How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 19)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 20: Main text)

Hello my dear blog readers. It is another week to get blessed. Last week blog discussed that Lot impregnated her two daughters and they gave birth to Moab and Ammon. These two sons also became great nations. There are other lessons to learn in that blog. Please, try to read last week blog if you have not.

In this week, Abraham and Sarah were at it again. I believe they should have learnt to trust in Yahweh by telling the truth no matter what but, here comes another saga of this incredible couple.

By the way, do you see the countenance of the man in the above picture? He was very terrified by a dreadful dream! Have you ever had a very bad nightmare before? The story behind this man's dream is what I am about to discuss below.

In Genesis chapter 20, the following truth among others are highlighted below:

Ø  Abraham and his wife relocated to Negeb metropolis and lived between Kadesh and Shur. This location was in the city called Gerar. Abraham relocated without asking Yahweh for direction. Remember that he was told to go to live in the land of Canaan. In this chapter, he left the Canaan again just as he left Egypt.

Ø  Abraham and his wife lied about their relationship just as they did when they when to Egypt. Do you realize that every time they left without Yahweh's instruction, they became afraid and panic?. These resulted to the reasons they lied about their relationship to protect themselves from possible evil. Who was actually afraid between Abraham and Sarah? It was Abraham! It was always about him. He pushes his wife to lie and his wife always cooperated with him. Anyway, according to this bible passage, they were both partners in crime. 

Ø  Just as expected, Sarah was taken away from Abraham as a wife to King of Gerar (Abimelech). This was as a result of what Abraham told the king.

Was king Abimelech wrong to take Sarah as his wife? I think, no. That was what Abimelech told the "One" Elohim in the strange dream he had. The conversation was brief but it was powerful and dreadful. According to this chapter, Elohim (Lord) appeared to king Abimelech. This Elohim could be said to be Yeshua not Yahweh. That is why he was addressed as "Lord" in the scripture.  The "One" Elohim is not an Angel according to this passage. 

 Other things that stood up to me in this chapter are:

Ø  The One Elohim agreed with Abimelech that Sarah was not taken by force to be his (Abimelech) wife. So, the One Elohim stated that he knew the king was sincere.

Ø  Truly, Sarah was Abraham's sister by the virtue of being the daughter of his father not the daughter of his mother (a step sister). Nonetheless, they were married couple. In those days such things did happen.

Ø  The One Elohim stated that he refrained the king from sleeping with Sarah. He did this to prevent the king from sinning against him.  Have you ever thought about this?  In relative sense, it may appear that the king was not ready to sleep with her but that is not true. As a man, especially being a king, once you are attracted to a beautiful woman, you may be eager to sleep with her. However, this did not come to the king's mind to do right away. Why? The One Elohim did this. Have you ever thought about why Yahweh did not prevent Abraham and Sarah avoid telling lies? In other words, he was there watching the whole thing! He planned it that way. This may not sit well with most Bible preachers but this is the truth. Keep reading to find out why.

Ø  The One Elohim refrain the king from getting him into trouble. So, he instructed the king to return Sarah to Abraham to avoid his wrath on the king and his subjects.

Ø  Abraham and Sarah were given many precious gifts (Genesis 20:14-16).

Ø  Abraham prayed for the king and his people. So, Yahweh restrained himself from harming the king and the city of Gerar.

Ø  The One Elohim instructed the king to be prayed for by Abraham because Abraham was his prophet. What? The man who was apparently guilty in this case was called a Prophet?

What is this? Does it mean that Yahweh condones such dubious behavior from his Prophets? I believe by now, you would somehow raise your eyebrow. Yeah, me too. Please, sit back and pause a little bit more. Who is Yahweh? Why does he allow Abraham not to undergo fasting and prayers for the forgiveness of his sins? Why did Yahweh not get upset this time by letting someone else marry Sarah? Had this not happened to them in the land of Egypt before? Why have they not learnt to stop being afraid of anything? I believe you may have many questions in your mind too.

Well, I like to let you know a couple of things.

            Yahweh has covenants with Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3). He still stood by his covenants despite Abraham's inconsistencies. The scripture said Yahweh would have mercy upon whom he would (Romans 9:15). Nothing shall separate us from the love of Christ (Yeshua) (Romans 8:31:39). I like to break it to you that once Yahweh has covenant with you; he cannot turn away from it irrespective of your deeds. Your righteousness is of him (Isaiah 54:17). This is a kind of messages that is difficult for most bible preachers to preach because they are circumcised believers. They believe you have to earn every blessing of Yahweh by your good deeds but Yahweh's ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). You cannot judge Yahweh and the scriptures cannot be broken (John 10:35). He knew that Abraham was afraid to lose his wife. He knew Abraham was also afraid to die, if it was found that Sarah was his wife. He knew Abraham had lost faith in him by acting in such a childish way. However, he never left Abraham at all.

            Abraham became a terror to Abimelech and his subjects because of Yahweh. Abraham did not deserve to be revered but Yahweh made it so.  The same Yahweh has covenant on his chosen people before the disruption of this world. In order words, Yahweh has his selected people before they exist. They are not selected/chosen by merit(s) but by his choice and his plans for them. This may be somehow difficult for you to understand. However, it is true. I agree with you that Yahweh is a fair judge. By the way, he also have general blessings for everyone (pouring rains on the earth; make it shine; free air; food and vegetation; money; wealth; power and so on) but these are temporary blessings. However, there are few people Yahweh had chosen with special covenant whether it is consciously or unconsciously known to them. It does not have to do with their deeds but on the account of Yahweh. That is why they are being justified. I am hoping to release a message on this issue this coming Saturday by the grace of Yahweh on my weekly podcast. May be this will be converted into a blog lesson one day.

I hope this week blog has made you ponder a lot about this Yahweh (the God of Heavens and Earth). He is the only one who really has choice. We do not.

Thanks for taking time to read this blog. What are your thoughts on this week blog?

Please, leave comments and be nice with them.



Gosh! he was really terrified!


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