How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 36)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Genesis chapter 36)

Hello my beloved blog readers. You are welcome to the month of October 2022. It is my joy that my messages through this medium clocks a year in this month. I thank Yahweh for giving me the opportunity to do this. I do hope you have been blessed with these messages.

Last week blog ended in joy mood when Jacob met with his father, Isaac. It was also a happy end for Isaac because he died seeing his two sons united. Isaac dies at an old age of 180. 

In this week, a new leaf was turned on Isaac children's lives.  Both of them waxed great and the space of land they both occupied could no longer contain them.  He had to depart from Jacob after the death of Isaac.  Therefore, Esau moved all his belongings to the hill country of Seir  ahead of the city Jacob resided. That place is later known as Edom.

Genesis chapter 36 discusses genealogy of Esau. Esau had a few wives with so many children. In verse 12, one name stands out. His name was Amalek!  This son was born to Timna who was one of the concubines (side chicks) of Esau's son known as Eliphaz. Does Amalek name rings a bell to your ears? Oh yes.  In case you do not know this name before, this is the same name that gave the children of Israel troubles.  Amalek grew to be a great nation. In future, this name will come up again a couple of times. Meanwhile, Esau had many dukes among his children. The rest of chapter 36 discusses the rest of the lineage of Esau.

In conclusion, Yahweh has plans for everyone. In relative sense, Esau appeared to have a well established kingdom but nothing was feasible yet for Jacob. However, Yahweh soon began to walk Jacob into it but it would take gradual process. This process is not the way Jacob expected but eventually he discovered that Yahweh's ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).

Next week blog promises to unleash the journey embarked upon by one of Jacob's favorite sons. However, leave your comments and questions at the chatting/texting portion of this blog by scrolling downward.

Have a wonderful week ahead.


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  1. I praise Yahweh for this week blog. May his name be praised for eons of eons. He who knows the end from the beginning is to be praised for this opportunity to made known his words in all simplicities.

  2. Sometimes we blame God for not performing His miracles in time.. We sometimes overlook His promises, His covenant. Thank God Jacob didn't compromised... Even at his brother's prosperity... He proceeded further... God will give us grace to stand the test of time... Bless you sir!

  3. The first time Amalek was mentioned in the scripture. I never knew that he was indirectly related to Jacob. I mean, Israel. Interesting.


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