How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 77)

Exodus: Breaking down of 10 Commandments and By-Laws

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 21)

Last week blog discusses why the Ten Commandments were given. Remember that these commandments were given to the Israelites not to the rest of the world. However, the rest of the world can glean from these laws to apply to their lives. These laws were not meant to only govern the people of Israel but to showcase them as an example of human's struggle on keeping Yahweh's laws.

This week's blog would be brief even though a lot were discussed in Exodus chapter 21. Most of the content of this chapter centers on the breaking down of Ten Commandments, applications of these laws and the by-laws of Ten Commandments.

It has come to my understanding that some Christians are putting themselves in replacements of the children of Israel. This is also known as replacement theory. This is an idea brought into Christian religion. This idea is not pleasant and it is irrelevant. The children of Israel still exist and Christians should not replace them. Ten Commandments are meant for them and they are the carrier of Yahweh's covenants made to Abraham. If you are not born an Israelite/Jew, you are a Gentile.

If Christians are indeed the replacements of the Children of Israel, then they have to be practicing all by-laws in this chapter. They have to ensure they practice law of Slavery; laws of reciprocal which include but not limited to eye for eye, tooth for tooth, foot for foot, scorching for scorching and injury for injury. Remember that during the time of Yeshua, he let people understand that people should rather not resist people who are evil but turn their right cheek and the other side of their cheek to their enemies (Mathew 5:38-39). For the fact that he stated these, how many of the children of Israel followed Yeshua's commandments? Most of them were conditioned to the laws given to Moses. They still practice them up till today. Yeshua came to his own people but they did not accept him (John 1:11-13) but those who received him were given authority to become children of Elohim Yahweh. The children of Israel have no respect for Yeshua. They would rather die while trying to keep the laws given to them through Moses. Are you an Israelite's replacement? Think again. Yeshua's messages were hated with passion by most Jews, especially the leadership of Jew. So, they crucified him to fulfill the scriptures. What makes you think you are replacing them? See what Paul discussed about the children of Israel and Gentiles in Romans 11:17-24.

Paul clarified it in Romans 11:17-24 that you are a Gentile (if not born as an Israelite). You are a wild branch attached to the Olive Tree of Israel. He also warned you that not to be arrogant at the Israelites because of their adamant and impervious behaviors towards Yeshua's commandments. Let us pretend that you are the Children of Israel of today, why is it that you do not practice all these laws in Exodus 21? Why is it that you do not keep the laws of Tithing in its entirety? Do you think you do? Seriously? Think again. This would be discussed in-depth in the nearest future. Christians are in habit of cherry-picking from these laws. They go in and out of them but claim that the death and resurrections of Yeshua had abolished these laws. They have been made to believe that they are Israelites' replacements. This is a false doctrine. Stop being fooled.

Anyway, back to the Israelites. Yahweh intentionally blind folded them not to see the truth for now (Matthew 13:13-15). Their appointed time will come when Yahweh will write his laws in their hearts and they would be called Yahweh's children and Yahweh would be called their Elohim (Jeremiah 31:31-34). So, Yahweh has not forgotten the children of Israel. He kept them in the dark to enable Gentiles to come first to know him. Then, the Israelites eyes of understanding would be opened and they would come to know their Elohim Yahweh in truth. Remember that Yeshua hinted us that the first shall be the last in Matthew 20:16. Israelites/Jews are the first to be the last while the Gentiles are the last that are the first to know him. This was a code and a secret in plain sight revealed to the Jews but they did not understand it. Through Paul's evangel, we the Gentiles being the last are the first to know Elohim Yahweh.

Can you now see that it would be a great offense to replace the Children of Israel when Yahweh has never rejected them? You are a Gentile if you are not born an Israelite. Be contented with that. Yahweh has plans for you too.

In conclusion, the breakdown of Ten Commandments and by-laws are enormous. If you go through the rest of the book of Exodus 21-50, you would see that all center on Ten Commandments. I like to discuss briefly on each of the rest of the book of Exodus going forward.

Please, ponder on this week's blog and apply it with the wisdom of Elohim Yahweh. May the Spirit of Yahweh show you more than what was revealed to you this week and apply your life in the right direction.

I hope you have been blessed with this week's blog.



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