Getting them Busy (Concluding part)

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 88)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 37 through 39)

Bazalel, one of the two Craftsmen was mentioned in the beginning of chapter 37. He continued to champion the work Yahweh instructed Moses to tell the people of Israel to do. This great craftsman wrought many great work which include but not limited to the coffer of Acacia boards which were overlaid with pure gold.  He made the proprietary shelter of pure gold. He made two Cherubim as he fastened them to the proprietary shelter. Each of these Cherubim (with their wings) faced one another. He made lamp stand of gold, snuffers and the lamp stand fire pans. He made the holy anointing oil and incense of pure spices. He created all these among other things with pure substances and in measurements given to him by Moses.

In chapter 38, the work wrought by this man was also recorded. He made alter of ascent offering of Acacia boards. He made the court in style and as detailed as instructed by Moses. He used copper/bronze to beautify all his craftsman work. Verse 23 of this chapter mentioned all works done by Ahioliab from the tribe of Dan. He was an artificer, a brocade designer and an embroiderer. Among the work he did was designing the Terbanacle with blue, purple, in-double dipped crimson (reddish) and cambric.

Chapter 38 gave an account of all precious metals used for this great project. They included gold (about 29,730 talents of Holy Place measurement), silver (about 1,775 shekel of Holy place measurement), half-shekel from men of age 20 years and above. These men were about 603,550. Imagine how much these half shekel would be. All these are costly materials used to build for Yahweh. Remember, these were brought to Moses willingly. These people gave according to how their hearts purposed.

Chapter 39 discussed how finishing touches were wrought on this Terbanacle. Precious stones like Onyx, diamond; Jasper, Jacinth, Amethyst, Topaz, Peridot, Sapphire and Emerald were mounted in different rows. Breastplates were made for the Priests. Priest garments were also fashioned as directed by Moses. In this chapter, the Terbanacle was completed (verse 32). Moses conducted inspection of this Terbanacle to ensure it was built according to the specifications given to him by Yahweh on Mount Sinai (verse 43). Then, he blessed these people for their great work.

If there is nothing you have never learnt in this week's blog, understand the followings:

Ø  Yahweh has specifications. His specifications were followed to the letter by Bazalel and Ahiolab.

Ø  These two great craftsmen and designer have to be appreciated for their work. These people were neither Prophets not Priests yet their contributions to the work of Yahweh were never forgotten. I am particularly happy that people like these were mentioned in the scripture to educate us that not everyone will be Pastors, Teachers, Priests etc. Yahweh gives everyone special gift(s) to serve him in whatever capacity he has given us.

Ø  Every good gift; every perfect gift comes from Yahweh (above) James 1:17 paraphrased. Therefore, gift(s) these people used were given to them by Yahweh. They might have learnt how to do it but the gifts were in them already. He knew these people so he informed Moses about them. These people remind us that God knows everyone and he has plan for everyone. His plan for these people was to build Terbanacle for him. They were noticed for their skills and their skills were used for the glory of Yahweh. These people never coveted the position of Moses or Aaron. They stayed on their lane of calling(s)/gift(s). 

Ø  Moses did not assume that the work had been completed. He conducted an inspection on the project to ensure Yahweh's specifications were adhered to.

Ø  Moses blessed these people including all that participated in this great work. Blessing from a great servant of Yahweh is encouraging.

What to observe:

Every little good thing we do with our gifts never gets unnoticed by Yahweh. He is the rewarder of our efforts. Yours may be showing kindness in cash or deed. You may be an infectious and sincere smiler to brighten people's day. You may be good at presenting things that be put healthy smile on people's face. You may be a charger that helps to check and balance people's morals in society. Your gift may not be able to build house like these two great men but to build home from your words of wisdom. These should never be discounted because Yahweh never does. They all help to build our bodily temple as we get hope from all these gifted people. They make us go on in our individual life. My weekly blog may be of positive impact on some people but Yahweh knows who these people are. Whatever your hands find, do it well with your gifts. By the way, this month makes it 2 years in my blog anniversary. To Yahweh be the glory.

In conclusion, Yahweh ensured the people of Israel made a Terbanacle for him so that he could meet with them. Surely, his presence makes the difference in the journey of our life. The people of Israel would have to continue their journey to the Promised Land but they would be going with the portable Terbanacle made by these two men. This would keep the Israelites assured that they were not alone in their wilderness experience because Yahweh's presence would be with them.

Do you crave for Yahweh's presence too? He is always with you from the point you are to journey you to the next point of your life.

Thanks for taking time to read this week's blog.

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