EONS and behind the scene of all creations VI: EONS

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance): Genesis 1:1; Genesis 1:2-3; Genesis Chapter 6-11; Isaiah 65:20; Rev 13:1-18; Rev 16:16;Rev Chapter 19-22; John 1:1-4

               Grace and mercy of Yahweh be to you today. In last week blog, you were informed on how Humans were exposed to sin. You were informed that Yahweh (the maker of Heavens and Earth) did not want to test the obedience of Humans but already knew in absolute sense that they would disobey him. You were also informed that in those days, people used to marry their siblings. If you have not read the last blog, please go and do so.

            This week, we are going to learn about EONS. I listened to the most outspoken Bible speakers in this world called Martin Zender (martinzender.com) in one of his YouTube (MZTV) presentation on this topic. I decided to dig deeper by studying scriptures for more information. So, this week, you are about to learn something I have come to understand. This week blog could take up to 5 weeks but I will try to summarize it 1 week.

What is an EON?

            It can be described as a long period of time that its end is determined by Yahweh. Have you ever seen this word, Eon in your bible? Hardly, because it may not be found in King James Version; New King James Version; New International Version among other versions you may think of. The reason is obvious. The word Eon has been mistranslated into the following words: Forever; eternal; everlasting; unending; for life among other words. These synonymous words negate the true meaning of what the original Bible context means. For an example, it was said in some bible translations that Yeshua will reign forever. This not so if, the word forever is replaced with Eon. This means Yeshua will reign for a thousand year. Details of this lesson will be released through blog sometimes in next year by Yahweh's will.

How can Eons be grouped?

Eons can be grouped into 5 to measure time of events going in this world. We humans have time and seasons, but Yahweh has Eons. In each Eon, different events occur and Bible is our guide on these Eons.

Mind you, one common event that ends each Eon is destruction. Each Eon did not end peacefully.

EON 1:

This can be found in the book of Genesis 1:1. The Bible says. "In a beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth. Two weeks ago, volume 1 of these series point out that:

Ø  The word "a" makes the difference when compared with King James Version; New King James Version; New International Version e.t.c.

Ø  The word "a" shows there was a world prior the one that was created by Yahweh after Genesis 1:1.

Ø   Yeshua was slain before the disruption of the world (Revelation 13:8) implies that a world existed before the one newly created after Genesis 1:1. For more details, please go and read volume 1 of these series.

EON 2:

This Eon begins from Genesis 1:3. As for the earth, it came to be a chaos and vacant, and darkness was over the surface of abyss. And the Spirit of Elohim was vibrating over the surface of the waters. And Elohim said: Let light come to be! And light came to be.

There are striking words that stood out to me on this Bible passage. Here they are:

Ø  The former world was destroyed because it became a chaos and vacant. It also implies that there were inhabitants in this world before.

Ø  It was dark. It means there was light before.

Ø  Surface of abyss. It also implies that there was a deep place with surface which was dark for eyes to perceive.

Ø  Sprit of Elohim. This is where most Bible scholars miss the point. The Spirit of Elohim is Yahweh Elohim himself. People try to separate the Spirit of Elohim from Elohim. This should not be so. The creator of heavens and earth are Yahweh (Elohim) and Yeshua his Son. If you want more prove, check St. John 1:1-4 for details.

            This Eon 2 spread all the way from Adam and Eve to Cain; Abel; Seth; many daughters (female names were hardly mentioned in Old testaments except they played symbolic roles); Enosh; Lamech (the first man to marry two wives); Enoch; until time of Nephilims and time of Noah (Genesis chapter 1 through 6). In these 6 chapters, people who lived in those days lived longer. For example, Adam lived 935 years; Eves' age was 930 years; Enoch was 365 years; Methuselah 969 years. Towards the end of this Eon, Yahweh instructed Noah to make an Ark for him and his family to live because it was getting to the end of second Eon. This Eon was ended with deluge rain and flood. Only 8 people were saved!

EON 3:

This Eon started from the time Noah and his family and Animals left the Ark and began to live on earth (in Genesis 8:15) until the present time (that is, today).  Other things that can be pointed out of this Eon are:

Ø  This is the most wicked Eon. People are full of evil deeds. In this Eon, good and evil are slugging it out more than other previous Eons.

Ø  People wanted to be united as one (Genesis 11) while Yahweh wanted them to scatter over the world to replenish and subdue it (Genesis 9).

Ø  At this time, people did not live too long like Eon 2. Peoples' life span began to dwindle.

Ø  This is the Eon that crucified Our Lord and Savior Yeshua.

Ø  This is the Eon that will be taken over by the Anti-Christ. He will rule this world through the power of Lucifer. He would be assisted by false Prophet (Revelation 13:1-18).

Ø  The end of this Eon will be the time Yeshua takes over this world from Anti-Christ (Revelation 16:16; 19:11-21). This will also be full of destructions. Anti Christ and false Prophet will be thrown into lake of fire. Lucifer will be chained and thrown into submerged chaos and would be locked for a thousand years! This is the end of Eon 3.

EON 4:

            In this Eon, Yeshua will reign for a thousand years! Wow. That will be a long years. I agree. However, remember that in Eon 2, people lived for almost 1,000 years. So, it will be too long to us that were born in Eon 3. Isaiah 65:20 points out that people that will die at the age of 100 will be considered to have died young. Can you imagine this? However, since nothing last forever. This Eon will be brought to an end when Lucifer is let loose from his detain/prison to come and deceive the world once more (Revelation 20:1-15). Lucifer will mobilize a throng of people against Yeshua's Kingdom. He will mobilize a war of Gog and Magog. His work of adversary will be displayed one more time. This will be his last straw and he will meet his waterloo. Lucifer's followers will be destroyed by fire that comes from Yahweh. Lucifer will be finally thrown into lake of fire. Yahweh will judge people according to their acts. Those whose names are not found in scroll of life, such will be cast into lake of fire. Once more, this Eon will end with destructions. Will people in lake of fire be there forever? No! Remember, there is nothing forever. Do not be deceived. They will be there for as long Yahweh deems it fit.

EON 5:

            In this Eon, Yahweh Elohim will create a new heaven and earth (Revelation chapter 21 and chapter 22). These two chapters discuss intense on the new creations Yahweh will make. It also informs us that there will be no more seas. There will be no more death; hatred; vandalizing; weeping; racism; disappointments; war; trouble; sorrow; pains; hunger; bitterness; famine; sicknesses and diseases. Lions will be kitties again. Lambs and Lions will be at peace. Yahweh will be our Father and we will be his people. I hope I will not see serpents again. How about you? May be yours are Mosquitoes! It will be a new beginning of all things.

If you ask me: What then follows? I do not know. Yahweh only knows. He only allows me to know to the extent he wants me to know. The same thing applies to all his children. For me, I think this is good enough. What do you think? Once again, this lesson was compressed to fit this week alone. Messages related to each Eons may come next time.

Until then, let us wait for more lessons, God willing next week. I will begin to discuss on how Yahweh deals with his creations. I must inform you that he is a true Father.

I hope you have been blessed by this week blog.

More to come next week by the special grace of Yahweh.

Happy reading.

Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.



  1. Do you really think nothing will separate us from the Love of Christ Yeshua? Yes! Even lake of fire? Yes!; Yes Yes Yes!


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