Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (introduction)


Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Isaiah 46:9-10; Isaiah 55:8-9; Revelation 4:11; Numbers 23:19; John 1:1-5; Revelation 22:13; Psalm 139:16; Romans 8:26)

Hello my dear readers, may the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you.

               I hope this blog blesses you immensely as you continue to read it. The last blog discusses that Yahweh supplies our daily bread. This is a great lesson. I advise everyone to read and get educated on what daily bread is all about.  In this week, I am going back to a very huge project that may take me a couple of weeks to complete. Therefore, please, fasten your belts and be ready to go with me on a long journey as you learn of Yahweh's relationship with his creations. I am sure you would like to know it. Try to keep checking my blog every week for each lesson.

If you can remember, that I mentioned in the last part of series 6 of the projects titled, "Eons and behind the scene of all creations" that I would discuss with you on how Yahweh deals with his creations. Now, here we go.

I believe you should have understood by now that Yahweh is the creator of everything through his dear son Yeshua (John 1:1-5). Nothing catches him unawares. So, he does not have reason to be "angry" at his creations. I intend to discuss on this particular statement in the nearest future. However, I have already released the audio lesson on this particular topic. If you need it, please let me know.

               Have you ever watched a movie titled, Gladiator starring Russell Crowe? How did you feel when the man died? I personally was not happy that he died. As a matter of fact, I feel sad anytime I watch this movie because this man's character was too good to die. I was so in tune with the movie that it made me concerned that the man, "Maximum Aurelius Decimus (Russell Crowe)" had many challenges. He was a great Roman General who defended Roman's interests. However, he was plotted against so that he would die. His family was murdered mercilessly. He escaped death but was caught by a slave master. He became a slave and later, a gladiator. He eventually had his revenge on the Emperor who killed his family and also plotted his death. However, Maximus died in the process.

I was truly sad on this movie. I cried and thought about life generally. How bad it is for good people to suffer and die soon while bad people exist for longer time and enjoy life to the fullest. This movie makes me ponder on life generally. However, this is just a movie! It is not real. Russell Crowe had featured in many other movies which I have seen. It is just a movie and nothing more. Do you know that this is how you and I live on earth?

That is true. Just like the movie I talked about and many other movies, we act whatever has been written concerning us. In the book of Psalm 139:16, the Bible says:

Your eyes saw my embryo,

And my days, all of them were written upon your scroll;

The days they were formed when there was not one of them

It can be inferred from this Bible verse that:

Ø  Yahweh saw you when you were in your mother's embryo. Your concealment is opened to him.

Ø  All you will be were already written in Yahweh's records.

Ø  Your body frame, your gender; color of skin e.t.c were known to Yahweh before you realize it.

See what Isaiah 46:9 say about you:

Ø  He is Elohim. After him, there is no other El. It means there is no God after Yahweh.

Ø  He tells from the beginning what must come next. He tells the sequence of events to come.

Ø  He also tells the end from the beginning. Yahweh declares things before they happen.

Ø  He says all his counsel must be confirmed (established)

Ø  He also said he would carry out all his desires (purpose).

Let me also dish this out for you to see in the book of Revelation 4:11:

Ø  Yahweh is worthy to receive glory, honor and power

Ø  He created all things according to his pleasures. This includes visible and invisible things, both celestial and terrestrial.

Ø  All things were created to fulfill his pleasures.

However, I must be cleared with you that:

1. Yahweh is not a fortune teller.

2. He is not reactive. He does not need to act based on what someone or what a group of people has done. I understand this is what you have learnt in most places of worship. This is not true when you look at it from the eyes of faith and not by five senses (i.e. by sight).

3. Yahweh does not scratch his head to think on what to do next. In other words, Yahweh does not need to think before he acts. He already knows what will come next. He does not panic. So, he is never unaware of events that have been happening in both heavens and earth. He has everything written before it happens. For an example, why do you think the prophetic records of Daniel are being fulfilled right from the time of Daniel up to this time? Please, read the book of Daniel chapter 2 to start with.

How does Yahweh deals with his creations?

Yahweh deals with his creations in both relative ways and in absolute ways.

1. Relative ways: Yahweh relates with his creations to make them feel that he is just like them. So, he makes people think he (Yahweh) has head; hands; eyes; ears; legs. He also makes people think he demonstrates human feelings like being happy; sad; regretful; grateful; violent; loving; encouraging and so on. All these human attributes make people put Yahweh in their box of reasoning. However, they are incorrect. El is not a man that he should lie or a son of humanity that he should feel regret...(Numbers 23:19).

2. Absolute ways: This is where most people, especially so called Bible preachers have mixed feelings about Yahweh. They will say one thing about Yahweh but change it another parts of their messages. In Absolute ways, Yahweh deals with his creation by showing them that he is not a human. He shows them that he has sovereignty on all his creations.  He demonstrates to them that he knows everything. He also shows them that there is no one like him (Isaiah 46:9-10). Yeshua said he is the Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the ending (Revelation 22:13). It means he can tell the end from the beginning. There is no guessing when it comes to Yahweh and his son Yeshua. They are always right. Yahweh's wisdom is deeper than blue seas. His power is higher than the highest. His love is higher than human's comprehension. Yahweh's thoughts and ways are not our thoughts and ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). There many instances to illustrate this scripture. Yahweh is so glorious that you cannot fathom it. He is invisible. No one has ever seen Yahweh (John 1:18; John 6:46). Yet, he chooses to relate with his creations (Psalm 8:4). Those who told you that they saw Yahweh as truly he is and even described him to you like "Kath Kerr" and "Jesse Duplantis" said in their videos/CDs are deceiving you. Scriptures cannot be broken (John 10:35b). Please, remember that.

               So, from today onward, never put Yahweh in your box of reasoning as you may have been told or preached in your places of worship. Yahweh is not your mate. He is not angry but he is not your puppet! He is who he is. He is the subjector. He does what he likes however he likes and through whoever he likes. May I also inform you that only Yahweh has freewill. No other creation does. Remember, free will simply means your behavior is not influenced by anyone; anything; not even by Yahweh; Lucifer or any force whether visible or invisible. Only Yahweh has free will. No one can influence his will. Take it or leave it. For an example, you may say because someone prayed and fasted for "x" amount of days and that is why his or her prayers were answered. That is incorrect. No one knows how to pray (Romans 8:26). It pleases Yahweh to answer such person's prayer. Please, read my blog on how do we pray for details on this issue.


               Now, I am just getting started on this huge project. I understand that you may have a lot of questions in your mind by now. Do not worry. The Spirit of Yahweh will make it clear to you as it wills. However, I am excited to zoom off into many examples on this project from the scriptures on how Yahweh deals with his creations. This will enable you to unlearn incorrect interpretations of scriptures and you will come to understand why Yahweh does what he does from Genesis through Revelation. As you can see, we are in for a long ride. I pray I am able to complete it in no time. I hope I am not snatched away before I complete them all (lol). However, if I am, you can read all I have written prior  snatch away!

Thanks for reading this blog. I hope you are blessed through it. Please, leave your comments and questions. Be nice with them.

Have a wonderful day.



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