Any child doing this has disrespected his parents or is it Garbage-In-Garbage Out? 

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 74)

Exodus: Yahweh's Fiat-part 5

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 20)

Exodus 20:12-12:

"Glorify your father and your mother that your days may be prolonged on the ground which Yahweh your Elohim is giving you".

This fiat is what the society; especially Western culture is waging war against. The future of our generation is in despondent with the kind of information nowadays offspring are consuming and the lives they have been exposed to. That is why your attention is needed as a parent. There is much to do to preserve our future generation. I like to take the liberty to focus on this verse only to pass my message across to you.

Who are parents?

Irrespective of what the society; especially the Western culture may have termed it, parents are fathers and mothers. In other words, each family has a parent. Each family consists of father and mother. These parents were not forced to relate with each other. They loved and cared for each other before they become fathers and mothers. These parents' unions resulted to child bearings.

Parents' responsibilities:

This is not a new thing to you but a few would be discussed. A father is expected to be the head of the house, provider of the house, defender of the family among other positive things a father should be. Mothers are expected to be the heartbeat of the family. They are expected to perform role of caring, nurturing, co-providing and helpers of their husbands in ensuring a safe and healthy family.

However, as good as civilization may appear, it has been twisted and turned to fulfill human's fantasies by creating rules and regulations that oppose Yahweh's fiat. Societal acceptance of rebellion campaigns and propagandas have been brainwashing people to find alternatives to having a family. This has resulted to the creation of pseudo parenthood. When pseudo parents are created, family values are eroded. The children these parents bear are exposed to these alternatives and their behaviors oppose Yahweh's fiat.

The result of creation of pseudo families is the creation of pseudo children. Children are newbies who are expected not to have gathered enough experiences to navigate their lives. Thus; these children are expected to expressly and impliedly rely on their parents' wealth of experiences. Unfortunately, many of these children have been misled on how to perceive this world as they exhibit eerie manners in societies.

Most of these children do not understand how to properly carry themselves in societies because what they have come across (reality of life) are different from the information they got from internet and pseudo parents. You may be asking yourself why have there been many murders through teenagers/children in the society. The answers are not farfetched. Bad parenting (resulting from these parents bad upbringings); social medial negative influence; governmental bad influences and unchallant attitudes towards these innocent children; school influence as they propagate rebellion attitudes towards Yahweh's order of things. These are just a few reasons.

Therefore, Satan (the chief rebellious being) did not attack Yahweh's fiat from the top/fruits (children) but from the root (parents). He is making sure most children parents breed are poisoned with Western culture that is opposing Yahweh's fiat concerning what and how children suppose to relate with their parents.

What does this week bible verse depicts?

Yahweh's fiat is for children to glorify their parents. This includes but not limited to honoring their parents; respecting them; obeying them; serving/attending to their needs and following their footsteps. These may be a lot easier for children to do if the parents that breed them also do the same to their parents. Unfortunately, this has been a struggle for them to achieve.

Have you heard of the teenagers rioting in Chicago? Have you heard of the children holding mass destructive weapons and murdering a lot of people in some schools in United States? Have you heard of teenagers' riot in France lately? What about children lacking how to be respectful in societies? Do you think all these were without a cause? In as much people rebel against Yahweh's fiat, they suffer the consequence. Most children's lives have been cut short due to their incessant disobedience to Yahweh's fiat and failing to respect their parents. The question is, where were their parents when all these mishaps occurred?

                                                                             Teenagers in France

                                                                  Teenagers in Aldi Store (U.S)       

                                                       Teenager shooting: Tears in Uvalde, TX

If you want your children to perform their role, train up your youth (child) in accordance with his proper way; even when he is old, he shall not withdraw from it (Proverbs 22:6). Never withdraw discipline from your children. Folly is tied to the heart of a youth (child); the club (whip/any form of corrections) of discipline shall put it (folly/bad behavior/internet brainwash) far from him/her. Unfortunately, some parents cannot give what they do not have. If the parents lack good home training; it may be difficult for them to train their own children too. Governments and society may not be the good fit to train your children. It is your responsibility as a parent. When Yahweh was about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:19), he pointed out that he was sure Abraham would train his children in Godly way to avoid the kind of destructions that was meant for these rebellious cities. Yahweh does not joke with his words, especially his fiat.

So, you see that if you want to reap good and responsible children, you have got a lot of work to do as a parent. This is not just about the money you make; the costly wears you buy for them or the best education you give to them. It requires your physical involvements in training your children concerning pragmatic approach to issues of live. You are expected to be the best teacher and friend to your children. That is what makes you a good parent. These children watch you on how you approach them. Eventually, they will be your closest friends too. They will learn from you and will give you the respect you deserve. They will glorify you and be there whenever you need them.

I am afraid; this fiat cannot be concluded this week.  I have to continue from the rest verse next week.

I hope you have learnt one or two things from this week's blog.


In conclusion, please ponder on this week's blog and my prayer is that you act accordingly without further delay.












  1. From a reader(Nike):
    Hmmn God help all parents to fulfil their responsibilities IJN. More grace 🙏🏻

  2. From (Lara):
    May the almighty God grant us, the parents strength to stand firm in order to raise Godly children loruko Jesu.


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