Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 4)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (2 Peter 3:8; Genesis chapter 5 through 6)

Hello my dear readers, may the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you. Thanks for your comments and words of encouragements. They meant a lot to me. 

In the last blog, you were informed of how Yahweh demonstrated his relative and absolute attributes to his creations on the issues between Cain and Abel. If you have not read it, please go and do so for more details.

This week, I like to call your attention to the book of 2 Peter 3:8: "Now of this one thing you are not to be oblivious, beloved, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day".  

               To buttress the above chapter, Yahweh told Adam in Genesis 2:17: The Bible says, "But from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you must not eat it; for the day you eat from it, to die you shall be dying". I understand that this is not the way King James Version puts it. The above bible text helps to understand exactly what 2 Peter 3:8 says. It will also enable me to discuss what is in the book of Genesis chapter 5 and 6.

               In Genesis chapter 5, there is a record of people who lived longer in those days. People lived up to 800; 850; 900; 940; even 969! Wow. However, one thing I need you to understand in this chapter is that people did not live up to 1 day before Yahweh. From the point Adam and Eve were created, Yahweh had already orchestrated how the end of humans would be. This is why he informed Adam of the coming danger indirectly. Just like last week blog, he could have avoided Satan's temptation but he did not. Humans begin to die from the day they were born. Yes, this may not occur to anyone from the beginning but as time goes on, it shows. The word, "die, you shall be dying" could be said to be an indication to humans that no matter how long we live on earth, we die everyday as we grow older daily. We cannot live up to 1 day before Yahweh. In relative sense, Yahweh let people lived longer in those days (eon 2). Oh, just so you know, Noah had his children when he was 500 years old! This appears to be triplets because no man can have three sons within a year. Have you ever thought about this? In absolute sense, people did not live up to one day before Yahweh irrespective of their good deeds or bad deeds. Yahweh has all of us in his records before we were born (Psalm 139 :13-16).

               In Genesis chapter 6, Yahweh was wrapping up the end of eon 2 as sons of Elohim found daughters of humans to be very attractive (just like the one on the top page). This is rather somehow strange. Sons of Elohim are not like humans. They are celestial beings. Yet, they took daughters of humans as their wives. This resulted to mixed humans. This resulted to a lot of evils on earth. Yahweh could have stopped this but he knew this would lead to the end of eon 2. Therefore, Yahweh had to separate mixed humans from true humans through lineage of  Seth (the third son of Adam and Eve). I will discuss more on chapter 6 by Yahweh's grace next week. Before I conclude on this blog, the current eon appears to be experiencing similar issues concerning Scientific efforts to mix humans with non-human objects. It can be described as cross-bread and artificial intelligence. This has been creating a lot of damages in this world than good. It is getting to the point where this eon would also come to an end but the time left is determined by Yahweh himself.

               Remember that one thousand is like one day before him. Just like one of my past blogs, you would realize that people hardly live up to 100 not to mention 200 years. It means the events in this current eon have been compressed and more damages have been occurring because the thoughts of humans are evil daily. The destructions and calamities are happening faster than ever. It may seem to you that the grandfather or grandmother who have lived between 80 and 90 have lived long, but these ages are nothing to be compared with 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 969 as recorded in chapter 5 of Genesis! Humans have never lived closed to one day before Yahweh in this eon 3. So, people die too soon these days because of mixture of natural things and alien things. What about food we eat, liquids we drink, medications we take and even air we breathe? All have been mixed up with something else in the name of Science and technology. Even when Science and Technology appear to be fascinating, it is all temporary. They may be promising you Paradise on earth, but it is all lie. Most practitioners demean Yahweh, but they are still fulfilling the plans of Yahweh unknowingly. Therefore, Yahweh is in control. He will bring an end to this filthiness at the right time. He will definitely clean all the mess up. Amen.

Please, look forward to the concluding part of chapter 6 of the book of Genesis.


Stay tuned for more information in the next blog!

Thanks for reading this blog. I hope you are blessed through it. Please, leave your comments and questions. Be nice with them.

Have a wonderful day.




  1. I am blessed through this week blog. All glory to Yahweh.

  2. God bless you sir... The evil of man on earth is directly proportional to his lifespan averagely.

    1. The evil on earth had been predetermined before they exist. Their evil deeds only push them to fulfill Yahweh's plans. The world is experiencing the time of Noah once again.
      Thanks for your comment. You can share the message to your loved ones too.


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