How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 70)

Exodus: Yahweh's Fiat-part 1

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 20)

                       Fiat may be described as an authoritative or arbitrary order per Meridian Webster Dictionary.  Fiat may also be deemed to be the royal edicts which should not be objected but must be followed no matter what. It is just like paying taxes to the government. These instructions came with order. That is why they are called commandments. This week blog discusses a lot on the authoritative instructions given to the people of Israel through Moses.

                       Why did Yahweh give these commandments? Like it was mentioned in the last week blog, the honeymoon was over and it was time for the people of Israel to know the Elohim that saved them from the land of Egypt. These people needed to be governed under the rules and regulations according to the will and plan of Yahweh. Once again, these commandments were sequel Israelites' agreements to do whatever Yahweh asks them to do. In relative sense, these commandments were meant not to only govern these people but to test their loyalties. However, in absolute sense, these commandments are meant to expose the Israelites to the rest of the world that no one is perfect. Otherwise, Jeremiah 31:33 would not have stated that Yahweh would put his law within the people of Israel; write these laws on their hearts so that he would become their Elohim and they would be his people. What makes people become yours is when you are in one accord and have the same identity. Yahweh knew that when the Israelites stated in Exodus 19:8 that whatever he says they would do means blatant lie and would be a huge struggle for them to keep. However, he decided to play along with them because he knew that "for not by vigor has man mastery. It is not by might or by power but by the Spirit of Elohim (Zechariah 4:6).     

These commandments are 10 in numbers. This week blog may not be able to cover all of them because they are very deep and very insightful. A couple of them will be discussed this week and the rest may follow between 3 to 4 weeks. However, it should be known to all that these 10 commandments were meant for the children of Israel to obey and practice. There are other sub-instructions that may be referred to as by-laws in the ordinances of Israelites daily lives. If you are not born Israelites, these commandments are not for you. However, these laws are of good conscience, fair justice and equity. Therefore, most other nations around the world do have elements of these laws in their constitutions. It is just that despite these laws, injustice, prejudice, nepotism and corruptions are having upper hands in our societies.

Dissecting the Fiat:

Exodus 20:3: There shall not come to be other elohim for you in preference to Me.

In this commandment, Elohim Yahweh expressly instructed the children of Israel not to set another god before him. Do you know what this means? Well, you can term it anything that may comes to your mind, but as far as this commandment is, Yahweh instructed people of Israel not to let anything take his position in their hearts. If people must fear, respect, honor and obey any deity both in Celestial and in Terrestrial, it must be him and him only first. Nothing should take the place of Elohim Yahweh in the heart of these people. This implies that people should respect Yeshua for work of salvation he has done on the crucifixion tree and stop making efforts to contribute to this finished work by stating they like to be saved when they have already been saved. People should stop singing that Yahweh had saved them because they keep celebrating the day the claimed they accepted that they were ready to be saved. These religious people are fond of worshipping the feelings they have about Yahweh but not about Yahweh at all. They celebrate and preach the faith they have for Yahweh but not understanding the faith of Yahweh. All these physical activities of religious people make them feel alright that they had to contribute to the work that had already been done for all humanity.  Thus, they pride themselves over those who have not done what they thought was necessary to do on salvation. They are hypocrite and are nothing short of nowadays Pharisees and Sadducees. They celebrate their feelings and pride when they thought they are praising Yahweh. People should study what Yeshua discussed in Luke 18:9-14 concerning those who pride themselves in their prayers while they think they are praying to Yahweh. People put their feelings ahead of Yeshua's work of salvation when they keep doing these things. They play down the work of salvation which requires no human effort. No one is righteous; no one is seeking Yahweh... (Romans 3:10-11). There are more to say on this but I will move to the next thing on this chapter next week Elohim willing. I hope you can mirror yourself through this week blog. Ponder on this and hope you would retrace yourself back to Yahweh and understand that by his Spirit you can do his biddings.


This blog will continue next week.


Thanks for reading it and please, leave your comments and/or questions below and be nice with them.












  1. Nothing preceed Yahweh. He comes first not only by confessing but in understanding and doing.


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