Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 3)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Isaiah 46:10; Genesis chapter 1 through 4)

Hello my dear readers, may the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you.

               In last week blog, you were introduced to how Yahweh deals with his creations. You were informed that he deals with his creations in both relative sense and in absolute sense. You were also informed that according to the book of Genesis chapter 1 and 2, Yahweh stated that all he made (whether positive tools/materials or negative tools/materials) are good. In real life, this may be somehow make you disbelieve, but Yahweh is the only one who knows what roles all he made have to perform to suit his purpose. It is all about him. He is in control of everything.

This week blog goes further into chapter 4 of the book of Genesis with a little sprinkle of chapter 1, 2 and 3 on it (because it had been discussed in one of my previous blogs). I pray that the Spirit of Yahweh makes this week lesson clear to you.

               May I inform you that scripture should be the right word for the word of God because it is the different encounters of human beings with Yahweh while they were on earth. The scriptures were written through the inspiration of Yahweh. The inspiration is the Spirit of Yahweh at work though humans. Understand that scriptures are coded words. They are the record of all events (past; present and future). That is why there are many mis-interpretations of the original scriptures which resulted from interpreters' bias, culture, different believes, thoughts and ideas that vary from the original scriptures and evil conspiracies of some group of people. Yet, the truth cannot be hidden because the Spirit of Yahweh shines light in the midst of darkness created to cover the truth. Only a few people have come to realize the truth. Therefore, in the midst of much false information, the truth still stands out.

               The book of Genesis chapter 1 and 2 point out that Yahweh created things according to his plans. That is why he made humans after all other things were made. There is no point in creating humans when other things were not in place. However, from chapter 2 of the book of Genesis, Yahweh began to activate his plans for humanity through Adam when he warned him of the strange tree not to be eaten from (Genesis 2:9; 2:16-17). In chapter 3, humans misbehaved as Yahweh had planned it because he could have stopped Lucifer from entering into serpent; stopped Eve from listening to the serpent; stopped Adam from taking the fruit from Eve; avoided Adam and Eve from making such mistake. He did not do any of these. Yet, he informed the serpent that a seed from Eve (and Adam because the seed actually comes from male not female) will crush the serpent's (Lucifer) seed (Genesis 3:15). This was meant to happen. Yahweh spoke of future events in this chapter 3 of the book of Genesis. I understand that there are some other versions of Adam and Eve stories, but I will stick to the information from the kind of bible I use because it was taken from the original black sea scrolls. So, I encourage you to purchase yours.

               In chapter 4, Cain and Abel were born to Adam and Eve. After some years, Cain became a farmer but Abel became a Shepherd. Both sons offered offerings to Yahweh. Yahweh did not accept Cain's offering but Abel's offering. In order words, Yahweh sees the intention of whatever we do. Yahweh knew the intentions of both boys before they offered their offerings. So, Yahweh cannot be mocked (Galatians 6:7). In verse 5 through 7, Yahweh knew what was going to happen. He saw that Cain was very angry and was downcast. However, he dealt with Cain as if he was a human.

               How?   He asked Cain why Cain's anger was hot. In my opinion, I would expect Yahweh to chastise Cain for mocking him with bad offering. No, he did not. He rather addressed issues with Cain's anger. He informed Cain that if Cain had done the right thing, there was no need for Cain to be angry. He also warned Cain that much more danger was coming, if Cain did not stop to be angry. Why should Yahweh ask Cain about Cain's anger issue? Did he not know why he was angry? Of course, he knew what was in the mind of Cain. He dealt with Cain in relative sense by mentioning to Cain how angry Cain was. He also let Cain see the efficacy of not doing the right thing. He did not condemn Cain for offering him bad offering.

In absolute sense, Yahweh who knows everything informed Cain of the danger looming on Cain. In my own opinion, I would think Yahweh should have stopped Cain from carrying out what was in his mind. Alternatively, he should have protected Abel from Cain by all means. However, he did not do so. Why? He was following his plan step by step to trigger what would end the second eon.

               The first destroyer in the scripture was Cain because he murdered his brother eventually (Genesis 4:8). Cain was visited by Yahweh again. Yahweh approached Cain as if he knew nothing. He asked for Abel's whereabouts. Cain lied that he did not know where his brother was. Then, Yahweh switched to absolute sense by asking Cain, "what have you done? The voice of your brother's blood is crying out to Me from the ground" (Genesis 4:9-10). Just like in the book of Genesis chapter 3, Yahweh asked Adam where he was and Adam said he was hiding because he was naked. Does it mean Yahweh did not know what had happened to Adam and Eve? Of course, he did.

               If there is nothing you have gained in this week lesson (because the whole thing appears to be children's bible stories), understand that Yahweh knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). Everything is working to fulfill his counsel (Ephesians 1:11). Nothing catches him unawares. He could have avoided all these happenings, if he did not want it. Look at what is going on in this world. News of wars, environmental destructions, political injustices, human trafficking, drug pushing, bribery and corruption, nepotism, inhuman behaviors and all other eerie instances you can think of are known to Yahweh to occur in this world. If Yahweh were to behave like humans, he would have destroyed all those who perpetuate in these evils. Yet, he did not. All things are working according to the counsel of his will. It is difficult to believe all things are in his plans and he is control of all things, but why? If these things do not happen, there will be no need to have a new eon. Remember that in Genesis 1:1, the summary of first eon was recorded in just one verse. The second eon began from verse 2 of Genesis chapter 1. It is all in his plan and his pleasure.

I understand many of you will be thinking of the kind of God Yahweh is. He is not the kind of God you were told in places of worship. This blog must have opened your eyes on a few things about how Yahweh deals with his creations. He knows what comes next from the present second because he created all things for his pleasure (Revelation 4:11). He is timeless and ageless.  Amen.

There are more to come next week. As you can see, Yahweh is always in the center of all events whether you believe it or not. In the long run, he takes all glory. It has always been like that and it will always be.


Stay tuned for more information in the next blog!

Thanks for reading this blog. I hope you are blessed through it. Please, leave your comments and questions. Be nice with them.

Have a wonderful day.



  1. God bless you sir ... Yahweh is the only one who knows what roles all he made have to perform to suit his purpose. It is all about him. He is in control of everything....this is the key 🗝 sentence

    1. You got it. Thanks for your comment. Look forward for new blog next week God willing.


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