Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 10)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 12: Main text)

               Hello my dear blog readers. I pray that the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you. It is another week to get blessed. In the last blog, you were informed of the call of Abram. You were also informed that the call was with covenants. These covenants were without condition required by Yahweh from Abram. When Yahweh called Abram to leave his kindred and where he was, he was not forced to do so. Neither was it Abram's freewill to leave or continued to stay with his family. In the day of Yahweh's power, his people shall be willing. Whenever it pleases Yahweh to visit his creations; his creations have no option but to oblige just like magnets will do to irons or steels (Psalm 110:3a). Yahweh knows how to get to his creations.

               In this week, I will like to discuss with you on the journey Abram took in obedience to Yahweh's instructions. If you look at the above map, you will understand that Egypt is not a direct route to the land of Canaan. When Abram was in the land of Shechem, Yahweh appeared to him to assure him of the land of Canaan he had covenanted with him. As a matter of fact, in the land of Shechem, the Canaanites were also in the land at that time.

               If you look at the map more closely, Abram may to have entered into the land of Canaan through Bethel (which was situated at the west side of the land of Ai). However, in Genesis 12:9, he "decamped" to go towards the land of Negeb/Negev. In a few times, there was famine in this land. The next move Abram made was to go to the land of Egypt. Why would Abram take such a journey to the land of Egypt?

               In real sense, Egypt was a wrong direction (it would be a longer journey than what it supposed to be). Should there be reason for this? It was obvious, Abram tried not to die of hunger with his followers. However, why did he not inform Yahweh of what the next move should be? Had he forgotten that Yahweh called him to go to the land of Canaan? Why was he trying to be smarter than Yahweh/do things on his own accord? In relative sense, you may agree with me on all these questionings, but in absolute sense, Yahweh was in this situation in disguise!

               Famine made Abram to looked for a quick-fix solution by going to the land of Egypt. He did not inquire from Yahweh on what to do. Was Yahweh aware of this issue? Yes. Why did he allow famine to come up? Was it because Abram went to wrong direction? If you are a Candor (like in the movie titled, Divergent), you might say it is true, but in absolute sense, Yahweh wanted to show Abram that he was in control (even when Abram was out of line in his journey).

               In Genesis 12:11-20, a lot of events happened. Abram had a quick thought about his wife's beauty. He thought his life might be in danger. So, he informed his wife to lie about her marital status. He said his wife was his sister to Pharaoh and residence Egypt. Pharaoh wanted to make Sarai his Queen. Abram took Yahweh out of context in his decisions. Firstly, he went to the wrong direction. Secondly, he went to Egypt due to the famine in Negeb/Negev without asking Yahweh for the next thing to do. Thirdly, Abram lied about his wife that she was his sister in the name of not getting killed by Pharaoh.

               In all these, Abram displayed lack of faith and trust on Yahweh who called him. Should these not be enough for Yahweh to get angry at Abram? Religion practitioners may either close their eyes at all these and keep saying Abram is the Father of faith or somehow find ways to defend him. I can understand. However, his attitudes showed otherwise in this chapter. If Yahweh were to behave like Religion practitioners, he would have punished Abram by death, barrenness, diseases, poverty or being replaced by someone else. However, Yahweh did not do any of these.

Why? I will inform you. As it was mentioned earlier, the books of Isaiah 55:8-9 point out that Yahweh's ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. As Heavens are loftier than Earth is the same way his thoughts are from our thoughts. Let these sentences gets down into your system for a few seconds. His thoughts are not our thoughts... He knows better. If you and I were Yahweh, we would have stopped our covenants with Abram, but Yahweh is not a man that he should lie. He is also not son of humanity that he should change his mind (Numbers 23:19).

               On the account of Yahweh's covenants and mercy on Abram, he caused trouble on Pharaoh and his people with contagious diseases. Abram later confessed his fear and sin to Pharaoh. Pharaoh returned Sarai to Abram with gifts of flock of sheep; a herd of cattle; donkeys, menservants; maidservants (I believe Haggai was one of these maidservants); Jennies and camels. Was Pharaoh guilty of taking Sarai to be his Queen? Of course, he was not. Why was he and his household afflicted with contagious diseases when the real culprit was Abram!?

               So you see my dear reader, Abram had nothing to show for the gifts he received from Pharaoh. However, Yahweh put fear into the heart of Pharaoh concerning Abram because of his covenant with Abram. Abram did not deserve to be blessed, but he was blessed despite his wrong moves/decisions. One again, Abram did not know that Yahweh was with him all along. Sometimes, we think we are due to be "punished" for our inconsistencies but Yahweh is not a son of humanity. He would always direct us to where he had planned for us whether we are aware of it or not. Once Yahweh has covenanted blessing with you, nothing can separate you from his love for you (Romans 8:35-39). He loved Abram despite what Abram did. I hope to dive deeper into the book of Romans 8 in my future blogs. Oh, by the way, verse 20 ended with another character to be discussed about in the next blog. His name was Lot. There are things I believe Yahweh will unfold to us all in the next chapter.

Continue to stay tuned.

Thanks for reading this blog. I hope you are blessed through it. Please, leave your comments and questions.

Be nice with them.

Have a wonderful day.




  1. Praise be to Yahweh! His mercy on is not of our deeds, but because of his covenants with us.


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