Governor General Joseph

Topic: How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 41)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Genesis chapter 41)

(The set time to favor Joseph comes Psalm 102:13)

Did you see the happy face of a man in the picture above? That was Joseph. Let me continue with my comments on his life in this week blog.

One thing Joseph did not realize is that Yahweh does not forget anyone even if human beings do. Yahweh has his ways of carrying out his plans. Joseph had probably given-in on his hope. However, when it was two full years later, Yahweh caused another trouble in Pharaoh's palace. He gave Pharaoh two set of dreams. These dreams were confusing to Pharaoh. He needed an answer to these puzzling dreams (verse 1-8). Permit me to chip-in that in those days kings were referred to as "god" and second next to spiritual powers. Sometimes, these kings were sent spiritual emails in form of dreams, visions and omens. Another example of this King Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel chapter 2. When Pharaoh was given two set of dreams on the same day, it means an important message has been passed to him and it requires urgent attention (verse 32).

Pharaoh was perturbed by these dreams. He summoned his wise men and counselors for solutions. He unfolded his dreams to his sorcerers, diviners, priests, wizards, knowledgeable and dignitaries. None of them was able to come up with the solution. Yahweh hid the solution from them to usher Joseph into limelight. When it appeared that Pharaoh could not get solution to his dreams, the chief cup bearer remembered Joseph. He stated that he was reminded of his fault on that day (verse 9). What made him forget in the first place? In relative sense, that is human for you. However, in absolute sense, Yahweh wanted to take all glory by not using this chief cup bearer as a conduit to Joseph's promotion.

Sometimes, we expect help from someone who had already promised to help us but if Yahweh does not want that person to help us, he would not. This may be difficult for us to accept because we tend to rely on the promise made to us by humans but when we are disappointed by their failure to fulfill their promise, we develop skeptic attitude towards them up to hatred and malice. However, Psalm 121:1 admonishes us that our help comes from Yahweh. This is what we know but we forget so quickly sometimes. Yahweh had plan for Joseph and when the set time comes, he caused Pharaoh to have two terrible dreams in the same day. He made sure no one was able to interpret the dreams until he puts it in mind of the chief cup bearer to remember Joseph. The chief cup bearer admitted that he was at fault because he did not fulfill his promise. He did not know that when the set time had not come, he would not have done anything about his promise. Understand that it is Yahweh who rules in the administrations of humans (Daniel 4:35).


                                                Pharaoh had two disturbing strange dreams

Joseph was brought into the palace. It was like a dream to him. He might first of all think that he was being freed from the prison but little did he know that he was brought into King's palace to interpret the king's dreams! So, Joseph had to render service to Pharaoh whose mind was unrest as a result of the dreams he dreamt. He knew that the interpretation of dreams does not belong to him but Elohim-Yahweh (verse 14-16). Please, let us learn from this. James 1:17 made us know that every good gift and every perfect gift come from Yahweh. The dreams were related to Joseph (verse 17-24). With the help of the Spirit of Yahweh, Joseph was able to unravel these two dreams as one! That statement simplified the commotions on the two dreams. Then, Joseph interpreted the dreams by telling Pharaoh and his attendants that the seven fat cows and seven good ears of grains depict seven good years of plenty but the seven ugly thin cows and seven puny thin grain ears depict seven years of famine. That solves the riddle. However, Yahweh gave solution to Joseph on what to do to avoid the seven years of famine that would come after the years of plenty. This suggested solution pleased Pharaoh and all his officials (verse 33-37).


                                                           Joseph interprets the dreams

Then, Pharaoh was able to see the light in the dark tunnel he found himself as a result of these strange dreams. He could have chosen someone else he could trust in his kingdom but it was time for Joseph to be favored. He chose Joseph to carry out all pieces of advice given to him. He put Joseph over his country. He stated that none of his subject would rise up his hand without Joseph's consent. With throne (and probably his kingship title), Pharaoh was only above Joseph. All things were put under Joseph. That same day, his name was changed to "Zaphenath-paneah". It is (زافيناث بانياه in Arabic (  The name may imply that God lives and He speaks. Pharaoh admitted that Yahweh spoke through Joseph because no mere mortal man could have interpreted the strange dreams. I believe he was right.  Pharaoh gave Asenath, the daughter of Poti-phera who was the priest of On to Joseph to marry as his wife.

On that day, Joseph would be short of words as he was showered with all these huge blessings. It would be a day he would never forget in his life. Indeed, his set time had come (Psalm 102:13) to favor him. I can imagine tears of joy rolling down his cheeks.... By the way, should Joseph think of Potiphar's wife wrongful accusation again? I think it is worthless. Yahua (Yahweh) had vindicated Joseph. Sometimes, we just have to let something like that fade away. It is of no use anymore! His wife bore him Manasseh and Ephraim. He could not have asked for more. He has finally come to limelight.


                                                       Joseph, his wife and the two sons

However, if you match Joseph's success story with the dreams he had when he was young, you would agree with me that they are not the same. It means there are more things to happen to fulfill these dreams.  Yahweh sets Joseph up to be in the capacity to carry out the next line of actions according to the plan Yahweh had for Jacob to fulfil the overall covenants he made with Abraham. Anyway, Joseph was quick to carry out his duties. He ensured there were enough grains and other foods stored from all corners of Egypt. When the seven years of famine began, Pharaoh was also quick to refer his subjects to Joseph for help. Well, not just only Egyptians required Joseph's help. All the earth came to Egypt, to Joseph to purchase food because the famine held fast in all the earth (verse 56-57).

I hope you have learnt a couple of things on this week blog.

Please, leave your comments and or questions in the chatting platform below.



  1. To Yahweh be the glory. He never forgets to fulfil his plans for his people.

  2. Greater days ahead... Not only was he remembered but was placed above! All things works out for good to those that fear the lord. More grace sir

    1. Amen. Thanks for your comment. May Yahweh helps us to wait for our time and enable us not to go through disgraceful short cuts.


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