"Our Daily Bread"



Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Matthew 6:11; Hebrew 4:16; Hebrews 4:14-16)

Hello my dear readers, may the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you.

Last week blog discusses that Yahweh is on your business. Please, read this blog, if you have not done so.

This week, I need to let you understand that the bible says concerning daily bread. I believe you must have heard it million times the words "daily bread".

               What is daily bread? Literarily, it means a kind of food people eat every day. If you must know, it was Yeshua who mentioned the word "bread" in the book of Matthew 6:11. Why did Yeshua have to mention the word bread when there could be any kind of food he might have mentioned while discussing with his disciples on how to pray to Yahweh (our Father). As a matter of fact, let us dig deeper into what Yeshua meant on this bible verse. 

Matthew 6:11 says, "Our bread, our dole, be giving us today".

Now, we are getting somewhere. Bread is a common food known through the world. So, Yeshua used the right kind of food that is he knew is essential to all humanity. In addition to this, the bible version I quoted above shed further light into what Yeshua was telling his disciples on this bible verse.

What does dole means? According to an online dictionary, it simply means benefit.

               So now, to get the total picture of this bible verse, it can be inferred from it that Yeshua was teaching his disciples that our Father (Yahweh) has all benefits for humanity to obtain every day. You may be thinking on why some people are rich while some are poor. It does not matter what the financial situation of everyone may be, Yahweh still pour rains on everyone and he makes sun shines on everyone. Yahweh is never shy away from giving us benefits that will enable everyone to explore all things available for humanity to exist on earth. That is why it is called daily bread. More so, the daily bread is our dole. This dole keeps us all living. Yahweh charges no fee from anyone. It is amazing!

To narrow this daily bread and dole down to individual specifications, I will like to discuss what Paul mentioned in the book of Hebrews 4:16. "We may be coming, then with boldness to the throne of grace, that we may be obtaining mercy and finding grace for opportune help".

               This is a loaded bible passage. However, in brief, Paul admonishes everyone to approach our Father that is in Heaven (Yahweh) to obtain our daily bread which is our dole. This dole can be termed as many things as you may imagine in your life. However, Paul pointed out that we all need two major things from Yahweh every day. They are grace and mercy of Yahweh. These are our daily bread! These are the doles we all need. We need the dole, especially in time of dire needs. When everyone does not feel your pains, Yahweh only does. Please, approach him on any condition that may be bothering your mind today. I pray we have the boldness to remember that the only true Father we all have is Yahweh. He can be reached through the name of his son, Yeshua. He is the only high priest you have (Hebrews 4:14-16).

I hope you understand that Yahweh is not looking for you to be perfect to approach him. He is not laying down any criteria for you to approach his throne. Once you realize that he is your father, you will have the boldness to approach him as his child!

Thanks for reading this week blog.

I hope you have been blessed too. Please, leave comments and be nice with them.

Next week promises to be another exciting topic.



  1. Great lesson! Father, thank you for giving us our daily bread.


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