How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 60)

Exodus: When Yahweh hides  

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 10)

I believe one of our supplications to Yahweh is never to hide his face from us. His face is the light that enables us to see in this dark world. Otherwise, in the midst of knowledge, one may become blind if there is no understanding. This is the revelation I found in this week chapter. In Psalm 27:9, the writer pleaded Yahweh not to hide his face away from him. This week blog focuses on how Yahweh hides himself from people to read between the lines that he was the one making a fool out of Pharaoh to show how mighty he is.

I hope you are ready to get blessed.

The question here is: Can Elohim Yahweh, the almighty God hides himself from people? Did 1 Kings 8:27 not revealed that Heavens and Earth cannot contain Yahweh? Did Proverbs 15:3 not point out that the eyes of Elohim Yahweh are in every place? Why is it that he speaks to Moses and Aaron that he had hardened Pharaoh's heart against whatever he sends them to tell Pharaoh? Why could he not reveal himself to Pharaoh to know the truth instead of hiding it from him? You see, Elohim Yahweh is not lost to be found (this may be a separate blog in the future). However, he can hid himself from people not just because of their sins but because he does not want them to see the truth. Whenever he does that, people may think they know the truth but they do not. When Yahweh hides himself from people; people go into spiritual darkness and lack of understanding irrespective of their wealth of knowledge. Knowing the scripture does not mean understanding scripture. Understanding the scripture does not guarantee how to apply the scripture. All these require Yahweh's revelation(s) not by human's qualification(s).

I have another secret to tell you this week. Are you ready for it? In the book of Exodus, it was Yahweh's will (absolute sense) to let the people of Israel leave Egypt. It was also his intention to let Pharaoh hardened his heart in absolute sense. However, most Bible Scholars conclude that Pharaoh was a cruel man and that is why he was being punished by Yahweh. It appears so. This is in relative sense. This is on the surface. These Bible Scholars do not understand why. What!? It is true. Believe it. Can you handle this truth? Let me break it down a little bit for you to understand. It was Yahweh's will according to his plan to let the Israel go to the land of Canaan as he had promised Abraham. However, it was his intention to make Pharaoh rebel against his will. The reason is obvious.  To show more signs in the land of Egypt so that the children of Jacob might relate it in the ears of their children all the acts he had performed in Egypt before he let them go. In other words, Yahweh intended to leave scars and indelible marks of plagues in the land of Egypt before they were released.

How Yahweh did carry this out?


He blew east wind to bring down Locusts on the land of Egypt. These Locusts fed on all crops and plants. In other words, all vegetations in the land of Egypt were destroyed by these Locusts. It signaled hunger in the land of Egypt. However, the land of Goshen was not reached by this army of Insects.

Pharaoh asked Moses and Aaron to plead to Yahweh to remove this plague and it was so. The west wind carted these Locusts away. What a mighty Elohim.

In verse 10 onward in this chapter, Pharaoh continued to bargain with these two brothers. He agreed to let only the Men of Mastery leave while the rest people of Israel stayed behind. What a nonsensical kind of bargain? Yahweh puts this in Pharaoh's mind to say to make a wiggle room for him to seek bargain. He found that Moses and Aaron were not ready to bargain with him. So, he grew angry and chased these two brothers away. Then, Yahweh brought thick darkness to the land of Egypt for 3 days.


The land of Egypt was full of darkness to the extent at which none of them could move from where they were for 3 days. Can you stay in the dark for a day? I mean when there will be no electricity or solar or anything that may generate light? It was time of groping (searching things blindly due to darkness) for the Egyptians. However, the land of Goshen where the Israelites resided was not affected. Yahweh sent these two brothers again to repeat the same mandate in the ears of Pharaoh and his Courtiers. He stated that he would let them leave but this time, they had to leave their flocks. Moses and Aaron objected to this bargain. Pharaoh got upset again and swore not to see the face of Moses anymore unless Moses would die. Moses consented to Pharaoh's words.

Who do you think supposed to have sworn not to see each other again? Was it not Moses? Should he not be tired of Pharaoh's lies? However, Yahweh put these words in the mouth of Pharaoh to say because there would be one more plague to come to the land of Egypt. This will be discussed next week by the grace of Elohim Yahweh.

Wow. What an incredible God is this? He was playing back and forth between Moses and Pharaoh for his own pleasure (Revelation 4:11). It is true. All these back and forth were to please his pleasure. I can imagine him playing these events like a chess game. He was calm, cool and collected on these events. He had nothing to lose or fear on this issue. Do you think he was angry at Pharaoh? No. Not at after red blood, frogs, lice, flies, boil, hail, fire, locusts and darkness that have terrorized the terrorists. Pharaoh would have let the Israelites leave a long time ago. Yet Yahweh kept Pharaoh's heart hardened. He was just fulfilling his pleasure through him. Could Pharaoh ordinarily be that wicked? No. Once again, Yahweh was having fun and was fulfilling his pleasure through him. This is another secret in a plain sight. Only a few sees it.

Once again, remember that Yahweh only chooses to reveal himself to whoever he desires. People cannot see him if he does not want them to see him. The same thing applies to how he chooses to reveal the truth to people about his secrets. Oh yeah, Yahweh got many secrets. Shh... However, is not lost to be found. He is everywhere but cannot be seen by everyone.

I hope this chapter has blessed you too.

More comments will be discussed next week, God willing.

Please, your comments and be nice with them.


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  1. I bless Yahweh who reveals secrets to whoever he wants. Amen


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