Topic: How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 40)

(When it appears hope is dashed)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Genesis chapter 40)

In last week blog, I discussed on Genesis chapter 39. This chapter revealed a typical situation whereby innocent suffers while the guilty ones are exonerated. Please, take time to read last week blog, if you have not.

The issues in Genesis chapter 40 are things worthy of discussing. When life appears to be unfair to you; when it appears heavens have closed against you; when it looks like the future is no feasible, please remember that your maker does not think that way. He has plan for you. He will bring it to pass. The way he may take may not be the way you expect. The good news is that Yahweh has a set time to favor everyone. We are written the in palms of his hands. He will never forget you (Isaiah 49:16). This week, the future appeared to be dark for Joseph as he continued to manage prison while he was also a prisoner.

Yahweh continued to carry out his overall covenants he has with Abraham through Joseph as he caused two of Pharaoh's chiefs to upset Pharaoh. They were put in the same Prison Joseph was. In relative sense, these two sinned against their king but in absolute sense, Yahweh caused these two chiefs (cup bearer and baker) to sin against their king to the extent of jailing them. Yahweh connected these two chiefs with Joseph through their dreams. This is the only thing Yahweh used to plant Joseph in the lives of these chiefs. These two chiefs wore sad faces. Do you know why? These chiefs were not able to interpret their dreams. So, they were downcast. Joseph noticed this. He took time to speak with them kindly to know what had happened. Why should he be concerned? He had his own baggage of sadness. However, he offered to help despite his own predicament. Joseph interpreted their dreams and it came to pass on the third day just as he had said. The baker was hung but the cup bearer was pardoned to continue to give Pharaoh of wine (verse 1-22). When the cup bearer was about to leave the prison, Joseph implored him to remember him and tell Pharaoh of his innocence. The cup bearer was elated to be set free. He promised Joseph to do his bidding.

Joseph would be probably waiting on the cup bearer's promise from that day. He was waiting for the prison guards to come to free him through the help of the cup bearer. Each day of waiting would be like a year to Joseph. His hope was elevated and he was looking towards the prison gates to see King's messengers to come and deliver good news of freedom to him. Days turned into week; weeks turned into months and months turned into years. Joseph had no clue on what was going on. Alas, the cup bearer had forgotten about Joseph! (verse 23). Joseph had no cell phone to contact the cup bearer concerning his promise. There was no opportunity for Joseph to either write a letter; send telegram message or text message to the forgetful cup bearer. All hope seemed dashed again!

You see my dear blog readers, it is better to take refuge in Yahweh than to trust in a human (Psalm 118:8). In this week chapter, Joseph learnt this truth in a hard way. We are all humans. We tend to gravitate towards human connections when we are in unpleasant situation too but the best connection we can have is with Yahweh our maker. All that had happened to Joseph were through Yahweh and for Yahweh's pleasure.

Was Joseph's prayers not answered? Was he being forgotten indeed? No. Please, wait until next week to find out.

Until then, peace of Yahweh be with you.

Please, leave comments and be nice with them.



  1. God bless you sir... To everything I life, time and season... Patients too matters at the point of victory so many... Given up. May God strength us to wait for our time of greater manifestation

  2. Surely, there's an end. Our expectations shall not be cut off.


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