How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 78)

Exodus: Breaking down of 10 Commandments and By-Laws

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 22)

This week's scripture chapter further reveals the fact that Israelites cannot be replaced by Christians as recorded in this chapter. I encourage all readers, including Christians to ponder on this week's blog and make necessary redress in relative sense. However, there are common laws found in these laws which are applicable to how we live in this current eon. As a matter of fact, some of Sharia laws emanate from these by-laws and Western countries modernized these laws to suit their individual societal acceptance. However, this week's blog centralize on the fact that Yahweh has warned all nations of things he dislikes.

To make this issue simple, let us pick a few of these by-laws culled from the Ten Commandments.

Ø  Whoever steals is convicted of his crime. This can be found from verse 1 through 4.

Ø  There are restitutions/repayments for trespasses as recorded in verse 5-15.

The following verses stood up to me when I was studying this week chapter. I think it would also benefit you.

1. Verse 16-17: In case a man entices a virgin who is not betrothed, and he lies with her, he shall pay, yea pay her bride-price as a wife for himself. If her father refuses, yea refuses to give her to him, he shall weigh out silver according to the bride price for virgins.

From my point of view, virginity was a precious thing in those days. Elohim Yahweh also values it and that is why he instructed the Israelites to pay valuable amounts of precious substance for "deflowered" virgins (girls/ladies).  My concern now is how virginity has been disdained in the societies of today. Of course, Western culture has downplayed the importance of virginity through their various movies and broadcasts. People celebrate those who have disvirgined themselves while they mock the virgins. This attitude is demeaning humanity. This is why many homes are  broken due to lack of integrity and self dignity. Many people's lives are in disarray due to the experience and horror of rape. Marriage is honorable and bed should not be defiled/breached (Hebrews 13:4 paraphrased).

2. Verse 18: You shall not let an enchantress live.

This is another instruction from Yahweh to his people. Even though gentiles are not Israelites, this instruction is applicable to them as well. The answer is obvious. Elohim Yahweh is a jealous El. He prefers nobody to be under enchantment but to be subjected to him alone. Therefore, if there is anyone making enchantment on the other person; such enchanter/enchantress is putting himself/herself in Yahweh's position.

You see, my dear blog reader, the word Yahweh means a Subjector. He would not take it kindly if anyone is impersonating him through the power of darkness. Therefore, anyone making enchantment on the other person should not live according to his words.

3. Verse 19: Anyone lying with a beast, he shall be put to death, yea death.

On my first thought, I found the situation that may result to this instruction as awkward and eerie. However, on my second thought, I found this instruction as very relevant in our current society.  Judging from series of news being posted and broadcasted on internet of a man marrying an Alligator; Ladies marrying their Dogs; human beings sleeping with their pets and so on and so forth, this instruction is very relevant. This is rather pathetic and absolutely inhuman. However, some people have lost self dignity and their senses of shame have been imprisoned on these evil attitudes. No wonder, people get sicker and diseases are on the rise at every period of time. The Wicked people shall be turned into hell and those nations that despise Elohim Yahweh's instructions (Psalm 9:17 paraphrased).

4. Verse 20: Anyone sacrificing to any elohim, he is doomed, unless it be to Yahweh, to Him alone.

Once again, Yahweh does not want sacrifices to any other gods but him. This instruction has been rebelled against up till this time. This is why the world is in disarray. Bible made us know that nations that serve him are blessed (Psalm 33:12). Jeremiah 18:17 points out that he would scatter the nations that turned their back at him. He would also turn his back at them when their troubles come.

5. Verse 21: As for sojourner, you shall not tyrannize nor oppress him, for you came to be sojourners in the land of Egypt.

Yahweh instructed the Israelites to treat strangers well because they used to be strangers in the land of Egypt. In real life, it is good to treat strangers/foreigners well. This also implies that tribalism should be no-no in our society because we are all children of one true Elohim Yahweh. If nations truly practice this, there would be less conflicts and killings in each land.

6. Verse 22: Any widow or orphan you shall not humiliate...

Yahweh shows his keen interest in Widows/Widowers and Orphans. We are to be kind to them. If these people were being maltreated or maledicted, Yahweh will fight on their behalf once they cried to him for his help. Yahweh knows every hidden act against these vulnerable people and he would always come to their rescue. He would make the enemies of these people lose their loved ones too to experience what it means to be a Widow/Widower or an Orphan. However, any nation taking good care of these kinds of people will always be blessed of Elohim Yahweh irrespective of their religions or no religion.

In summary, I could go on and on in this chapter but you may read the rest for yourself (verse 25-31). There is a portion that talked about things that people of Israel should not delay in providing for him. This includes their first born and even their liquor. I am sure Christians would cherry-pick on these because they would not want to offer Yahweh liquor but of course their first child. So you see, once again, Christians are not the replacements of the Israelites. These laws are primarily meant for the Israelites to keep and observe but all other nations can glean from them to administer laws and order in their various nations.  These are Yahweh's warnings. Any law that is against Elohim Yahweh is rebelling against him and he would not take it kindly with such nation irrespective of their belief, ideas, culture or religion.  Yahweh is the Elohim of  all the earth not just the Israelites. So, he commands the respect of all living and non-living things. However, the Israelites exist up till today. Once again, if you are not born an Israelite, you are a Gentile. Be satisfied with that.


Thanks for taking time to read this week's blog.

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