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How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 73)

Exodus: Yahweh's Fiat-part 4

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 20)

Exodus 20:8-11:

"You are to remember the Sabbath day to hallow it. Six days shall you serve and do all your work, yet the seventh day is a Sabbath to Yahweh your Elohim. You shall not do any work, you your son or your daughter, your menservants or your maidservant, your bull, your donkey or your beast, or your sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days Yahweh dealt with the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and He "stopped" on the seventh day. Therefore, Yahweh blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it".

This week blog reviews the above commandment Yahweh gave to the children of Israel through Moses. This commandment is not negotiable because it is a fiat from the maker of Heavens and Earth. However, it has been found that Satan has somehow been eclipsing this commandment from the time of Adam and Eve. To fast forward, Daniel 7:23-25 recorded that a beast would rise from ten horns. This same beast would be very strong and controlling. He would intend to alter (the) stated times and edict. Fortunately for this beast, his intention shall be granted to him.  Daniel chapter 8:13-14 talked about how long this rebellion would last. In the long run, he would be defeated and thrown in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 19:20).

Talking about rebellion against the fiat of Yahweh, the current eon is being governed by the fourth beast. It is diverse from all other beasts (Daniel 7 and 8). The beast is not literally physical animal but a system.  The pronoun "He" is being used according the scriptures mentioned because at each period, one man is being empowered by Satan to be spear-heading his agenda on this world. The beast can be addressed as "it" because it is not just animal thing but it is an idea to rule the world in a certain fashion. This is also known as system. You can also call it a Matrix. This system behaves like a beast. It commands the respect of all part of the world as the beast controls it with its ideas.

Talking of the ideas:

These ideas include but not limited to what to worship, how to worship, who to worship, when to worship and modern ways to worship. All these point to rebellion against Yahweh's commandments. Once it is an idea, the thoughts and suggestions brought to the society would always appear to be nice and ideally. These ideas would sound great and would be acceptable by majority of people. This includes the day to serve Yahweh.


Why are most people serving/worshipping Yahweh on Sunday?

This has been a controversy among many Christians as they come up with many bible verses to defend their decisions.  During the time of Yeshua, people still serve Yahweh on Sabbath day. During the time of 12 disciples, followers of Yeshua (Jesus) and Paul the apostle, people still served Yahweh on Sabbath day.

The controversy about Paul's admonition according to Colossians 2:16-17:  

Paul should not be mis-interpreted.  He stated that people should not be judged concerning the kind of food, drink, festival or Sabbath because they are the fore-shadows what to come but to be concerned about the real and the most important thing which is to believe in Christ Yeshua. Paul does not want people to get stereotyped on the laws (judging from the fact that he wrote this in the dispensation of grace). Paul appeared to be modest on this issue. However, this commandment still stands but keeping it is not as important as believing in Christ Yeshua. Some people have argued that Yeshua resurrected on Sunday and that is their foundation of their chosen day of worship. That is an idea but not Yahweh's commandment. Once again, believing in Yeshua is the most important thing according to Paul's admonition.

Eclipsing traditions and ideas with Yahweh's commandments:

Satan in his tricky ideas has eclipsed Yahweh's commandments with its own ideas and agenda to rule this world. Denotatively, Yeshua resurrected on Sunday but the beast system has eclipsed this day to worship the god of Sun. Thus it is called Sun's day or better calls it Sunday. You should have seen the symbols of sun in some religion places if you have been there. These symbols go way back to the ancient time during Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz. I advise you to find more information on these three names, their rebellions against Yahweh and their ways of worship in those days. There are many secrets (festivals; 40 days of fast e.t.c) on these ideas but they cannot be discussed in this platform this week.


                                      Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod and mother of Tammuz

On common sense perspective:

There is no day you may not serve and worship Elohim Yahweh but according to Yahweh's fiat, the Sabbath day is the seventh day. On this day, you should stop whatever you may have been doing for the past six days and serve him. The seventh day may be called Sunday by some people whereas; it is the first day (as found on the calendar). Yahweh did not ask you to serve him on the first day but on the seventh day. I am not a Seventh day Adventist and I am not canvassing for them.  If this scripture is to be followed, then the Sabbath day (Saturday) is the correct day to serve Yahweh. If your work schedule is on weekdays, have you not ever felt happy when it is Friday? Naturally, you would feel happy because you like to stop from your weekday job(s) and be ready to do something else in the weekend.  Saturday is the day most people are looking forward to see (even) from Monday. Most people love Saturdays because it is day to enjoy themselves with their loved ones.

Scriptures cannot be annulled (John 10:35):

I believe Yahweh's commandments should be obeyed irrespective of whatever alternatives people may come up with. Remember, rebellion always comes with somehow great and convincing ideas but they may be leading to destruction. Many people have been misled as of today.

In conclusion, please ponder on this week's blog and my prayer is that you understand it as well.



I hope to round up with this fiat episodes on next week blog Elohim Yahweh willing as the rest commandments are discussed .

Please, leave your comments and questions. Be nice with them.



 For your extra view pleasure. Hope these images are familiar to you.

                                                 Nimrod, god of Sun/goddess of fertility



  1. Anonymous question:
    So, my concern is that, is God bothered about what day we decide to set aside as a sabbath day to serve Him?

    1. He is never bothered. He works things according to the counsel if his will (Ephesians 1:11). He made laws and knew that these laws would be rebelled to prove to everyone that there's no perfection in human.


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