Moses speak with Israelite Elders

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 56)

Exodus: The War Begins.

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 6)

Last week blog discussed how Moses and Aaron met with Pharaoh to deliver Yahweh's mandate. Pharaoh found it amusing and of course very insulting to let the Israelites go.

One may think that Moses and Aaron should ask Yahweh to go and deliver this message by himself because Pharaoh was posing himself as an untouchable deity.  Pharaoh was a revered figure in those days. However, Exodus chapter 6 revealed that Yahweh was not bothered. He simply informed Moses that it was time for him to show what he would do to Pharaoh. He summarized it by telling Moses that under a steadfast hand; he would dismiss the Israelites and under a steadfast hand, he would drive them out of the land of Egypt (verse 1). In other words, it would not be an easy thing for Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. It also implicates that Pharaoh would object this mandate with every pint of his blood. Remember that Yahweh had informed Moses about this in Exodus chapter 3.

              So, what do you expect to happen next? Of course, Yahweh would not go and face Pharaoh personally to take the people of Israel out of Egypt. That would be also demeaning the magnitude of Yahweh. Therefore, this work was for Moses to carry out on behalf of Yahweh. That is why Moses was formed and was put in his mother's womb. Psalm 139:16 states that "Your eyes saw my embryo and in my days all of them were written upon your scroll; the days they were formed when there was not one of them". Elohim Yahweh does not repent of calling his servant (Romans 11:29). He never makes mistakes. He is always right. He is the Potter and we are the clay (Jeremiah 18:6). He told Moses that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob knew him as El who Suffices but they did not know him as Yahweh. In other words, Yahweh reveals to people according to the level he wants. In a nutshell, Yahweh simply means "The Subjector" (verse 2).  It means Yahweh makes things happen however, wherever , whenever and through whoever he wants. This is the truth Moses was about to find out.

Yahweh first of all reiterated his promise to Moses to bring the people of Israel out of Egypt to the land of Canaan which is gushing with milk and honey. Yahweh stated that he swore by raising his hand to give Abraham, Isaac and Jacob what he had promised them (verse 2-8).  This is deep. Yahweh magnified his words above his name (Psalm 138:2).  It implies that Yahweh does not play with his words. I believe Moses' mind would be at rest from this point onward.  I also believe that Moses would be asking Yahweh what the next line of action might be.

However, Moses faith was was impaired by the disdain and demonstrations of unbelief from his own people. They were engulfed in slavery activities. The words of Moses and Aaron fell off their ears. They were used to slavery life style. Freedom was not feasible for them to see. Pharaoh had successfully broken them to suit his interest. What a shame. What could Moses do?


                                      Israelites were engulfed in slavery activities and bricks making .

Moses went back to Yahweh that his people would not listen to him but Yahweh insisted that Moses should continue to speak with Pharaoh to let his people go. There is power in consistency. Yahweh continued to voice his will to Moses because he knew Moses' faith required hearing. Yahweh's will always win. In the face of Moses and his people's despondent, I could imagine Yahweh adjusting himself on his throne, getting ready for action as he cracked his fingers  with a great grin on his face.

From versed 10 through 30, the account of heads of 12 tribes of Israel were recorded.

In conclusion, Moses claimed to Yahweh that he was of uncircumcised of lips (being a stammerer) but I believe you may have already known what his response might be. "I-made- you- so". Something like that.  Therefore, Moses' complaints will not make Yahweh change his mind. Remember that he is the only Subjector who cannot be subjected.

Let us wait to see what next chapter will be. In short, the war just begins.


Hope you have learnt something from this week blog.

Please, leave your comments or questions and be nice with them.

Thank you.




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