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How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 14)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 16: Main text)

               Hello my dear blog readers. I pray that the grace and mercy of Yahweh be to you. It is another week to get blessed. In last blog, you were informed about how Yahweh discussed with Abram in vision, real world and through stupor. Abram discussed his concern for not having an heir but Yahweh promised him that he would have not just an heir but children as many as stars of heaven. Yahweh went on to inform him concerning the land he had covenanted with him. The details of these discussions can be found in series 13 of how Yahweh deals with his creations. 

               Before I slept last night, I started to think about how things went in sequence for Abram concerning child bearing. Genesis chapter 15 discussed that Abram would have heir that would come out of his body. So, the issue of Eliezer (Abram's chief male-servant) was ruled out by Yahweh. Yahweh even went further to tell Abram that the fourth generation of Abram would suffer in the foreign land but would be released with great gifts.

               Many thoughts came into my mind after I have studied chapter 16 of the book of Genesis. Why should Abram succumbed to the tsunami of complaints from Sarai when he was already been given assurance by Yahweh? I believe Sarai could somehow be nagging for being barren for many years. Was Abram emotionally clouded by Sarai's continuous nagging? What about the discussions he had with Yahweh? Why did Abram take Yahweh out of this equation? Is there something we need to learn on this issue? My dear blog readers, there lot of things for you to know in this week. I believe it is good to start with the fact that Abram had all assurance that Yahweh meant what he had informed him. However, there seems to be a kind of misconception from the part of Abram. What do I mean?

               In Genesis chapter 16:1-2, Sarai told Abram that she was no longer biologically able to have children. She informed Abram that Yahweh had restrained her from child bearing. In her mind, she could never give birth to a child. So, she gave Hagar (one of the maidservants given to her by Pharaoh of Egypt in Genesis chapter 12) to Abram to marry. For clarification purpose, Abram married Hagar. Hagar was not Abram's side chick. This also implies that Hagar was Abram's second wife. Therefore, I believe she should no longer be a servant to Sarai but a second wife. She supposed to be treated as a wife.

               What surprised me is that Abram listened to his Sarai's complaints instead of clarifying with Yahweh. There he went again! He did not hesitate on Sarai's advice. He married Hagar and slept with her to have a child for Sarai through this maid-servant. I believe this attitude used to be one of the traditions of people in those days. Just so you know, something like this happened in the time of Jacob and his two jealous sister wives. I have a lot to write on this topic in the nearest future. The advice given by Sarai to Abram made me conclude that only Abram knew the Yahweh that called him, not Sarai. Sarai made Abram doubted Yahweh's covenant concerning child bearing. She thought may be the child/children would come from another woman because she had passed the age of child bearing. I could imagine Abram nodding his head in agreement with Sarai's words of advice.

               Hmn.....who did both people think Yahweh is? He is not a man that he should lie (numbers 23:19). However, all is of God (II Corinthians 15:8). Yahweh knew this event would happen. Do you realize that there was no mention of Yahweh interfering into this matter? He was in disguise throughout because he was following his plans for Abram. I believe in relative sense that Yahweh should have been angry with Abram for listening to his wife, but he did not. This kind of events parallels with Genesis chapter 12 when Abram lied to Pharaoh of Egypt concerning whom Sarai was. Yahweh did not condemn the attitude of Abram.

               Hagar became pregnant. It showed that Abram was not an impotent man. Why did Yahweh allow Hagar to be pregnant, if he does not have a plan for her also? There is a lot about Yahweh in this chapter. Hagar began to lightly esteem her mistress (Sarai). In other words, her respect for Sarai had diminished. Why? She was of opinion that she was probably more of a woman than Sarai. This attitude is obvious but it made Sarai uncomfortable with Hagar. She went to Abram to complain of Hagar's attitude. In her tone of complaints, she blamed Abram for not correcting Sarai. What surprised me most  was that Abram informed Sarai to deal with Hagar the way she preferred (verse 6). Personally, I believe this response is not good enough.  Hagar had become Abram's second wife. However, if this issue is looked at from another angle, Sarai mentioned in verse 5 that may Yahweh be the judge between her and Abram. All these events appear to be a drama to me. Why should she be rubbing guilt on the face of Hagar and Abram? Whose fault was all these? In relative sense, it was Sarai's fault, but in absolute sense, it was Yahweh's plan and he never makes mistakes (I Corinthians 1:25). Why was Sarai angry?

 The reasons may be these among others:

Ø  Sarai loved Abram so dearly. She wanted him to be happy by having a child he could call his own through another woman. So, she humbled herself to give Hagar to her husband to marry.

Ø  Sarai knew how it feels not to have her own child. So, it was difficult for her to see Hagar belittling her or had an infinitesimal respect for her.

Ø  Despite all that happened between Abram and Hagar, Sarai still wanted orderliness in her house. It does not appear that Sarai looked at Hagar as second wife but her maid-servant still.

Ø  She expected Abram to continue to treat Hagar like her maid-servants, but Abram was looking at Hagar as his wife. You may conclude that Hagar was a wife by chance. Well, she was his wife nonetheless.

Ø  Sarai might have been undergoing a serious emotional trauma for somehow losing her position as Abram's first wife for not having a child or losing the affection she used to get from Abram. It might be a big deal for any woman in this situation.

               Having mentioned all these, whose fault was this? Was it not Sarai that caused all these? Why did she not ask Abram to inquire from Yahweh for direction? May be should have inquired from Yahweh on her own like Hannah did in the book of  first Samuel chapter 1? Did Sarai have faith in Abram's God at all? Like I mentioned before, Yahweh was in control of this issue. Yahweh wanted Abram to have two different main characters. He wanted Abram's children to be spread over the many nations. Somehow, Yahweh knows how to brings his plans to fulfillment. Whether we are aware of it or not, he walks us into his plans every day. Sometimes, people find their destiny on the path they take to avoid it. Think about it.

When Sarai learnt from Abram's response that she could deal with Hagar the way she preferred, Sarai was harsh on Hagar. Then, Hagar ran away from Sarai's. I believe Sarai had gone too far on Hagar (verse 6). Remember, she wanted orderliness. May be this was also sprinkled with jealous. Don't you think?

An Angel/Messenger of Yahweh met with Hagar on her way and informed her to go back to her mistress (verse 7-9). What? Why? Yahweh has a plan for Hagar's son too. All was getting connected for the fate of this current world. See what the Messenger of Yahweh told Hagar:

Ø  The child will increase in numbers. It means this child will have many children and nations. According to a legend, the children that came out of this child were 12 nations.

Ø  His name shall be called Ishmael (the name means: Yahweh has heard of Hagar's humiliation). Wait a second please. So, this confirms that Sarai dealt badly with Hagar concerning Hagar's pregnancy. Once again, Yahweh did not blame Sarai for this behavior. You will be surprised in Genesis chapter 17 concerning Sarai. The ways of Yahweh are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9).

Ø  In verse 12, the Angel cautioned Hagar that this child would become a man like "onager" (a wild ass). That is, he would be constantly engaging in fight against many people and many people will constantly be in fight against him. In other words, he would live to fight throughout his days. The legend pointed out that children of Ishmael live in the Middle-east/Asia and these people are fighters/trouble-makers. War has never ceased in the Middle East. Children of Ishmael still continue to fight their neighbors up till now. So, if you are wondering why you hear of Middle East wars, remember this bible chapter we have discussed this week.

               In my own opinion, I believe Sarai and Abram owed Hagar an apology but there was no record of such in the bible. However, Yahweh sees everything and he is a fair judge. He knew all that the helpless pregnant Hagar went through. He blessed the pregnancy of Hagar according to the plan Yahweh had for the unborn child. This plan was in the fulfillment of Yahweh's covenant with Abram concerning child bearing. I believe you know that Yahweh has plan and time for everyone. Sometimes we believe that our mistakes or our anger has resulted to negative outcome and we blame ourselves or someone else. In relative sense, that is how it should be but in absolute sense, there are no mistakes or wrong turns. All we do works to fulfill Yahweh's plans for our lives. I know this may be difficult for some people to believe, but it is true. 

               I also believe you would agree with me that desperate people would do desperate things in most of the times. Sarai thought she was desperate to give Abram a child but she was working Yahweh's plan unknowingly.  Abram could not get out of the web of Sarai's complaints and all things became problematic. Somehow, it appeared Abram was less concerned about this issue. He appeared to be so calm, don't you think? I think only Abram knew his God not Sarai. Was this problem actually solved? Who do you think solved this problem eventually? You would find out in the future blogs!

Thanks for your time.

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Have a great week.




  1. To Yahweh be all glory. No one can outsmart God's plan. When we do not see him working, he is still in action. His silence does not mean he is not responding to our concerns.

  2. Was Abram trying to please Sarai or had a glimpse of doubt on Yahweh's promises? Maybe he also agreed that he would have a child through another woman.


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