How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 64)

Exodus:  Hunters got Hunted

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 14)

               Have you ever watched a Predator animal making an attempt to hunt its prey but got shot by an unnoticed Apex Predator before? Hunter truly got hunted. This is the situation Genesis chapter 14 depicts. Of course, there are other issues I like to discuss too but they all hang on this week topic. The Israelites' excitements on leaving Egypt were brought to a temporary halt when they found that their Slave Masters were still after them. One may have thought that Pharaoh should have never made any attempt to pursue the Israelites anymore after all plagues he and his people had suffered. Was there no reason for this? What could be possibly going on in Pharaoh's mind? What words of encouragement did his Courtiers might have told him? Was it his wife that pushed him to go after the Israelites? May be Yahweh had something in his mind again....Hmn.

First of all, Proverbs 15:2 states that the eyes of Yahweh are in every place; keeping watch on the evil and the good ones. In other words, Yahweh has eyes to see. His eyes see both good and bad people. However, in this week bible chapter, the evil ones are the Hunters. That is Pharaoh and his Army. The good ones are the Israelites including Moses. Then, the Hunters got hunted because eyes of Yahweh see our movements both evil ones and good ones.

Things for us to take cognizance of in this bible chapter among others include the followings:

Ø  The plot against Hunter:

               Yahweh surely plotted against Pharaoh and his Army. He intended to finish the business with them. So, he let the Israelites camped before Pi-hahirot which is between Migdol and the sea before Baal-zephon. This place was over and against sea (red sea). I believe Yahweh should have caused the red sea to part way for the Israelites to go to the other side towards the Promised Land without further delay. However, he instructed them to camp by the sea (1-2). Was there not a reason? Of course, Yahweh saw what was coming next.

Ø  Yahweh with his secrets:

               Surely one thing many people do not understand is that Yahweh does have secrets. He has plenty of them. He chooses to tell whoever he likes anytime he wants. The secret of his hunting plot was not revealed to Moses and Aaron until this chapter. This time, he informed Moses that he would stair Pharaoh's mind to make him think that the Israelites were perplexed in the land they camped. He made him think that the wilderness had closed them them-in. Yahweh put this thought in the mind of Pharaoh. So, Pharaoh, his 600 chosen chariots and all the riders of Egypt with high officers went out of Egypt to hunt the Israelites. However, Yahweh planned this to get glory over Pharaoh and all his Army. He wanted the Egyptians to know further that he is Yahweh (verse 3-9).


Ø  The first degree complainants:

               One of the things I have observed Yahweh dislike in relative sense is complaining and whining. However, he knew this situation would occur. Do you remember that in chapter 13, he did not let them go through the land of Philistines to avoid them from getting scared of being destroyed? This time, he had to let them see how their hunters get hunted. The Israelites came up with serious nagging and complaints against Moses as they saw their hunters drew near them. It is obvious for anyone to get scared if they see their hunters but it is another thing to be aware of the fact that they got out of Egypt not by their own abilities. It was the steadfast strong hand of Yahweh that took them out of their slave Masters and it would be by his hand that their enemies would be utterly destroyed. These thoughts never came into their minds.


So, who should they have turned to for help? Moses or Yahweh? It was obvious that the Israelites did not recognize that it was Yahweh who broke the chains of slavery from their necks and hands. Yahweh is our refuge and strength. A very providing help in the time of distress (Psalm 46:1). Yahweh is always present in the midst of distress. It is just that we do not see him because we are sometimes clouded with fear and complaints. He stated that he would never leave us nor forsakes us (Deuteronomy 31:6-8). It was Yahweh who sent Moses and Aaron to them. It was the same Yahweh who was taking them to the Promised Land. It was this same Yahweh they complained against while thinking they were complaining against Moses. They actually blamed Moses for not leaving them in the land of Egypt. Wow. What an ingrate set of people! Where was their memory? Why were they too soon forgetful? Was it a crime to take them out their Slave Masters? Why could they not exercise a little faith at least? Could they not be patient? By the way, were they meant to keep staying in the land of Egypt forever? What was going on in the minds of these people? Sometimes, we find ourselves in the same situation as we forget it was Yahweh who has brought us so far when we keep blaming ourselves or other people around us for our unpleasant situations we later face. Yahweh does not like complaining; nagging; murmuring: whining and agitations.


It was obvious that the Israelites did not know Yahweh. They only knew Moses and his siblings (Aaron and Miriam). In the rest chapters of the book of Exodus, there are few more situations whereby you would agree with me that indeed, the Israelites are truly first grade complainants.

Ø  Words of encouragement were needed:

               In verse 13, Moses had to tell the Israelites not to be afraid of what they saw. He further told them to station themselves and see the salvation of Yahweh which he would do for them that day. He added that they would not see the Egyptians that were approaching to hunt them again unto eon because Yahweh would fight for them and they shall be silent. What a great words of encouragement. It could not get any better than that.

Ø  Yahweh's instructions in the midst of chaos:

 Yahweh informed Moses not to cry to him but to tell the Israelites to keep journeying (moving forward). To keep going on their journey to the Promised Land, Yahweh had to interfere on this ugly situation. Indeed, he did so. He instructed Moses to raise the rod in his hand and stretch it over the sea and split it for the Israelites to enter into the midst of it and journey to the other side towards the Promised Land. He did so and the Israelites walked in the midst of the sea which was held high up on both sides but the depth was dried enough for the smooth journey of the Israelites towards the Promised Land.

Ø  Column of Cloud:

               The column of cloud that Moses used as his navigator stood behind the Israelites to give them light while the backside of the column of cloud became darkness to their Israelites' Hunters. Thus, it stood between the Israelites and the Egyptians. It is apparent that the Israelites went through the divided red sea during night time. The Israelites were crossing the red sea but the Egyptians were held up in stand still. Thus, this situation was held for a while until the dawn when the Egyptians with malignant grin on their faces began to purse the Israelites as they also rode into the red sea with vehement intention to hunt; murder and destroy with their deadly weapons including swords salivating for blood; spears keen to pierce and arrows waiting to end innocent souls.


Ø  Time to Hunt the Hunters:

               Yahweh looked through the column of cloud and discomforted the Egyptians. He slowed them down until the Israelites crossed the red sea completely in the morning. Yahweh chose not to hunt the Egyptians in the darkness night. He wanted all Israelites to see the demise of their hunters in the broad day light.  The Egyptians found out in the morning that their discomfort came from Yahweh who had been fighting for the Israelites. However, it was rather too late for them to retreat. Yahweh instructed Moses to stretch the rod in his hand back on the sea. He did so and the waters returned on the Egyptians, on their chariots and their horsemen. The waters returned to their perennial flow while the Egyptians were fleeing to meet it. Thus, the Hunters were hunted by Yahweh in the midst of the sea. None of them survived it. This is how Yahweh saved the Israelites from the webs of their Hunters and Slave Masters who trusted too much on their gods and their abilities. With this great and mighty wonders, the Israelites feared Yahweh and believed in Yahweh as well in servant, Moses.



               In conclusion, that was a wonderful story almost everyone must have heard of. Sometimes, we easily forget what Elohim Yahweh had done for us in the past ordeals. How he had delivered us from serious problems but we easily forget his power when we run into another issue. However, do you think the Israelites should have learnt their lessons on who to call for whenever they have problem? You might be disappointed if you knew that these people never learnt their lessons. Sometimes, it keeps me wonder whether it was a crime to free the Israelites from Egypt. Does it mean that all miracles Yahweh wrought in Egypt amounted to nothing to the Israelites? Please, tell me because it calls for a serious thought in relative sense.

Until then, please read my next blog coming up next week.

I hope you have been blessed with this week blog.

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