Yahweh in your business

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Isaiah 46:9-10; Psalm 24:1; Isaiah 65:24; Ephesians 1:11; Hebrews 4:13; Psalm 37:5; Proverbs 3:3-6)

Hello my dear readers, may the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you. Happy New Year to you! I hope you were blessed with my previous blogs. Here we go in another year! As we continue this New Year, I like to burst your bubbles by letting you know that Yahweh is in your business. Oh yeah.

Last week, I discussed with us that one of the renowned world Preachers stated that Yahweh is the greatest failure. That got to me and I shared my displeasure on this issue because the Preacher was speaking out his abundant ignorance. If you have not read this blog, please go and do so.

Have you ever heard that someone is being nosy? May be you have been called nosy before. Truth to be told, I have been told before. Today, I need you to understand that Yahweh is in your business but he is not nosy.

How do I mean?

Isaiah 46:9-10. The followings truth can be inferred from it:

Ø  Only Yahweh (God of Heavens and Earth) is the Elohim and there is none like him.

Ø  He tells from the beginning what to come hereafter.

Ø  He also tells from aforetime what is yet to be done.

Ø  He is bold to say that all his counsel shall be confirmed.

Ø  He also stated that he will carry out all his desires. It means he will not change his mind on what he desires to do.

So, you see why you cannot beat this?

In Isaiah 65:24: Yahweh pointed out that before you call him, he would answer. He also pointed out that while you are still speaking, he would hear/answer you. Now, that is no joke!

Why is Yahweh concerned about you?

First of all, you need to understand that he is the Landlord of this world and everything in it according to Psalm 24:1. It also implies that you are not a stranger to him. So, according to the books of Hebrews 4:13, no one can hide away from Yahweh. More so, we must all give account to him on our deeds.

Now, that you know you cannot avoid him. If you have never believed he exists, he does.  You must understand that all is of Yahweh (2 Corinthians 5:18). So, he is in control of everything that happens in your life. Oh yes, including the one that is happening to you now.

So, what can you do in this New Year?

My humble advice to you my dear reader is:

Ø  Psalm 37:5: Points out that you should hand over your ways (plans) unto Yahweh; trust in him and he shall do it. Do what? Help you to accomplish your intended goals (Jeremiah 29:11). Therefore, Yahweh may re-arrange your plans for you based on his plans for your life this year.

Ø  Proverbs 3:3-6: Do not be too smart with your life. Remember, he has been here before anything else exists.

Ø  Ephesians 1:11: Yahweh will carry out his plans for your life according to the counsel of his will. So, all things may not go your way but according to his ways. Learn to trust in his ways.

Ø  Hebrews 4:16: It is only Yahweh's throne you can come to receive grace and mercy every day. You come to him in prayer at anytime. It is by his grace and mercy that we all live. I will talk more about this bible verse, next week.

In conclusion:

               This is a new year in deed, but it is not new to Yahweh. He knows all that will happen in this year. That is why I advise you to commit your journey into his hands and trust him to direct your path. I must submit to you that a lot of strange things will occur in this year. Be not afraid. All that must come to pass will occur according to the plans of Yahweh for this world. However, he will always be our good shepherd and we will never lack any good thing!

There are lots to discuss this year. Get ready to know how Yahweh relates with humanity (down the road in this year). You can share this blog as many as you can too. Get ready to be blessed through this blog in this year by the Spirit of Yahweh.

Once again, I wish you a happy New Year.

Hope this blog has blessed you too.

Please, leave comments and be nice with them.





  1. Wow! It is another year! Thanks to Yahweh for his goodness and mercy. Hope you are blessed in this week blog. Your support is appreciated. Expect more blogs by the special grace of Yahweh!


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