How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 79)

Exodus: Breaking down of 10 Commandments and By-Laws

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 23)

Last week blog taught us that Paul warned in Romans 11:17-27 that Gentiles are rough/wild branch that was grafted to the Israelites who happened to be the descendants of Abraham. Therefore, Gentiles should not mock the Israelites because these people would be restored to their position as their hearts turned back to Yahweh. This means Gentiles; especially Christians cannot deem it fit to replace the Israelites. Please, go back to read series 76 and 77 for details of these blogs.

This week's blog further discussed the breakdown of 10 Commandments and By-Laws as Elohim Yahweh instructed the Israelites on what they need to do; what they would experience on their journey to the Promised Land and what they would do to occupy the Promised Land. It is a lot to discuss on this chapter but a few verses would be discussed briefly this week.

Verse 1-3: Discussed the fact that you should not propagate false report. It also admonishes people not to follow multitudes to do evil. These behaviors have become rampant in this current era as much false information has been broadcasted on the internet and social media. Many people have been deceived to believe lies because of some hidden agenda. The world we live is now in thick darkness to the extent of which we may doubt whether this is the same world we live since when we were much younger. However, verse 3 admonished us not to favor the poor either. In other words, this verse tells us not to be carried away by our emotions when we need to judge fairly irrespective of whether someone is poor or not. This includes but not limited to applications of laws on male and female, influential people or nonentities. Adequate application of fairness may be a lasting solution to the world problems.

Verse 4-5: Yahweh wants us to care for our enemies despite our differences by looking after their belongings. This instruction was found to be somehow interesting to me. Yahweh knows that it is good to reward kindness for evil. This might perhaps turned the heart of enemies to us and make them our friends. Somehow, Yahweh wants enemies to respect each other and find ways to care for each other. Thus, to Yahweh there are no permanent enemies.

Verse 6-8: Yahweh does not want us to turn aside the judgment of the needies in any contested matter. In other words, whenever it comes to making decision, those who are not well to do should be treated fairly. Taking bribe can blind anyone who is in position to judge between/among parties to any case. This does not have to do with bribe alone. Most people have been wrongly judged because of their color; race; gender or background. All those who practice these things are rebelling against the fiat of Yahweh. No wonder, if you see the symbol of justice, the human's eyes were tied to ensure blindness while exercising judgment between/among parties involved in any legal case in the court of law. I believe this status was culled from Exodus 23:8. In short, Yahweh advocates fairness in court decisions.

Verse 9: Once again, Yahweh instructed the Israelites not to oppress the sojourners among them because the Israelites where once sojourners in the land of Egypt. This implies that Yahweh wants sojourners to be treated kindly. This means Yahweh extends his love not only to the Israelites but to the sojourners among the Israelites. This law can be practiced in the rest of the nations in this world to care for all sojourners. After all, we are all sojourners in this world.

Verse 10-12: Yahweh discussed the importance of ratio 6 to 1 to the Israelites. He first instructed them to work for 6 years and rest for 1 year. Then, he instructed them to work for 6 days and 1 day to rest. To rest does not only mean that they could not do something else other than what they have been doing for 6 years and 6 days. It means they have to stop doing whatever they have been doing for the past 6 years and 6 days for them to do something else in the 7th year and 7th day. Of course, resting is one of them. Resting is very important for our health. However, not working on the seventh day does not mean to just rest. The seventh day means we should stop whatever we have done for the past 6 days.

King James version and New International Version recorded it in Genesis chapter 2:2-3 that Yahweh rested from all the work of creating heaven and earth but the bible version used for this blog recorded the word, "ceased" from all his work...Therefore, ceasing from what one has been doing does not mean one is resting from what one has been doing. Thus, the word "rest" is not accurate enough in my opinion. To buttress my point on this, Yeshua educated Pharisees and all religion leaders in Judah/Jew concerning how Sabbath day should be treated when he healed a sick man of 38 years beside the pool of  Bethesda (John 5:1-17).  Sabbath is made for people not other way round based on Yeshua's teaching in the book of Mark 2:27. These scripture passages would be discussed in depth sometimes in the future if Yahweh permits. 

Of course, the Israelites were not consistent with these instructions and they suffered dearly in the subsequent scripture chapters. Remember that the Israelites were singled out to show the rest humanities that there is no perfection in humans through laws.

I am afraid, this is getting too lengthy. The rest would be discussed next week Yahweh's willing.

I hope you have been blessed by this blog this week.

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