Is Yahweh a Failure (Loser)?

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Isaiah 46:9-10; Revelation 22:13; Ephesians 1: to the end; John 8:44; I Pet 5:8; John 19:28-30; Matthew 26:33-34; Romans 1:28)

               Hello readers, may the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you. I hope you were blessed with the blog of last week. Before I go into the way Yahweh deals with humans, I like to address a couple of issues that so called "mighty men of God" discussed with their flocks in their places of worship concerning Yahweh. These mighty men of God spoke with lack of understanding and most of their followers would not know. It is just like a blind person leading the rest blind people. It always amazes me when people try to put Yahweh in their own box of reasoning. What a shame! One of them was bold enough to tell his followers that Yahweh is the greatest failure. He pointed out the followings among many things in his teachings:

Ø  Yahweh was disappointed with Adam and Eve for disobeying his instructions.

Ø  Lucifer and his followers disappointed Yahweh by rising against him.

Ø  Yahweh got frustrated due to the evil behaviors of people he created. So, he destroyed them but kept Noah and his families and a few Animals alive.

Ø  Yahweh got angrier because people prefer evil to good in their deeds.

Ø  Yahweh had to look for a solution by sending his son, Yeshua to die for peoples' sins.

Ø  The work of salvation of Christ Yeshua appears not to be enough as billions of people disdain this work of salvation.

Ø  Yahweh now sees Lucifer as his competitor. Therefore, he is waging war at him daily.

Ø  Those who refuse to accept Yeshua as their personal Lord and savior are going to "hell fire" which is the permanent separation from Yahweh. And so on and so forth.....

               For better understanding of today's blog, I will like to take you to one of the old movies, "Clash of the Titans". There was a young man called Pursues. He had to confront and defeat Medusa. If you have never watched this movie before, you might think this man would die by the hand of this dreadful looking Medusa. Let us pretend you have never watched this movie before but your friend who had watched this movie tells you that Pursues would not die by the hand of Medusa. You may argue that this is impossible because it does not look like it in this movie. Who is in better position in this argument? Of course, it is your friend.  He is in a better position because he had watched the movie from the beginning to the end before you begin to watch it.

Is Yahweh truly a failure or the worst of it? Now, let me take you back to the scriptures.

1. Isaiah 46: 9-10: Remember the former things from eon, For I am El, and there is no other like Me! Telling the beginning, the hereafter, And from aforetime what has not yet been done, Saying, All My counsel, it shall be confirmed, And all My desire shall I do.

These can be inferred from this scripture:

Ø  Yahweh points out that he is El and there is no other like him.

Ø  He tells the beginning, the current and what will come in the future.

Ø  All his counsel shall be confirmed (established).

Ø  All his desires he shall do.

See what the scripture says in Revelation 22:13:

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Origin and the Consummation.

Yeshua is the beginning and the ending; the first and the last. In order words, he is the A through Z of everything in this world and beyond.

Ephesian 1:1-11 among the rest of the chapter point out that:

Ø  Christ Yeshua through the will of Yahweh (God) had chosen his members of his body before the disruption of this world.

Ø  We, his followers are flawless in his sight in love designating us beforehand for the place for a son for him through Christ Yeshua (Jesus in English language).

Ø  Yahweh has designated us (the members of his body) beforehand according to the purpose and according to the counsel of his will.

               So, now you can see that Yahweh and his son Yeshua know from the end from the beginning. How come someone who said he represents God come to the public and says Yahweh is the greatest failure? What kind of theory is this? What sort of beer did he drink? Did he smoke pipe or crack? Did this man really think before he opened his mouth wide to say this to his flocks? I believe many people would nod their heads in agreement with him on the day he preached this nauseating message on his deceitful pulpit! It is repugnant to conclude that my Father in Heaven is a loser not to talk of being the greatest failure or being a loser. What was he thinking? If you want to know, his name is "Kenneth Copeland" ( This is one of the wolves in the sheep clothing that most people flock with. This is a disgrace. This man does not represent the kingdom of Yahweh but this earthly kingdom. No wonder, he is among those who are feeding their flocks with spiritual junk food. Oh come, Lord Yeshua! This is disgusting! I cannot stand this stupid allegation. It is only a vagabond and a blatant liar that will open his mouth wide with his fierce looking eyes and preach such a nonsensical message. No wonder, Yeshua said in John 8:44 that a person like Kenneth Copeland is a liar and his father is Lucifer.

               Do you think Yahweh and his son made mistake to let evil and good slug it out every day? Do you think Yahweh was tired of sin and that is why he sent Yeshua (his son) to come and die for the sins of the world? If that is what you have been fed with, you have been utterly deceived! Come off it! Run away from these deceivers! They are preaching to you out of their abundant human philosophies but not from the Spirit of Yahweh. These same deceitful preachers formulate evil doctrines from scriptures and most of you never asked the Spirit of Yahweh to tell you the truth as you go back to check the scriptures! All most of you do is to accept whatever they tell you. This is a not good habit. Paul pointed out that Yahweh gives them to a disqualified mind to do what is not befitting, filled with injustice, wickedness, evil, greed, distended with envy, murder... in Romans 1:28. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! I pray that Yahweh wakes you up to see and know the truth!

               When Yeshua was on earth, he knew all that would happen to him on the crucifixion tree (John 19:28-30). Prior his death, he would tell his disciple whatever they were thinking among them (John 16:17-19). He informed peter that Peter would deny him three times (Matthew 26:33-34). So, do you want to tell me that Yahweh and his son Yeshua had to think before they act? Do you think they were not present before all things begin to exist? How come Yahweh is a failure? Are Kenneth Copeland and his folks serious!? Can someone wake me up!? Does it sound right in your hears that the maker of Heavens and Earth is a failure? Is he worried that this world might collapse through evil of work of Lucifer? Was sending Yeshua a panic or an overnight decision? No! No! No! These Preachers are looking at Yahweh from wrong direction. I will never attend such a gathering where someone will be misrepresenting what my Father Yahweh truly is.

In conclusion, this week blog may appear with tone of anger and displease. That is true because no one can talk about my father and his only begotten son to be failures or losers. Whoever says this lacks wisdom and such people live in thick darkness. I pray you get into the light of understanding and the true word of Yahweh. I need to remind readers that this blog is being raised to expose these false teachings; rebuke them and definitely correct them.

Thanks for reading this blog. Hope you have learnt one or two things this week also.

Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.

Next week will be another great topic to discuss.





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