How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 29)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 29 (part 1: Main text)

Hello my blog readers. I pray that this week blog blesses you beyond my imagination.

Last week blog discusses that at the heel of the incidence that occurred between Esau and Jacob; Jacob's parents instructed him to go to Padan-Syria (Padan-Aram) to live. He was charged to stay with Laban the brother of Rebecca. He was also charged to marry from there because they were grieved at Esau's decision to marry daughters of Heth who they did not accept. Jacob had a dream while he was sleeping and this week, he found himself in Padan-Syria (eastward of Gerar of Canaan).

               Jacob stopped at a well and asked the shepherds if they knew Laban (son of Nahor). He was informed that they knew him. They added that his daughter was bringing a flock towards the well to drink. Just as he was speaking with these shepherds, he saw a beautiful damsel coming towards the well. For a few moments, all Jacob could see was the beauty of Rachel. I hope the above picture could tell you how much Jacob could not get his eyes off this pretty damsel. He had imagined what a kind of creature this would be in his life. Words of attachment started rushing out of Jacob like flood of water towards Rachel. Spontaneously, he kissed the damsel, lifted up his voice and wept. Should Jacob have done all these? I mean, kissing might be a form of greeting but I want to believe that Jacob's feeling was way more than this! Have you ever heard the phrase, "love at first sight"? I can imagine Yahweh grinning his face and say oh boy, do you know what are in stock for you in this place, especially from this girl? This is what Jacob did not realize. His heart was shot with an arrow so deep that he could not remove it until he died.

               In a summary, this is how the whole story went down. Jacob was given a warm welcome by Laban (verse 13-14). Laban wasted no time to put Jacob at work. He promised to pay him wages for his services (verse 15). Just like anyone that newly gets into a strange family, Jacob was gathering information on how Laban's family was set up. He knew that Laban had two daughters. The elder daughter was named Leah. Leah had tender eyes. It simply means she had gentle or weak eyes. It does not depict that she was ugly. However, Rachel was lovely. Oh yes, Jacob had already known this. More things Jacob also found out about both girls is that Rachel had lovely shape and lovely appearance. I believe Rachel would get away with cheating attitudes over her sister in many ways because she was favored more than her sister by her parent. Somehow, a kind of pampered child. Jacob noticed all these situations and had processed it well in his mind to work for Laban without pay but marry Rachel instead. Hmn....Jacob! Love at sight was killing this man softly.


               Little did Jacob know that he was bargaining with a king scammer. Laban did not inadvertently agree with Jacob to marry Rachel as the wages for Jacob's services. Laban knew exactly what he was doing. The deal between Jacob and Laban was 7 years services of Jacob to marry Rachel. 7 years passed like a breeze and Jacob could not wait to marry the girl she met at the well a few years ago. Jacob found out in the following morning of marriage that it was Leah given to him! How did he not know this earlier? He was probably drunk on the wedding night. Laban also gave Zilpah to Leah to be her maidservant. He went to Laban to complain the fraud in his deal with Laban. The king scammer came up with an excuse that younger sisters were not allowed to marry ahead of their elder sisters to preserve their culture and traditions. He knew that Leah was not that attractive for any man to marry. So, he lured Leah into Jacob's life. Jacob entered into another contract with Laban to look after Laban's flock for another 7 years to marry Rachel. The pain of the first sight that shot an arrow of love into Jacob's heart could not let him rest as he worked 7 years like 7 days! (verses 17- 30). Laban also gave Bilhah to Rachel to be her maidservant. In short, Jacob married the 2 sisters with 2 maidservants within his first 14 years of sojourn in Pan-Syria. There are more drama coming up on this chapter, but I am afraid, I have to stop at verse 30 for this week.

In conclusion, these are things I like to bring out from the passage being discussed:

Ø  Yahweh was in the whole drama that happened to Jacob in the house of Laban.

Ø  He knew the kind of person Laban was. A cruel and king of scammers. Yahweh knew the intention of Laban on Jacob's marriages. He had it in his plan for Jacob to marry Leah and Rachel. This is far beyond religion views about marriage. Just so you know, Yahweh does not have grievance against marrying more than a wife. You may argue all you want. This is the truth. However, it does not mean everyone is given the capacity to marry more than one. You can see that in Abraham and Isaac's life. Abraham married more than one wife but Isaac married just one wife. It all depends on the plan God has for everyone. People especially, with Western culture keep fighting God's plans for individual's marital life and it has never worked quite well for them.

Ø  Yahweh had great plan for Jacob even though it may appeared that he allowed Jacob to go through 14 years of hell in search for wife or should I say wives? Jacob did not intend to marry more than one and only Rachel but Yahweh put Leah in his life. Were there no reasons for this? Does Yahweh make mistakes? No. He never does!

Well, I will bring this week blog to a conclusion.

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