws and law enforcements. You would recall that Yahweh pointed out to humans that they should subdue over everything he made (Genesis 1: 28). Yahweh knows that out of all he creates, some will always go out of line. They will need to be corrected. It is just the same way he created both good and evil to make this world a living movie we play our roles every day.

In conclusion, I can understand that you may have many questions in your mind about this world created by Yahweh. It is not a cage or a zoo. It is a place designed by Yahweh to carry out his plans and work all things out according to the counsel of his will (Ephesians 1:11). I am sure you would like to ask the following questions:

i.  Why did sins come into this world;

ii. Who originates sins; 

iii. Why do people never stop sinning; 

iv. What about Lucifer and the serpent? 

Next week will discuss more on this truth.

Hope this lesson blesses you too.

More to come next, week.




  1. It is time for you to understand that Yahweh decides which of his creation is meant to do good and which one is not. No one can dispute his decisions on who does what. All we do are fulfilling his plans. Happy reading.


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