How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 28)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 28: Main text)

Greetings to you my dear blog readers. Last week blog discussed a lot about how Yahweh carried out the secret he kept with Rebecca. Please, read last week blog for details of my view on Genesis chapter 27.

               In Genesis chapter 28, Jacob's parents blessed him and sent him to Padan-Syria to marry his wife. He was sent to Laban the sister of Rebecca to get married. Just like in Genesis chapter 24, Jacob's parents preferred him not to marry from the city they were sojourning. I believe this is a thing of great concern from parents. It is advisable for people to marry from their tribe. Tradition and language matter a lot. I am not advocating against inter-racial marriages but it is advisable to marry from people you speak the same language. It helps a lot in communication, perceptions and traditional background. There is no perfect marriage but at least, it is better you marry from places that would help you keep the traditions you cherish. From verse 6 through 9, Esau married Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael and granddaughter of Abraham after he realized that his parents were not pleased with him for marrying daughters of Heth. Indeed, Esau was deviating from his parents' traditions and background. No wonder, the covenants of Abraham was not on him. Somehow, Esau's nonchalant attitudes separated him from being under covenants meant for the lineage of Abraham.

               From verse 10 to 15, Jacob travelled from Beersheba and moved towards Charan. In those days, there were no caravans or vehicles to travel. In the evening, he got tired and fell asleep in a place with a stone to rest his head. While he was sleeping, he had a strange dream. He saw a stairway from heaven stretched down to the earth. He also saw Elohim's messengers ascending and descending on the stairs. While he was watching this magnificent view, he saw Yahweh standing over him. This dream would make anyone shocked with amazement. Jacob heard Yahweh telling him that he was the God of Abraham and Isaac. Yahweh reiterated the blessings and covenants he gave to Abraham to Jacob. Yahweh also promised Jacob that he would keep him all the way and be with him to ensure his promises were fulfilled in his life. Yahweh also assured Jacob that he would bring Jacob back to the land Jacob was sleeping. What a loads of promises!

               Why should Yahweh appear to Jacob in a dream? Do you think it was necessary? In my opinion, I believe Jacob needed an assurance on the journey he embarked upon. He needed comfort and inner strength, especially from Yahweh to let him know that he was on the right track of his life. Jacob might be running away from his brother whom he cheated, but Yahweh wanted this event to occur to let him get away from his parents for some years to fulfill the next lines of actions Yahweh had prepared for him in future. Sometimes, the result of our actions may be unpleasant but in Yahweh's eyes, it is no mistake. Every action leads to the next one he plans for our lives.

               From verse 16, Jacob realized that Yahweh (God of Abraham and Isaac) was indeed with him. He poured oil on the stone he used as a pillow and called the place Bethel. He promised to give a tenth of all blessings Yahweh would bless him with back to Yahweh. All Jacob was asking Yahweh was to provide him food to eat, cloth to wear and guarantee that he would be brought back to his father in peace. Jacob made these promises because he was in distress. He was in dire need of help. He had left his parents. He was going to a strange land to face uncertainties. He would have promised to do anything for Yahweh. Imagine yourself in Jacob's shoes. Would you not ask Yahweh for help and promise to do anything for him if he helps you from your predicaments? Yahweh had many things in his mind to do for Jacob. Yahweh is more than able to provide things we ask him when we are in distress. He listens to our prayers but he carries out his plans for us. He answers not necessarily according to our prayers but according to his plans for our lives. Of course, Jacob got more than food and cloth to wear in the place he went to. Please, read my previous blog on how do we pray. Little did Jacob know that a lot was waiting for him in the house of Laban. You will learn this from next week God willing.

I hope this week's blog has also blessed you too.

Thanks for reading this blog.

Please, leave your comments and or questions. Be nice with your comments and questions.

Peace of Yahweh be with you.



  1. Isaiah 43:1-3. Yahweh is with you in whatever condition you find yourself. Amen.

  2. Good reading. Is it compulsory to marry from people of your background 🤔?

    1. Not exactly, but from experience it is better to marry from people of your race, background, belief and tradition.

  3. God knows better. According to the bible chapters being discussed, that was how Yahweh wanted to marry. There are some in the bible that married interracially. Examples are Joseph and Moses. So, God knows who would be one's spouse.


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