Mosesliver Twist


                                                    He surely wanted more of Yahweh! Do you?

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 85)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 33)

At the heel of Aaron's weak leadership, Israelites' act of rebellion against Yahweh's fiat and the fracas that claimed up to 3,000 people, Yahweh informed Moses to go ahead and continue to take the children of Israel to the land he had promised them. However, Yahweh spoke of his displeasure on the rebellious attitude of the Israelites. He simply labeled them as stiff-necked people. This made the Israelites to mourn for their evil deed. Yahweh informed them not to put on ornaments for him to know what he would do to them.  In relative sense, Yahweh went a step further in his anger against the Israelites by stating that he would finish them off if he should go among them. This was a very sad emotion Yahweh also displayed in this bible chapter. He identifies with humans as if he is like them. Therefore, the children of Israel did not pitch their tents close to the Terbanacle that was built. They stood afar off to see Moses going inside this structure to converse with Elohim who descended down in form of a pillar of cloud. This cloud stood at the door/opening of the tent while Moses had conversation with Elohim Yahweh. 

Verse 11 of this week chapter points out that Yahweh spoke with Moses face to face just as a man would speak with his associate. At this moment, Joshua remained in the tent. He had been working with Moses as an errand boy since the time Moses went up to Mount Sinai. Joshua is to be watched for his actions. He could discern between good and evil. He was able to see Yahweh in action by demonstrating his emotions towards the people of Israel for their evil deeds. He also witnessed how Yahweh had related with Moses with great intimacy. This man must have thought in his mind that the best thing to do is to remain in the tent and get to know more about the Elohim Moses speaks with. He wanted to know more about this God that had brought them from Egypt with the assurance to take them to the land promised to his fore father (Abraham). No wonder, David stated that he would stay in the house of Elohim for eons (Psalm 23:6). This is something the people of Israel needed to learn but alas, they wanted alternative to this Elohim!

What actually stood up to me was the drama between Yahweh and his dear servant Moses. From verse 13 through 23, a true deep conversation came up. Wow, I could feel the current within my bones and my nerves were shaking in awe of Elohim Yahweh! Moses knew that the presence of Yahweh matters a lot to him and the people of Israel. So, he asked that the presence of Yahweh never leaves them. He also asked that Yahweh should take them to the Promised Land. What a smart Moses. He understood the impact the presence of Yahweh in his life and the people of Israel. He also asked Yahweh to show him his way. This is another thing we all need to pray daily. Anyone who knows Yahweh's way will never walk in wrong direction. In short, The Israelites only knew Yahweh's acts but they did not know his ways. That is another thing for us to be aware of. 

It seemed Moses was never satisfied with these requests. He went a little step further by asking Yahweh to show him his glory. What a thing to ask! Moses was in another cloud in this conversation. He was not consulting his blood, bones and 5 senses before he made this huge request. This request was from the direction of the Spirit of Yahweh. It takes the Spirit of Yahweh to pray answerable prayers. 

What Moses requested was somehow synonymous to what Elisha asked Elijah when he requested for the double portion of the Spirit of Yahweh on Elijah. Though that of Elisha and Elijah was a child's play when compared with Moses' request. Such a request is not possible in relative sense but only in absolute sense because nothing shall be impossible without Yahweh (Luke 1:37). What a measure of faith Moses had! Yahweh could have simply turned this request down because Moses was still in human flesh while Yahweh is a Spirit that is immaculately and unexplainably holy. However, Yahweh stated that he would have mercy upon whom he would have mercy and show compassion upon whom he would (verse 19). This was also mentioned by Paul in Romans 9:15 when he discussed God's sovereignty. Surely, Moses found grace in the presence of Yahweh. This is my prayer for you and me. Grace enables us to get more from Yahweh especially when mercy precedes us to Yahweh's presence.

How did Yahweh respond to Moses' seemingly impossible request? He worked out how to make Moses get what he requested but in his own term. He simply informed Moses that it is impossible for any human to see his face and still be alive. Then, Yahweh gave Moses a little hint about how to see him. He stated that there is a place by him in which Moses may see after he places him on the fissure (crevice) of the Rock. 

Yahweh told Moses that he would overshadow him with his palm until he passes him by. Then, Yahweh would remove his palm off Moses for Moses to see the portion of his back but his face shall not be feasible for Moses to see. This is very huge! Yahweh had to find a way to grant Moses' request because he had found mercy and grace in his presence! It just the same way you would stoop down to communicate with a little child who may find it difficult to gaze at you with your 5 to 7 inch tallness.

In conclusion, Yahweh demonstrated relative sense by acting like a human towards the rebellious deeds of the Israelites even though in absolute sense he would never change his mind on the promise he had made with Abraham concerning the Promised Land. Yahweh also acted like human by conversing with Moses in form of a cloud as an associate or a friend. He informed Moses that Moses had found grace in his eyes. He granted Moses everything he asked for. You may do the same thing to whoever has found mercy and grace in your presence despite the fact that you are displeased with the people that are connected with those you have shown grace. Yahweh had to devise a way to grant Moses' request by instructing Moses on how he would achieve it. He could have simply told him No. No one can see Yahweh's face. So, please throw away the books of the Authors who claimed they saw Yahweh in Heaven. They are all liars. No one has ever seen God (Elohim Yahweh) (John 1:18). However, Moses was the Oliver Twist in this week's bible chapter. I hope you would learn to be from this week too.

The presence of Yahweh matters a lot in our life journey. I pray that his presence always go with us. Amen!

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