Getting them busy



                                          All hands on deck to build the Terbanacle of Yahweh.

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 87)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 35 and 36)

Have you ever heard that an idle hand is the devil's workshop? The two chapters I am looking at this week focus on how Yahweh got the children of Israel busy. After all incidences that happened in Exodus chapter 34, Yahweh began to instruct Moses on how the Terbanacle project would be executed in chapter 35. He also informed Moses to tell the people of Israel on whom to do what. This shows that Yahweh knows the heart of people. He has chosen particular people to preside on certain task(s). He chose Aaron as the Chief Priest. He also chose Bezalel from the tribe of Judah and Oholiab from the tribe of Dan to preside on the artwork and craftsmanship of the Terbanacle. These people were filled with the Spirit of Yahweh to carry out this project. These two people were to train those who would be working with them on the art of craftwork and designs.

This helps us to understand why Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 12:12 that a body has many parts but belong to one body as we are to Christ. Everyone has his/her area of specialization. This is why members of the body of Christ understand that we serve Yahweh according to the grace and specialization he has given to each of us. We are not one size fits all but can operate in the area the Spirit of Yahweh works in us. It is the Spirit of Yahweh that operates in us to do the biddings of Yahweh (Paraphrased Philippians 2:13). However, we members of the body of Christ understand that our work is not limited to this eon. We have a whole lot to do in the kingdom of Christ which is fast approaching.

In this chapter, Yahweh informed Moses to instruct the people of Israel to give gold, silver, bronze, blue, Scarlet, linen and even goat hairy skin/leather willingly to build this Terbanacle.  Yahweh also gave instructions on how the lamps should be managed, the kind of lamp oil, fragrant incense, onyx stones and other germs to be mounted on the ephod and breast piece of Priests.  Yahweh repeated the fact that children of Israel should to stop from 6 day work and serve him on the seventh day and whoever refused to observe this instruction would be guilty of death. This instruction is strictly for the children of Israel. 


                           People gave their substances willingly to build the Terbanacle of Yahweh.

Chapter 36 gave the account of how chapter 35 was being executed. These two chapters discussed at length on how the children of Israel got busy doing God's work. What could be observed in chapter 35 and 36 is that these people were willing to do God's work. Yahweh did not force them to do it. What stoop up to me most in chapter 36 is that people gave their substances willingly. They gave so much to the extent that Moses had to inform them to stop bringing more substance for the work of Yahweh. You see my dear blog reader, people get blessed more when they give from their hearts and not by compulsion. Let this be another lesson for you to learn in this week's blog.

In conclusion, I like to pray that the issue going in Gaza, Israel between the children of Israel and the Hamas group be solved by Yahweh in no time. May those who have lost their dear ones be consoled and be granted the fortitudes to bear their loss. However, in absolute sense, may the will of Yahweh be done on Israel and the rest of the world. Amen.

Let us wait to know what comes next in the life of the children of Israel as we continue to learn how Yahweh relates with his creations.

I hope you have learnt on or two things in this week's blog. Being in the presence of Yahweh is key to experiencing glorious life. I hope this would also be your prayer too.

Stay tuned for more comments next week by the grace of Elohim Yahweh.






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  1. The children of Israel would have a feeling of relief as Yahweh got them something to keep them busy. Their skills, energy and precious substances were put into great use as they built for Yahweh with their free minds. This kind of wilful gifts is more rewarding because it was given without grudge.


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