How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 81)

Exodus: Breaking down of 10 Commandments and By-Laws

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 24)

The completion of chapter 23 discussed a lot about the three kinds of festivals the Israelites have to observe. It also discussed the Messenger that would navigate the road to for them as well as the order of occupancies of the of the Promised land Yahweh had for them. Yahweh sent Hornets ahead of them to begin to clear the land for the Israelites. These things are amazing. Please, read last blog for details.

This week's blog would be short as a result of the accounts recorded in chapter 24.

Yahweh instructed Moses to ascend to Mount Sinai together with Aaron, Nadab and Abihu. Moses alone was allowed to get closer to where Elohim Yahweh was on this mountain but the rest 3 people were instructed to bow down and worship Yahweh from a far distance. Yahweh determines the degree of closeness to his presence in those days but in the new Covenant, Paul wrote that we are can all boldly approach the throne of Mercy to obtain Grace and Mercy always (Hebrews 4:11). While the three people were afraid and were trembling at the sight of Yahweh, Paul stated that we can now boldly approach the same Yahweh with boldness. This is what the death and resurrection of Yeshua had done for us.

Moses read the instructions given to him to the Israelites. They promised to follow the instructions of Yahweh. Moses  sprinkled the blood of the bulls offered as peace offering to Yahweh on the people of Israel as the sign of covenants they made with Yahweh to abide by his instructions. Thus, the blood sprinkled by Moses on these people depicts the signatures of the children of Israelites to abide by the instructions of Yahweh.

Later, Yahweh instructed Moses to bring 70 elders with him to Mount Sinai. Moses told these 70 elders to stay on the part of the Mountain they were while he climbs to the upper part of the Mountain to meet with Yahweh. Joshua went up with him but left Moses to go into the cloud of glory of Elohim which engulfed Moses for 6 days. On the 7th day, Yahweh spoke out to Moses and gave him the tablets of his Ten Commandments.

During the time Yahweh was conversing with Moses, The elders saw the glory of Yahweh like a devouring fire on the summit of the Mountain. They even ate and drank over there. Moses informed the elders that Aaron and Hur would stay with them (elders) to attend to the issues that may arise among the Israelites while he was away with Yahweh on the Mountain. Moses was on the Mountain for 40 days and 40 nights.

You may be wondering why Yahweh had to meet with his people, especially Moses on the Mountain. What was wrong with plain ground? Absolutely, nothing. However, Yahweh prefers to share secrets with his chosen people when he separates them from the rest people. It may appear that Yahweh is bias but not so. He has his reason for doing this. He has special call on some people who he gives special assignment to carry out on his behalf. All people are precious in his sight but he loves to share his secrets with his few chosen people.

In conclusion, the Israelites were given these laws through Moses. They pledged to obey these laws but in a few moments later, they began to disobey Yahweh. Where there is no law, there is no sin. The subsequent chapters revealed the attitudes of the Israelites towards the laws they promised to keep. Chapter 25, 26 and 27 discussed a lot of what the Israelites supposed to observe. Israelites imperfections were revealed and their sins were glaring when they were measured with the laws given to them. In deed man cannot overcome by flesh (I Samuel 2:9).

What would the Children of Israel do when Moses was not available? Do you think that the presence of Yahweh on the Mountain as you can see on the above picture should terrify them enough to put themselves together for the next 40 days? Otherwise, why do you think Moses told Aaron, Hur and the rest elders to attend to the Israelites' needs when he was away? Does it mean that he had already known that the Israelites would never stopped whining and complaining? Do you think Aaron, Hur and the elders would be good enough to control these people?

Please, wait until next time to see what happens next.



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