Do you know what this hugging means?       

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 46)

Happy Family Reunion part 2

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Genesis chapter 46)

I agree that a picture speaks more than a thousand words. Did you see that kind of hug? Do you know what it means? That is an intimate hug between a caring father and his loved son. That kind of  hug  reminded Jacob of Rachel who was his power, his pleasure and pain. The hug that brought joyful tears to the two long separated family. I believe it is good to know more on this story.

At the joyful news delivered to Jacob, he was elated and was eager to see his dear son Joseph. He stopped at Beersheba to sacrifice to Yahweh. He slept there. Yahweh appeared to him. Yahweh informed him to go down to the land of Egypt. He also assured him that he would be brought back to the land of Canaan (in future after his demise) but Joseph would set his hand on his eyes. That is, Joseph will close the eyes of Jacob when Jacob dies.  Yahweh tells the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). This is what Jacob heard in his night dream. Is it not amazing to receive direct future information from Yahweh himself?

From verse 8 through 25, names of Jacob's children and grand children were mentioned. Verse 26 points that they were all 66 in numbers (including Joseph and his nucleus family). However, 9 other people went with Jacob to the land of Egypt. The total of them all was 75.  Jacob and his people were located at the land Goshen in Egypt.

From verse 29, the long time day dream came to pass when Joseph saw his dear old father. He ran to hug his father. They both wept on each other's shoulders. I could imagine this scenario. What a father-son great re-union. At last, Jacob was delivered from his sorrow. Joseph informed his father and brothers that Pharaoh had to be notified of their arrival.  He wasted no time to educate his brothers on the ethic of conversation with Royal subjects especially, Pharaoh. This is something his people were not used to. He simply informed then to tell Pharaoh that their occupation was Shepherding. The Egyptians do not dwell with Shepherds. So, this would enable Joseph's people to live in a separate place called Goshen in the land of Egypt.

All above comments appear to be children's bible story. However, what can you learn from this week's blog?

Ø  Yahweh appeared to Jacob in a night dream that Jacob had to go down to the land of Egypt. Why was that necessary? Why should Yahweh not let him just visit Joseph and come back right away to the land of Canaan? May be Yahweh should have informed Jacob to go and stay in the land of Egypt until the famine was over and later come back to live in the lad of Canaan. Is the land of Canaan not the place Yahweh had covenanted to Abraham? Why should Jacob and his people leave this land? The answer can be found in the information Yahweh gave Abraham in Genesis chapter 15:13-15. He informed Abraham in a vision that Abraham's seeds would sojourn in the land that does not belong to them. He added that that his seeds would be humiliated for 400 years. He also assured Abraham that he would surely adjudicate the nation which his descendants "shall serve" and afterwards, they shall come forth with a great many goods.  In other words, all events that will be discussed in the book of Exodus had been informed to Abraham. Thus, it is in Yahweh's plan for the descendants of Abraham to sojourn in the land of Egypt (which did not belong to them because it was not covenanted to them). Abraham's descendants shall serve their masters and would be humiliated. This is all that was written in the book of Exodus. Scripture cannot be set apart (John 10:35). Does it not look like a kind of punishment from Yahweh on the descendants of Abraham? However, this was Yahweh's plan for Abraham's descendants. Who could withstand the will of Yahweh? Isaiah 14:27.

Ø  Yahweh is always in control of every event of humanity. Jacob had to go to the land of Egypt with his people to fulfill Yahweh's next line of action. None of his people ever moved back to the land of Canaan after the 7 years famine was over. None left Egypt after the demise of Jacob.  Perhaps, they loved it there in relative sense. However in absolute sense, was there not a reason?

               Jacob had the rest of his days full of happy moments. Finally, he could laugh with joy by seeing his dear son, Joseph. Finally, the time to favor him had come (Psalm 102:13). He could see that Yahweh did not condemn him to suffer like it all appeared in his early years (previous bible chapters). Jacob was not punished for deceiving his brother Esau. He had to live according to the plan of Yahweh for him whether it was consciously known to Jacob or not. Jacob could see how joy can deplete sorrow in an instant. Indeed, there is joy in the morning after night tears. There is time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3). Let us keep trusting in the promises of Yahweh concerning our lives. Better days are coming for everyone too. I still believe his elder sons owed him the explanation of their hatred to sell Joseph to the land of Egypt. Or, do you think it was necessary anymore? Please, comment.

I hope you have gained something from this week blog.

Next chapter will be discussed. I hope you will also get blessed.



Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.


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  1. Praise be to Yahweh! The only one who knows the end from the beginning of our lives.


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