How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 23)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 24: Main text)

Happy new month my blog readers. May the grace and mercy of Yahweh continue to be with you.

Last week blog discussed the death of Sarah, lamentation of Abraham over his dear wife and the huge price Abraham paid on the parcel of land to bury his wife. It was a great lesson. Please, read this blog if you have not done so.

This week blog is very deep. I pray that God (Yahweh) helps you to understand gain knowledge and wisdom through it.  Among many things to learn from Genesis chapter 24, the following things need to be known:

Ø  Genesis 24:1 revealed that Abraham was advanced (old) in days and Yahweh blessed him in all things. However, he had to do one more thing that is very important to his life.

Ø  Genesis 24:2-4 discussed that Abraham unfolded his concern about Isaac's future. He desired a good woman for his son. He knew he would need a great woman by his son's side as a complement. He understood pretty well that if one (a man) finds a wife; he finds good (thing) and he gains hold of benevolence from Yahweh (Proverbs 18:22). Abraham preferred a woman from where he originated. Perhaps, you might be wondering why he preferred a woman from such a place instead of where he currently lived (land of Canaan). I wondered too. I believe Abraham had his personal reasons. He might also prefer a woman who had the same culture and tradition as he had. These things really matter a lot in my humble opinion. This may not be applicable in the current era, but if Yahweh plans that you do not have inter-racial marriage in absolute sense, I am urging you in relative sense to marry people you can understand or having the same culture/traditions.

Ø  Genesis 24:5-9 discussed that Eleazer (his trusted servant) to swear for him that he would not get a wife for his son from other place but from his (Abraham's) kindred.

Ø  Abraham promised Eleazer that the there would not be consequence, if Eleazer could not find a wife from the place Abraham originated. I rather found this as a huge task for Eleazer. So, Eleazer set for the journey. When he got to Abraham's place of origin, he knew he had to do something about this huge assignment. What would you do, if it were you? How would you know who the right woman might be? This assignment goes beyond beauty and look. It calls for good character. This virtue is missing out in most singles' (unmarried) search for marriage nowadays. Grace may be false and loveliness (beauty) transitory (may fade) but a woman fearful of Yahweh shall be praised (Proverbs 31:30). Eleazer must be a man of deep understanding about life and the kind of person his master would prefer for his son.

Ø  In Genesis 24: Eleazer found this assignment as a very though one. He did what Abraham was not aware of.  He needed wisdom on this issue. Proverbs 4:7 points out that the beginning of wisdom is to acquire wisdom. Then, with all your acquisition, acquire understanding. Eleazer found himself in a very tight corner. Perhaps, Abraham could have carried out this task by himself but he was too old for such a long journey. Eleazer realized that his master relied on him to carry out this huge assignment. This assignment was very important to Abraham because it concerns his dynasty (bloodline) and continuation of his legacy. So, Eleazer needed wisdom of Yahweh (James 1:5) and he asked for it (Matthew 7:7).

Things to take to your heart this week:

               Marriage is not a child's play. It is beyond physical activities. It is something unmarried people should not overlook. It is not a mere thing. It will impact your future (to be more positive or negative).  It does not mean because you have grown up or have all the money qualifies you to get married. It requires you to ask Yahweh for wisdom to find the true companion to live with. It is extremely important for you to live with your complement not with your competitor. It appears this stage of life is being overlooked/disdained by some singles/unmarried people.

               Most relationships/marriages have suffered setbacks as a result of this. All the same, Yahweh is in control of this situation but in relative sense, I pray that Yahweh step into whatever the marriage situation may be and make restoration according to his will. He may prefer you to be with your spouse; be separated to be with someone else or to be alone. This may be hard to understand and some religious people may oppose this, but Yahweh knows the best for individual. Everyone's marital or pre-marital story is not the same. To those who have suffered marital havoc or currently suffering it, may Yahweh comfort you and gives you grace to endure this situation. May he leads you to your comfort soon.

I will like to stop here at Genesis 24:14 for this week. I do not feel like rushing over this chapter. This chapter is loaded and needs to be analyzed for better understanding.

In conclusion, I am not a marriage counselor even though it appears I have written a few lines on it this week. The only marriage counselor I will advise you to contact is the Spirit of Yahweh. He will guide you on what to do concerning your search and your current marriage situation. I pray that Yahweh makes everything glorious about your relationship and marriage. Men's physical look, money or influence will not help enough. Ladies physical look, beauty or wealth will not suffice. It is the wisdom of Yahweh through his Spiritual directives that can help you in this stage of life. I will advise you do what Eleazer did. Will you? Please, do. Once again, you can only live according to the will of Yahweh not the way you prefer.

I hope this week blog has blessed you too.

Please, leave your comments and/or questions below this blog.

Please, be nice with them.

Until next week, remain blessed.



  1. Phew! To God the glory for his words.

  2. Marriage ain't a child's play! From my little experience... 😂 One needs to understand the voice of Yaweh from the voice of his wife. Abraham kept a lot of secrets from his wife... He obeyed without thinking of his spouse. I'm sure bet, if it's today's marriage... 😂 Wondering what could have happened. Thank goodness for Abraham. The covenant remains even til today! (Adam made that mistake) 🤔 🤔 🤔

    1. It's true that no one should separate the people Yahweh has joined together. Nowadays Christianity has misunderstood this Bible verse by thinking everything should be naked between husband and wife. However, when it comes to carrying out Yahweh's instructions secrecy is an important tool to implement. Aggrieved Spouse needs to exercise a lot of patience to avoid misjudgement.


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