How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 62)

Exodus: Finally, it's time to go! 

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 12)

Have you ever been held for a while in a heavy traffic? If you have driven a vehicle in busy places like Downtowns, especially in Manhattan; Houston; Los-Angeles; London; Paris; Buenos-Aires; Johannesburg; Kinshasa; Tokyo; Mumbai; Munich; Shanghai or even at Ebute-Meta (Lagos-Nigeria), you would probably understand what to be in such a situation. Sometimes, waiting in front of red traffic light while you are in a hurry to avoid getting late to work might be a great pressure on you. Once the light turns green, it is always a great relief to zoom your vehicle off.

Ecclesiastes 3:4 states that there is a season to weep and a season to make merry; a season of wailing and a season of dancing. It had been a season of weep and waling for the Israelites for a couple of hundred years but it was time for them to make merry and dance.

In the previous chapter, Yahweh would not want to make it easy for Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave because he knew that Pharaoh had faith in his numerous gods (as mentioned in series 61). Pharaoh tried all options but to no avail. Yahweh ensured Pharaoh was physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally exhausted on this issue. Then, he stroke Pharaoh and his people with the last straw that would break their backs. He ensured each first male child from Pharaoh to the first male beast in the land of Egypt taste death just as Moses and Aaron had informed Pharaoh in chapter 11.

Prior this contagion, Yahweh informed the Israelites through Moses and Aaron that the fourth month of the year would be the first month for them. Thus, Elohim Yahweh made it known to the Israelites that the month called Nissan in Hebrew language is a very significant month for them. He informed them to take a year he-lamb or he-goat on the tenth day of the month. Then, on the fourteenth day of the same month, they should slay the animal and put some of the animal blood on the two jambs and on the lintel of their houses. They should not eat the flesh of these animals as raw but as roasted (with fire). They should share the roasted animals with their neighbors if it would too much for a family to eat. They should eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. They had to eat all these food in haste and with their sandals on their feet and walking staffs in their hands. In order words, Yahweh had prepared their minds to be ready for a long journey out of Egypt. This event should be remembered among the Israelites and should be celebrated every year as Yahweh had instructed them.

Another thing that caught my eyes was that Yahweh stated that when the Israelites put the blood on the two jambs and lintel of their houses, he would pass over them (verse 13). What does this implies? Was there not an Angel of death killing those who did not have blood on their lintel? Was it actually Elohim Yahweh or an Angel of death taking people's life in this bible chapter? According to this bible chapter, it was Yahweh. Therefore, this Passover is called the Passover of Yahweh (verse 11). This is why Yeshua also celebrated it with his disciples during his time. It is between late March and early April (according to regular calendar). This was the time he partook in the last supper with his disciples. He informed his disciples to also remember the last supper he ate with them in his remembrance (Luke 22:19). Do you see why both occasions fall into the same season? If it is well recalled, this is the only thing Yeshua instructed his followers to remember him of. Not the eggs and rabbits; palm tree fonts or cross (instead of tree/pole) that most people cherish nowadays. However, his death and resurrections should be acknowledged everyday but the last supper has its time of remembrance just like the day of Passover in my opinion. But I get it. People love traditions and celebrations without conducting proper findings to ask and know why.  This is also my observation.



In short, it was time for the Egyptians to weep and wail as their first male child from Pharaoh to the last first male beast of the land died. None of them could console one another because the contagion hit them very bad. Then, Pharaoh probably consulted Sokar (god of the dead) to resurrect his dear son. Of course, Sokar was incapacitated when Yehova Elgibbor was fighting for the Israelites. 


It was this time that Pharaoh finally acknowledge this Elohim and accepted defeat. He quickly summoned on Moses and Aaron to take all Israelites out of Egypt without further delay. Indeed, he let them go according to the mandate of Elohim Yahweh!. He even asked Moses to bless him before he left (verse 31-32). Hmn...I wonder what kind of blessing he deserved from Moses.


One more thing for you to know in this week blog is that the Israelites sojourned in the land of Canaan and Egypt for 430 years. They were not only in the land of Egypt for 430 years. When they were in the land of Egypt, they were not treated as slaves throughout their stay in this land. So, do not mix this vital information up. There was a couple of Ramses that also ruled the land of Egypt, but it was Ramses the second who ruled between 1303 BCE through 1213 BCD according to that enslaved the Israelites.

Like it was mentioned earlier, Nissan is a very important month of each year (verse 14) to the Israelites. This month signifies the time the yoke of slavery was broken off the neck of the Israelites. The shackles of slavery were removed and it was time for them to go finally. It was time for the Israelites to rejoice for their set time had come Psalm 102:13-14. One could imagine the Israelites matching out of the land with tears of joy. Indeed, those who sow in tears with jubilant song shall they reap (Psalm 126:5). Does it means Yahweh would have killed any Israelite who refused to follow this instruction? May be. I believe no Israelite would dare to disobey Yahweh with all things they had witnessed through Moses and Aaron. 


In conclusion, all that happened from Genesis chapter 37 through Exodus chapter 12 are the fulfillments of what Yahweh had informed Abraham in Genesis chapter 13:15-17 and Genesis 15:13-15. What a mighty Elohim is the one who truly relates with his creations in both relative sense and in absolute sense? Will this be the end of this story? Definitely not. There are always more.

So, wait for more comments on the next chapter next week, God willing.

Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.






Which Ramses enslaved the Israelites?: from https://www.


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