Sacrificing Bull

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 83)

Exodus: Setting up Israelites' Government

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 29)

Yahweh began to describe how Moses had to prepare the people of Israel for a well run nation. He began with Spiritual approach. This implies that for Israel to be physically established as a nation, they had to relate with him as children to their father. Therefore, he described how Terbanacle had to be built. He further informed Moses on how the Terbanacle should be well furnished with different kinds of decorations, measurements, designs and patterns. These can be found in Exodus chapter 25 through 28. Towards the end of chapter 28, Yahweh chose Aaron and his sons to take the Priests' office.

Talking about chapter 29, Yahweh described to Moses on how to sacrifice to him in the Terbanacle. It means that Yahweh has specifications on how to sacrifice to him. He informed Moses to Anoint Aaron and his sons to sacrifice Bulls and 2 Rams to him. Chapter 29 explained in details of how to conduct this sacrifice. This chapter also discussed wave offerings and how these events should be carried out. Yahweh instructed Moses to tell Aaron to take the chest of the Ram of consecrations meant for Aaron to wave it as a wave offering before him (Yahweh). This chest part of the Ram would be Aaron's share of the sacrifice (verse 26).

Question: Why did Yahweh focus on the family of Aaron? Yahweh has specified assignment for specific people. This family had to be ceremoniously washed in the presence of the congregation before they begin to conduct their services. They also needed to be consecrated before they conduct their services. All these were done openly to show the rest of the children of Israel that Aaron and his family were chosen for this job.

In Numbers chapter 16, Korah, Dathan and Abram accused Moses and Aaron of taking too much authority upon themselves. These three accusers went further to accuse Aaron for being appointed as the Chief Priest. These three people just wanted to take share of leadership among the children of Israel but forgot that it was Yahweh who had chosen Moses, Aaron and Aaron's children to serve him in leadership offices. Chapter 17 showed how Aaron's rod bud flowers to show that Yahweh was the one who chose him to do his work. There are lots to discuss on Numbers chapter 16 and 17 but may be in the future.

Back to Exodus chapter 29, Yahweh instructed Moses to inform Aaron and his sons on different kinds of sacrifices to offer to him. These Priests sprinkled the blood of Animals on the congregation for atonement and sanctification.


                                                                                Sacrificing Rams

The next thing in Exodus chapter 29 is the feast of Ram killed during ceremony conducted by Aaron and his sons. The children of Israel had to feast on these animals during this event in the Terbanacle. This event occurs 7 days in the Terbanacle according to verse 29 through 37. It is called the week of consecration.  This ordinance had to continue in the morning and evening according to the instructions of Yahweh so that he could meet and speak with the people of Israel.  In other words, Yahweh wanted his people to be spiritually prepared before he meets with them.

This entire saga in Exodus chapter 29 mirrors the work Yeshua came to do as he offered himself as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. He is still our Chief Priest according to the book of Hebrews 5. Yeshua had come to offered himself as the highest sacrifice on our behalf. He was the sacrificial Lamb without blemish offered to Yahweh on our behalf. His sacrifice blood speaks better than the blood of Abel (Hebrews 12:24).

Can you observe that Bulls and Rams were being instructed to be sacrificed but not Lamb? It is because the only Lamb without blemish that is acceptable for the atonement of our sins is Yeshua. He had been sacrificed once and for all for us. We were admonished by Paul to offer ourselves as living sacrifice by living in the ways to cherish the work of salvation Romans 12:1-2. It does not means we would be without blemish for we cannot take the place of Yeshua's sacrifice. That is why we always rely on the work of salvation Yeshua had done for us as we called on him for the forgiveness of our sins because he is our High Priest who mediates on our behalf to Yahweh (his Father) according to I Timothy 2:5.

Yeshua's sacrifice was an unblemished one. He had sacrificed one and for all (Hebrews 9:25-27). He was the one lives but was dead (being sacrificed for our sins) but is now alive for eons to eons (Revelations 1:18).

Question: Why does the Jews of nowadays still offer sacrifices in the Temple? The knowledge of the truth of work of salvation completed by Yeshua had not been revealed to them. However, they would come to know this when it is the appropriate time because none of the sacrifices mentioned in Exodus chapter 29 matters anymore.


                      The Old Testament Sacrifice mirrored the Ultimate Sacrifice which is Yeshua.

I hope this week's blog has been a blessing to you.

More information would be released to you on the next chapter by the grace of Yahweh in next week.




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  1. Great sacrifice is the unblemished and pure human blood sacrifice offered once and for all for the sins of the world 🌍.


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