Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 5)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 6: Main text)

               You are welcome into the month of March 2022 in the name of Yeshua. Wherever you may be, may the grace and mercy of Yahweh (the maker of Heavens and earth) continue to be with you. I like to thank you for your support on my blogs. Please, continue to read them, write your comments or questions below as well. By the grace of Elohim Yahweh, I will attend to them. Please, be succinct and be constructive with your comments.

               In the last week blog, you were informed that in the account of chapter 5 of the book of Genesis showed us that people in those days lived longer unlike nowadays that people hardly lived up to 200 years. You were also introduced to chapter 6 of the book of Genesis. In this chapter, you were informed of the mixtures of celestial bodies with daughters of human beings. This relationship resulted to hybrid creations. These creations were different from normal human beings. To mirror this situation to the events happening this current eon (world), there are undying endless efforts of Scientists and Technical gurus in actualizing human-machines in our societies. Now, we have more artificial intelligence than ever. One would think these inventions should be producing positive things in the society but alas, these inventions have been wrecking more havoc on people and properties than good effects.

               In this week, I am going to focus on chapter 6 of Genesis alone to explain how Yahweh deals with his creations in relative ways and absolute ways. As a result of the affairs between celestial bodies and daughters of humans, verse 4 of Genesis mentioned that distinguish creations came from this relationship. This distinguish people may be otherwise described as the people of strange characters. These creations invented weapons of destructions, constructed many structures (that may not had been created by normal humans). Evil deeds on earth multiplied. In relative sense, the result of this ugly relationship made Yahweh to:

Ø  Regretted that he made humanity all the day (verse 5).

Ø  Yahweh was grieved in his heart (verse 6)

Ø  Yahweh said he would wipe out all humanity that he created from the surface of this world (verse 8). It really appeared that he must be very angry!

Question: Could Yahweh be truly angry at his creations when the book of Isaiah 46:9-10 pointed out that he knows the end from the beginning? The answer is simply no! Why?

Ø  Nothing catches Yahweh unawares.

Ø  All things are of God (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Ø  Yahweh subjects this world into stubbornness (Romans 11:32)

Ø  From him and through him and for him are all things made (Romans 11:36)

Ø  All things operates according to the counsel of his will (Ephesians 1:11)

    Now, tell me, can the one who knows everything and made all things for his pleasures (Revelations 4:11) be sad that he made humans? Can he ever truly regrets on what he created? Remember series 2 of this lessons that all things Yahweh made are good (Genesis 1:31)? At least, he himself admitted that statement. It is not Lucifer/Satan that made the world bad. Please, read my blog on EONS and behind the scene of all creations Volume 3 for details.

               Having understood the above truth, this leads me to inform you about how Yahweh deals with his creations in absolute sense. You see my dear; this is where most religion practitioners and bible scholars have problems because they want to take laws into their hands. If it is their power, they would tell Yahweh to destroy everything he made because to them Yahweh's creations do not measure up to what they categorized as "holiness". This is not the way Yahweh operates. Please, read the book of Isaiah 55:8-9. His ways are not our ways.

               If you want to know his ways, you would understand that in absolute sense, Yahweh never makes mistakes. He never has reason to be angry; sad; regret; run out of ideas; being eccentric; destroy without reason. Now, talking about destroying, the book of Genesis 6 discusses how Yahweh planned to bring an end to eon 2. That is, he wrapped up eon 2 with destruction just like he did to eon 1 in the book of Genesis chapter 1:1. Please, read my previous blog on EONS and behind the scene of all creations-IV (EONS) for detail information.

               What about Noah? My dear reader, in verse 8 of Genesis chapter 6, he found grace in the eyes of Yahweh. In relative sense, anyone may conclude that Noah found grace from Yahweh because he was a righteous and a flawless man in his generation. This is true because that is what we can perceive with our 5 senses but in absolute sense, this is not true. Noah was not the only one that could have been flawless in his days. The population of people in those days may practically be running into more than 7 billions of people. However, Noah was chosen not because he was righteous and flawless but because he was chosen before he was born for this purpose (Romans 8:30). Noah was chosen to walk with Yahweh. He was molded, prepared and separated to preserve the few things Yahweh needed to take into eon 3. Furthermore, in absolute sense, our salvation is not by our work but by the grace of Yahweh (Ephesians 2:8-9). So, you cannot tell me that Noah was exonerated from the destruction of the world because he was the only righteous man on earth. Was it found in the scriptures that Noah's wife and children were also righteous and flawless? Does it mean that Noah had never committed sins? This is what most people do not see. More so, it is far deeper than that. Yahweh chose Noah and his family not because they were qualified to be chosen but because they found grace in the eyes of Yahweh. May I inform you that Paul writes in one of his epistles that no one is righteous, not even one (Romans 3:10).

               I do not like to go into details of how Noah built the ark, gather all animals and food; the rain fell heavily for 40 days and 40 nights; the rest people died among many other things that happened. The main thing I need you to take from chapter 6 of Genesis is that Yahweh never makes mistakes. He followed his plan as always. His ways are not our ways. Noah found grace from Yahweh but not by his works. The righteousness of Yahweh on his chosen ones makes them flawless and blameless. All their deeds are on the account of Yahweh (Isaiah 54:17). Lastly, Yahweh locked people in those days in stubbornness so that they would not listen to Noah's messages. Yahweh does what pleases him. Do not defend Yahweh. He can always defend himself. He knows better than you think.

Stay tuned for more information in the next blog!

Thanks for reading this blog. I hope you are blessed through it. Please, leave your comments and questions. Be nice with them.

Have a wonderful day.






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