How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 13)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 15: Main text)

               Hello my dear blog readers. I pray that the grace and mercy of Yahweh be to you. It is another week to get blessed. In last blog, you were informed about how Abram demonstrated his faith by rescuing his brother and all cities that were oppressed by their oppressors. A couple of issues were discussed in last week blog (Genesis 14). Please, go back to read it if you have not read it.

               In this week, Yahweh continued to deal with Abram in relative and absolute ways. The first verse of chapter 15 of the book of Genesis mentioned that Yahweh manifested himself to Abram in a vision. This manifestation does not mean that Yahweh came to him as human but in spirit. I believe prior this manifestation, Abram must have been thinking of his future. Yahweh had blessed Abram richly but Abram lacked children. In last week blog, 318 men born into Abram's camp supported him to fight the King of Shinar and the rest of the oppressors but none of them was his child. Do you know how bad he felt? I believe Abram realized that he was getting older but lacked an heir. So, Yahweh and Abram discussed on what was in the mind of Abram and the plan Yahweh had for him.

What I can infer from this discussion includes but not limited to the followings:

Ø  Yahweh appeared to Abram in a vision to assure him that he is the protector and the source of Abram's reward. He is the only reward Abram could be sure of. In other words, Yahweh was indirectly telling Abram that he saw all that Abram did in chapter 14 of Genesis (Genesis 15:1).

Ø  Abram went straight in this discussion by unfolding his mind to Yahweh concerning what was bothering him. He mentioned his lack of heir but Eliezer (a citizen of Damascus) who happened to be his chief servant (Genesis 15:2-3).

Ø  Yahweh assured Abram that children would come from Abram lineage not from Eliezer. He even went further in this vision by taking Abram out of his bed to count the stars in the sky to know how much the number of Abram's children would be. Yahweh had to relate with Abram by asking him to see the obvious to re-assure him of how much the numbers of children Abram would have. Abram would have probably tried to count the numbers of stars in the sky and would have found out that they are many (Genesis 15:4-5).

Ø  Having a visual understanding of how much the number of his children would be helped Abram to believe in Yahweh's promise. This was counted unto him as righteousness (Genesis 15:6). I believe this time; Abram had woken up from the vision. The next discussion was a real time (not another vision).

Ø  Yahweh continued in his discussion with Abram on the land he had promised him in Genesis chapter 12. Abram wanted another visual sign just like he was asked to count the number of stars in the sky while he was shown a vision. This appears to be glimpse of doubt/worry on how Abram would have the land of Canaan as it did not look like it during that time. Yahweh informed him of the sacrifices he had to make (Genesis 15:7-12).

Yahweh caused Abram to fall under a stupor (just like he did to Adam in Genesis chapter 2) but with a towering darkness falling on him. There came terrifying information from Yahweh to Abram in this stupor (Genesis 15: 12-16). Yahweh informed Abram that:

i. Abram's seed (singular) shall become a sojourner (a temporary residence) in the land which is not theirs.

ii. The seed of Abram would serve in the land the he sojourns.

iii. Evil would be done to the seed of Abram in the land he sojourns.

iv. Seed of Abram would be humiliated for 400 years.

v. Yahweh will adjudicate (judge) the people who would humiliate the seed of Abram while he sojourns.

vi. The seed (4th generation) would leave the land of sojourn by being freed by their oppressors.

vii. The seed would not leave empty handed but with many great goods.  

If you observe, you would see that the scripture mentioned seed not seeds. Is there something for us to understand in this? I believe there is only one seed that carried the covenant of Abram to the land of sojourn. That seed is from Abram to Isaac to Joseph and eventually to Jacob who carried the covenant of Abram. They are all one seed.

            Have you ever heard that scriptures interpret scriptures? In my own term, I always tell people that scriptures are coded messages. People can read it but may not understand it. Scriptures may be twisted and turned around by people but it does not change what it is originally meant to be. It takes the spirit of Yahweh to interpret the depth of messages in scripture to mortal people. Scriptures are living spiritual potent coded messages. In all seven events mentioned above, you can trace all these to the book of Genesis chapter 46:1-4 through Exodus chapter 12:31-33.

            Now, back to Yahweh's discussion with Abram. Yahweh unfolded Abram's future to him. He informed Abram on how Abram would die and where he would be buried. He assured Abram that Abram would die old and in die in peace. How would you feel, if someone tells you that? I believe Abram should truly be at peace and should stop asking for further signs. Yahweh tells the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:9-10).

               Yahweh did mention something about the people of Amorite (Genesis 15:16). Yahweh's time to visit this people was not yet ripe, but he informed Abram of this people. Why should this concern Abram? I believe Yahweh wanted Abram to record this in his conversation with Yahweh. I also believe Yahweh wants the seed of Abram to also take note of it. There promises a future encounter between the children of Abram and Amorites. We would learn this in my future blog, God willing.

               Yahweh manifested himself to Abram on Abram's sacrifice and he continued to discuss his covenants with him. This time, Yahweh was more precise on the land he covenanted with Abram. He mentioned the land boundaries from the river of Egypt by the west to river Euphrates in the east. This land included places like Kenite; the Kenezite; the Kadmonite; the Hittite; the Perizzite; the Rephaim; the Amorite; the Canaanite; the Girgashite and the Jebusite (Genesis 15: 18). It appears that the land covenanted with Abram spread up to part of Egypt; Iraq; Syria and Turkey. For visual reference, please see the map below. I believe the current map of Israel is not what the scripture has described. What do you think?


This blog will continue next week by the grace of Yahweh.

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Have a great day.






  1. Thanks to Yahweh for this message. I believe the current land of Israel is incorrect, if the above bible reference is followed.


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