How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 75)

Exodus: Yahweh's Fiat-part 5

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 20)

Exodus 20:13-17

"You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not answer against your associate with false testimony. You shall not covet the house of your associate. You shall not covet the wife of your associate, his field, his manservant or his maidservant, his bull, his donkey or anything which is your associate's"

This week blog is very important for every reader to observe. None of these commandments is strange to us in this current eon because we experience each of them every. One might think the world should have been better with these commandments but it is not. Each of the commandments will be discussed briefly for better understanding.

"You shall not murder": This commandment is Yahweh's fiat that must be obeyed. However, this commandment has been twisted by many people, scholars, elites and religion leaderships. To be clear, murder is not synonymous to kill. Murdering can be attributed to bad intentions to eliminate people's lives. Killing is not. If there is a war between two countries, the army of each nation kills the army of the enemy's country. The intention of each nation's army is to defend the interest of their country. Therefore, at war, army does not murder their opponents but kill them. According to the book of Joshua, the army of Israel killed the army of their enemy nations. The word "kill" has been misused in so many instances. Even in King James Version, the word used is "kill". This does not appear to be correct because the intentions behind killing are different from murdering. In real sense, you would read/hear of murder cases not killing cases.  To let us know the gravity of murdering, 1 John 3:15 points to us that whoever hates his brother is a murderer (because the intention the person has to his brother is evil). I hope you can understand this verse better.

"You shall not commit adultery". This is a spiritual battle facing people in this current eon. This battle has been existing for a very long time. Yeshua went a step ahead that whoever looks at another woman with bad thought (lust) towards her has committed adultery (Matthew 5:28-29).  The efficacy of this sin is the negative impact it has on spirit, soul and body of whoever practices it. Many laws have been created to avoid this sin but the societal acceptance of immoralities has pampered this sin as it appears to be growing stronger through internet influence, movies, magazines, government's perspective and family negligence. Western culture and civilization have caged many people into darkness concerning marriage. All these factors come from lack of fear of Yahweh (Proverbs 9:10). People lack wisdom and are spiritually blind at this fiat. Therefore, they have been plagued with different kinds of diseases which include but not limited to HIV; AIDS; Sexual Transmitting Diseases (STDs); Gonorrhea; HPV (which is part of Sexually Transmitted Infection-skin to skin diseases) among others. Some rich and powerful people have been brought down because of this sin. Yahweh does not joke with his fiat.

"You shall not steal". This sin is very subtle as many people have got used to it because the society has been accepting it due to lack of shame. Stealing is still sin nonetheless. Yahweh knows that sometimes, people may not be contended with what they have and may want to take what does not belong to them. Asking for something that does not belong to a person who has it may help to keep falling into this sin. Government's laws in Western culture may appear to be less concerned (first time theft law) on this but they take it more serious if the object stolen is material. However, whether material or immaterial, Yahweh's fiat has the same standard on both situations. Sharia laws (culled) from the Old Testament have been implemented in some part of the world but it is forbidden in Western part of the world because of civilization. Stealing ranges from physical, fictitious to spiritual/abstract. Stealing is stealing no matter what. 

"You shall not answer against your associate with false testimony". This sin is very rampart in the whole world at large. There have been so many court cases that Judges have misjudged due to false testimonies. Many innocent accused parties have been incarcerated because they had no witness; the evidence from witness/witnesses is not enough; the testimonies of their witnesses could not be accepted; their witnesses were bought or eliminated by the opposition parties. This is why it was recorded in one my audio podcasts that one of the reasons there would be White Throne Judgment is because of the faults found in earthly judgments. Many people have sold their good conscience because of money and the innocents were wallowing in the prison.

You shall not covet the house of your associate. You shall not covet the wife of your associate, his field, his manservant or his maidservant, his bull, his donkey or anything which is your associate's": This is the last of the Ten Commandments. This commandment summarizes all other ones starting from verse 13 through 16. One of the main reasons people murder; commit adultery; steal and bear false testimonies is because they covet. Mark 12:31 points out that when love is being lacked, one may covet his associate belongings. In other words, one may be thinking that this fiat is somehow difficult to obey. To be frank, it is difficult to obey through flesh. Making effort humanly possible may result to to be self righteous (when one appears to be keeping them). Therefore, it becomes a struggle to obey. However, the good news is that love can help to reduce this sinful act. Love is one of the Spiritual fruits (Galatians 5:22-23) that belong to Yahweh. He gives them to whoever he wants. If we have love (which is one of the spiritual gifts), to obey these commandments may be less of struggle. Do not be too surprised if I tell you that we can never be perfect if we make effort to keep these laws (even though these laws are for the Israelites primarily to keep). By strength shall no man overcome ( I Samuel 2:9). However, laws are important in any society. They help to guide people's behaviors. Who is the best being to give these laws if not Yahweh? He knows better and can discern the heart of people. You may be wondering why he gave these laws when he knows we came from Adam and Eve who were also victims of imperfection.

Now, you may be wondering where this blog is heading to. Wait until next week as I discuss more on the essence of these commandments and how they are applicable to us in this current eon. 

Do you think following the 10 commandments is a great thing? Do you think it was good that 10 Commandments are removed from Schools in the United States (even in most countries)? What if there are no 10 commandments, how should we live? Then, what are the essence of having 10 commandments? Wait until next week as this fiat is concluded on these questions.

I hope you have learnt one or two things from this week's blog.


In conclusion, please ponder on this week's blog and I pray that we keep learning on how Yahweh relates with his creations.








  1. If there are no laws, people become lawless. Crimes may not be curtailed. If laws result to identifying sins then laws become imperfect. This is the implication of why Yahweh gave the ten commandments. The laws are useful but they do not result to human perfection.


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