How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 82)

Exodus: Setting up Israelites' Government

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 25 through 28)

Last week's blog discussed the meeting summoned by Yahweh to Moses and 70 elders of Israel to Mount Sinai. Yahweh spoke a lot with Moses in the cloud for several days concerning many things he wants the Israelites to do and observe. This week's blog will focus on four chapters in the book of Exodus. In these chapters, Yahweh began the groundwork for Israelites' government. The summary of each chapter will be discussed below:

Chapter 25:

This chapter started with the notice of freewill gifts. Yahweh instructed Moses to tell his people to bring precious materials which included but not limited to Gold, Silver, Bronze, blue, purple, scarlet, Chitin woods and fine Linens. When it comes to giving, Paul admonished people to give according to how their hearts purposed and not out of compulsion because Yahweh loves merry givers (2 Corinthians 9:6-8). Yahweh did not force people to give according to this chapter but requested them to give willingly. Does it means these people have freewill? According to this bible passage, it appears so. However in absolute sense, it is not so. It is not so because Yahweh owns everything we have as it can be found in Psalm 24:1.  We also live and move and have our being in Yahweh (Acts 17:28). So, Yahweh knows what we purpose in our hearts before we execute it. So, in relative sense, Yahweh wanted his people to give according to how their hearts purposed. These kinds of giving result to greater rewards from Yahweh. Thus, compulsory giving profits nothing.

The gifts people gave were used to build ark of Covenants; Mercy seat and Terbanacle (place of meeting with Yahweh). Yahweh had given the design, pattern and measurements of the structures to Moses while he was meeting with him on Mount Sinai beginning from chapter 24. It can be inferred from this chapter that Yahweh is the greatest Architect and Designer. All Moses had to do was to follow the directions written by him while meeting with Yahweh. Moses had not climbed down from Mount Sinai. Yahweh continued to talk to him.

Chapter 26 and 27:

Yahweh continued with Moses as he gave him the measurements of the curtains, pillars and all other designs that had to be done in the Terbanacle. Socket of Brass, temple lamps made of the same gold. The design and measurement of Ark of Covenant were also described to Moses. In this chapter, a lot of art works, designs different patterns were discussed. Indeed, Yahweh has taste and he showed Moses the vision of these descriptions on Mount Sinai.

Chapter 28:

The next thing Yahweh instructed Moses to do was to make garments and breastplates for Aaron and his sons. They are to take gold, silver, blue, scarlet and fine linens for their outfits. They are to wear girdle as well. These would be the first separated group of people wearing somehow the same garments as uniform to officiate to the people of Israel before the Lord God Almighty. Thus, Yahweh made it official for Aaron and his sons to be officiating for him in the Terbanacle. They were to represent him to the rest children of Israel as they appease to Yahweh for the children of Israel. The High Priests were to wear the symbols of 12 tribes of Israel on their chest.

Aaron and his Sons

Among many things to observe in these chapters, a few things that stood up (to me) would be discussed below.

Yahweh has a great foundation for the people of Israel. Yahweh has step by step preparation for his people before they get their allotment/Promised Land. He also knows how to set up government.  He wanted a well established Israelite Kingdom. He also wanted to prepare their minds to be a point of good reference to the rest of the world. Thus, Israel is a special nation. Remember that they had not entered their promised land but Yahweh did all these to enable children of Israel to remember who they are, what they are and the kind of Elohim they are serving.

Another thing that came into my mind was Yahweh wanted the children of Israel gets to relate with him more by creating office of Priests.  This time, Moses work has been reduced. It used to be Moses all alone but now offices were created to allow more participations of Israelites in administration. Yahweh was making Israelites not to focus on Moses but on him. It is good to get to know Yahweh and relate with him rather than dogging behind Yahweh's messengers for Spiritual growth. In addition to this, Paul let us know in the book of Hebrews chapter 5 that Yeshua is also a High Priest who was sacrificed for our sins once and for all. He still mediate on our behalf to Yahweh up till this moment. So, you can see that Exodus chapter 28 mirrors the role Yeshua plays as discussed by Paul in Hebrews chapter 5. Therefore, Priesthood office is a great role created by Yahweh for Aaron and his sons. 

The great news on this issue is that we do not need human middle-men to appease to Yahweh on our behalf anymore because we now have access to the throne of Grace as written in Hebrews 4:16. Yeshua had paid the price of our sins in full and offerings of animals are no longer required. Hallelujah! Therefore, the events in the Exodus chapter 24 through 28 are strictly for the Israelites. That is why the current Ecclesia cannot replace the people of Israel. 

In conclusion, Yahweh knew the spiritual controls natural. Therefore, Israelites' government would be a stronger one if it is built on spiritual foundation orchestrated by Yahweh himself. Yahweh does not want his people to go after another Elohim. Like ones' dearest child, Yahweh prepared the Israelites for a bright future. Therefore, he wanted his people to stay focused solely on him. Would the children of Israel consistently stay focused? How great would it have been if they had stayed with Yahweh who delivered them from the hands of their Task Masters in the land of Egypt?

Thanks for taking time to read this week's blog. I hope you are blessed by this blog.

Next week discusses more on the setting up of this wonderful nation.

Hope you would be there to read the next week's blog.



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  1. Yeshua entered the Holy of Holy (the Holiest part of the Temple) to atone for our sins once and for all. Amen!


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