How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 66)

Exodus:  Freed, still Slaved (1)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 16)

I have heard of the tale of an Elephant tied to a pole for a long time but never left the spot it was tied when it was freed. Why was that? How long would it have taken for the Elephant to understand that it had been freed a long time ago? I believe such an Elephant might require a serious orientation. This is an analogy of what happened to the Israelites when they were freed from their Task Masters.

The Israelites were freed indeed but were still slaves in their minds. The Israelites demonstrated attitudes of ingratitude to the extent of comparing the flesh they used to eat from their pots in the land of Egypt to the fact that they were freed to hunt for any kind of  food they desired as freed people. I bet anyone who tried to remind them of this would be a lone ranger.

What does it means to be freed? In a simple way, it is when one is no longer under Task Masters.  Is freedom synonymous to being independent? No. Yahweh granted freedom to the Israelites but not independence. He had to walk them through wilderness to orientate them to depend on him while they enjoy freedom as the right any human would have loved to have. Yet, the Israelites murmured to Moses and Aaron of lack of flesh/meats while in the wilderness. Just like last week blog, these two brothers were quickly blamed by the children of Israel for their miserable lives. What would these two brothers have done to alleviate the ordeals of the Israelites other than asking Yahweh to provide for their needs? Why could not these ingrates learn to call on Yahweh for help? Why could these people not understand that they were in transition from the land of captivity to the Promised Land? Why could they not perceive that they had to improvise in the wilderness? Moses and Aaron made Israelites know that all their grumble and complaints were not towards them but towards Yahweh who had delivered them out of their task Masters.  What a shame. To rescue these two brothers from the cry of these ingrates, Yahweh provided quail for them to eat. These people ate meats to their fullness.     


A few days later, they cried to these two brothers again for lack of food. Yahweh rained down food from heaven. They were instructed by Moses and Aaron to only gather bread (frostlike-Manna) once in 5 days and twice on the 6th day so that they would not have to gather the food on the 7th day which is the Sabbath. This 7th day was meant for the Israelites to rest and hallowed it. Yet, some of the children of Israel went out on this day to gather some bread. However, they found none. What a generation of stubborn people. Yahweh was relatively angry and concerned about these people's rat-race attitudes. They appeared to be too smart on their daily bread. They turned their blind eyes and deaf ears to Moses Instructions on what not to do on Sabbath day. As a sign of remembrance of Yahweh's miraculous provision in the wilderness, Moses instructed Aaron to dispense a fullness of an Omer of Manna to be put into Yahweh's Ark of Covenant.

The children of Israel ate this Manna for the rest of their journey in the wilderness until they reached the land of Canaan, their Promised Land. In other words, they ate this same food for good 40 years!


In conclusion, Yahweh deals with everyone in this manner. The Israelites are just an example chosen by Yahweh to educate the rest of the world. When we are out of the webs of our hunters, we greatly rejoice on the freedom we procure. When issues of life come, we forget that the same Yahweh who delivered us has never left us. Instead of calling on him with all our hearts, we seek our fellow humans (Men of God; Prophets, Friends opinions e.t.c) instead of taking our issues straight to Yahweh first. When we understand that Elohim is our refuge and strength, a very providing help in distress, we will not fear when the earth is made to change or when the mountains slide into the heart of the seas (Psalm 46:1-2).

The Israelites appeared to have been freed according to this week scripture but they were still enslaved in their minds as they preferred to die in the land of Egypt where they were being maledicted and hissed at while they enjoy the dainty food in the land of their enemies. They complained that they were missing the glorified slave food and seedless lives while they journeyed in the wilderness to the land promised to them by Yahweh. The land gushing out with milk and honey! This is one of many stories in the diary of the ingrates you are reading now. Hope you have learnt one or two things this week. Hope you will always remember that you were not delivered to suffer but to make you stronger to be able to properly handle and manage the blessings he is preparing you for in the nearest future. As you can see, the Israelites behavior was never different from that freed Elephant that still thought it was still tied to a pole.

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  1. It's somehow puzzling to live in the shadow of the past ordeals when one is in a better situation.


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