
Prepping for the next line of Action                                                                                 How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 89) Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 40) At the heel of the great project completed by Bezalel and Aholiab, Yahweh instructed Moses on how to place things in the just completed Terbanacle. This bible chapter discussed in details of what Moses had to do. Among what Moses had to do was to anoint the Terbanacle and Altar. The Altar was to be placed in the holy of holies. In other words, there had to be a kind of three sections in a Terbanacle. They are holy, holier and the holy of holies. There is a lot to discuss on these sections, but this is for another day. Moses was also instructed to sanctify himself Aaron and his sons before they began their work. He brought them to the door of Terbanacle to wash their ha
                                                                                       Getting them Busy (Concluding part) How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 88) Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 37 through 39) Bazalel, one of the two Craftsmen was mentioned in the beginning of chapter 37. He continued to champion the work Yahweh instructed Moses to tell the people of Israel to do. This great craftsman wrought many great work which include but not limited to the coffer of Acacia boards which were overlaid with pure gold.  He made the proprietary shelter of pure gold. He made two Cherubim as he fastened them to the proprietary shelter. Each of these Cherubim (with their wings) faced one another. He made lamp stand of gold, snuffers and the lamp stand fire pans. He made the holy anointing oil and incense of pure spices. He created all these among other things wit
  Getting them busy                                                                                                                       All hands on deck to build the Terbanacle of Yahweh. How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 87) Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 35 and 36) Have you ever heard that an idle hand is the devil's workshop? The two chapters I am looking at this week focus on how Yahweh got the children of Israel busy. After all incidences that happened in Exodus chapter 34, Yahweh began to instruct Moses on how the Terbanacle project would be executed in chapter 35. He also informed Moses to tell the people of Israel on whom to do what. This shows that Yahweh knows the heart of people. He has chosen particular people to preside on certain task(s). He chose Aaron as the Chief Priest. He also chose Bezalel from the tribe of Judah and
  The bright face     How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 86) Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 34) Being in the presence of Elohim Yahweh is what anyone should crave for. Moses experienced the splendor and unexplainable deluge of Yahweh's glory as he saw the back of Yahweh while he was kept in the crevice of a Rock. Moses basked in the glory of Yahweh and this experience was something Moses would never forget in his life. Well, in this week bible chapter, Moses got another chance to experience Yahweh's glory. He was asked by Yahweh to cut two tablets and come to meet with him on Mount Sinai to re-write the Ten Commandments. Yahweh cautioned Moses that no one else should approach the Mountain but only him.   It would be a private meeting between Yahweh and Moses. I could imagine Moses was very excited at this opportunity. Of course, Yah
  Mosesliver Twist                                                                                       He surely wanted more of Yahweh! Do you? How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 85) Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 33) At the heel of Aaron's weak leadership, Israelites' act of rebellion against Yahweh's fiat and the fracas that claimed up to 3,000 people, Yahweh informed Moses to go ahead and continue to take the children of Israel to the land he had promised them. However, Yahweh spoke of his displeasure on the rebellious attitude of the Israelites. He simply labeled them as stiff-necked people. This made the Israelites to mourn for their evil deed. Yahweh informed them not to put on ornaments for him to know what he would do to them.  In relative sense, Yahweh went a step further in his anger against the Israelites by stating that he would f
  Inappropriate Goodtime                 An in appropriate goodtime How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 84) Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 32) Have you ever seen people doing some sort of things and wondered why they were doing it? What if you ask them and they gave you 101 explanations that appear to be reasonable even though you understand fully well that they are wrong? What would you do? This week bible chapter calls for a deep understanding of why Yahweh is a jealous El. He had already informed the people of Israel in Exodus chapter 20:3-4 not to worship any image in Heavens, on Earth, beneath the Earth or even in the water. Why would the people of Israel look for a goodtime inappropriately by worshipping a golden calf? While Yahweh was wrapping up his conversation with Moses on Mount Sinai, an act of rebellion was being staged by Aaron when he
                                                                                                                          Yahweh gave Moses the list of what to do. How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 84) Exodus: Setting up Israelites' Government: To Do List Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 30 and 31) It would be great to wrap the conversations Yahweh had with Moses up this week as chapter 30 and 31 would be summarily discussed. I love to term these chapters as to do list.  Chapter 30: Ø   Yahweh discussed how an Altar should be built for him in the Terbanacle. Yahweh was so detailed in this chapter as he mentioned the materials to be used for this Altar. They include Chitin woods; Gold; Silver and Bronze. Yahweh also mentioned the measurements of this Altar to Moses. Ø   Moses was instructed to tell Aaron and his sons to be in charge of incense burnin