How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 71)

Exodus: Yahweh's Fiat-part 2

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 20)

In the last week blog, you were informed of the importance of Fiat. It may be described as an arbitral order which should not be discounted or negotiated. A lot was discussed in last week blog and it is good for you to go and read it if you have not.

Yahweh continued his conversation with Moses in this week chapter. It was observed that his first commandment relates with the second commandments.

Let us dig deep into this second commandment as explained in Exodus 20:4-6:

"You shall not make for yourself a carving nor any physical representation of that in the heavens above or that on the earth beneath, or that in the waters beneath the earth (verse 4).

You shall not bow down to them, not be made to serve them, for I Yahweh your Elohim, am a jealous El, visiting the depravity of fathers on the sons, on the third and on the fourth generation, to those hating Me (verse 5).

Yet showing benignity to thousands, to those loving Me and observing My instructions (verse 6)"

The second commandment has three significant points to take note of. This is why they are separated for better understanding:

Verse 4: Yahweh expressly forbids people from forming image(s) that represent things in the celestials. These images include but not limited to the image of himself, of his son (Yeshua), of Angels, Cherubim, Seraphim, Hesperus (Greek's deity of sky), Sun, Moon, Stars, rainbow or any other things people may think of. Yahweh also forbids any image representing things on the earth. These include but not limited to the image of Egyptian deities which includes Anubis, Ptah, Horus, Ra, Osiris, Isis, Bastet, Hathor e.t.c. Greeks do have a many but just to mention a few like Zeus, Aprhodite, Boreas, Hera, Apollo, Thetis, Athena e.t.c. In Africa, Yoruba people do have Ogun (Yoruba (deity of Iron), Sango (deity of Fire & Thunder) among others. Bixia-known as the Chinese goddess of fertility and guardian of children and mothers. Caishen is also the deity of wealth according to Chinese archives are other examples of Chinese deities. Yahweh forbids carving and serving these images. Yahweh did mention that images representing things in the water should not be served. This include but not limited to Mermaid, Tupi-Guarani (Brazilian Myth), Achelous (Greek), Osun (Yoruba), Oluweri (Yoruba) among others. Some people even worship the image of their Pastors. This is ridiculous!

All deities mentioned above among others all over the world are included in this bible verse. Elohim Yahweh forbids his people to make representation of them in terms of image or any carved object. It also includes images people covet in places of worship in any denomination. So, if you have any image of sort, Yahweh forbids it. In other words, those images you find in the places of worship are no-no according to Yahweh's commandments. It does not matter what you think. If Yahweh does not want any image, why making it for him? Does anyone know better than him? Why should people think they do? So, that image of "Jesus Christ", Mary and Joseph, St. Peter and St Paul e.t.c in the places of worship, in your house and of course in your car are forbidden by Yahweh.

Verse 5: Yahweh forbids people from serving these deities. This is where it gets a little intense. You see, Yahweh means what he says and he says what he means. He commanded the Israelites to forbid worshiping these deities because he is a jealous El. When you serve a deity, it means that you subject yourself to the control of that deity. Yahweh detest this attitude because he is jealous.

Why is he jealous?

He is jealous because he had already mentioned it in verse 3 that there shall not come to be other elohim for you in preference to him. In other words, he comes first and it has to be him alone. Yahweh created heavens and earth. He owns everything that breathes and those that do not breathe. Psalm 24:1 pointed that the earth and everything in it belongs to Yahweh. Would it not look absurd to disdain him by creating and serving other elohim? This is where many people miss the mark. They prefer to include other deities with Elohim Yahweh. Some assume that there is nothing wrong in trying other elohim. Yahweh pointed out that those who do this hate him. Therefore, he would visit the depravity of fathers on the sons, on the third and on the fourth generation. To Yahweh, those who worship other gods (elohim) hate him. Father being mentioned in this verse depicts a leader and head of a household. Yahweh knows the importance of leadership of each family in regard to whom they worship.

Act of disobedience to this result to Yahweh's hatred of a generation from the first to the fourth.

Verse 6: Yahweh shows benignity to the generations that love and observe his instructions from the first up to a thousand! Yahweh's hatred on those who hate him is for a short time (as it appears) but his love to those who love and observe his instructions is for a long time. Did you see the different between his jealousy towards those who hate him and those who love him?  Please, understand that Yahweh's short time punishment(s) may leave an indelible mark on any generation that hates him for a very long time.

What is in it for you?

You may be thinking that well, these commandments are for the Israelites. You are correct. However, this is also applicable to our daily living. One thing you should understand is that Yahweh is still a jealous El on this issue with anyone, any religion, any family and any nation. No wonder, more calamities keep happening on earth but people continue to blame it on weather. They love to say, there is "climate change". This is notion is a complete hoax! Yahweh is a jealous El. If he says he is jealous, it means he is.

Yahweh is an invisible Elohim. It does not mean that he should be replaced by any carved image. He exists (Hebrew 11:6). He is a Spirit (John 4:24). It takes faith of Yahweh to serve him. No wonder, most people do not have this faith but they attach it to any carved image they worship and serve. The only image given to us by Yahweh is his Son, Yeshua. He is the only expressed image of his father, Yahweh (Colossians 1:15). His image is the one appearing in multiple times in the bible. It is his son that most bible refer to as the Lord, Angel, God/Elohim. Yahweh cannot be seen. People love to attach their faith to an image but this is not the way of Yahweh. He wants people to have faith in him. Meanwhile, he is the one that gives us his faith as one of the fruits of Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). He should be worshipped in spirit and in truth because he exists and he lives from Eons to Eons. Amen.

John 1:18 points out that no one has ever seen Elohim Yahweh but some religionists love to create an image for him. They even come up with white Jesus dressing in nice apparel with blue eyes and blond hair. All these are wrong, scam, brainwashing and lie. Do not be fooled by those who told you that they saw him.  Let us come off wrong route and re-examine our lives as we ponder on this week blog.


This blog will continue next week.


Thanks for reading it and please, leave your comments and/or questions below and be nice with them.





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