EONS and behind the scene of all creations IV: Creation of humans

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance): Genesis 1:26; Genesis 2:20-23

               Grace and mercy of Yahweh be to you today. In the last blog, we learnt a lot about Lucifer. In case this is your first time of reading my blogs, please take time to read all my previous blogs including the last one I discussed with us about Lucifer.

In this blog, you want to learn how Yahweh made humans.

In the book of Genesis 1:26, it was recorded as:

And Elohim said: Let Us make "humanity" in Our image and according to Our likeness. Let them hold sway over the fish of the sea and over the flyer of the heavens, over the domestic beasts, over land animal and over every creeper that is creeping on the earth.

Genesis 2:7: Yahweh formed the "human" out of the soil from the ground and He blew his nostrils the breath of life and the "human" became a living soul.

Among many things on the above bible verses, the followings can be inferred:

Ø  There was never a mention of Adam or Eve. Human was the first name mentioned. That is why I put human is apostrophes for emphasis.

Ø  Humanity was not made from Apes as Scientists have claimed.

Ø  Humans have the spirit of Yahweh to breathe and become living souls.

Ø  Humans are made from soil. Not a biological big bang theory.

Ø  Humans have been blessed to have control over everything made by Yahweh.

Observation: You will observe that I did not include verse 27 of Genesis 1 because this blog is not focusing on this for now.

Question: How did Yahweh make Humans in form of male and female?

I believe Genesis 1:27 should have been included in chapter 2 but for the fact that it is there, it would be discussed further in chapter 2:21-23. First of all, in Genesis 2:20, it was also pointed out that the "Human" was calling the name of every animal on the field. This depicts that the first creation (Male) was existing before the female human.

In Genesis 2:21-23, this is what my bible version says:

Then, Yahweh Elohim caused a stupor to fall on the human. While he was sleeping, He took one of his "angular organs" and closed up the flesh over its place. Yahweh Elohim "built" the angular organ that He had taken from the human into "a woman" and brought "her" to the human. The human said: This time, it is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This shall be called woman, for this was taken from her man.

In the above bible passage, the following events happened:

Ø  The first human named everything brought to him by Yahweh Elohim.

Ø  Yahweh Elohim made everything good but human was not yet perfect. All the male human knew was good.

Ø  All he did was to enjoy his life in the Garden of Eden where he was put by Yahweh. Remember that this human was never called Adam but male human. He was not yet a man, but a male.

Ø  The first human named the first female human that was brought to him by Yahweh Elohim.

Ø  The title of male human changed in Genesis 2:21-22.

Ø  Yahweh caused the male human to sleep so that he could remove an organ from male organs (angular organs). Angular organ can be found where your reproductive organ is located. It used to be two organs before. In order words, the male human used to possess both organs (male and female). One of these organs was taken to make female out of male. As you can see that this bible version put more light into this issue. Females were not made from Males' ribs as King James Bible Version has recorded. However, Male human looked at female human and observed that female human looked just like him. Female human has the same body frame but in a different version. Male human could not believe he could see someone that looks like him because all that Yahweh Elohim had been bringing to him never looked like him. So, he stated that female human was just like him. That is, the same bone and flesh.

Observation: Have you ever thought within you on why do opposite sex attracts? In most cases, male humans long to hook up with female due to the angular organ taken from them. Male humans always will do everything to get this female organ next to them. Male human can die to have this female human stay alive. Have you ever seen how romantic attraction feels between these two creations? That is why Yahweh made female human from the angular part of the male human. I believe the male human will be missing one of the organs he used to have. The one this organ was used to make becomes more attractive and an irresistible being. I am sure the male human would be wondering what kind of stupor he went through to wake up and see a wonderful being standing right in front of him!

In conclusion, a lot has been discussed in this week blog. I also understand that it is not what you were told in most places of worship. Please, keep learning and get blessed. You will also realize that the word "Adam or Eve" has not been mentioned. None of these creations bear these names yet.

Now, the whole drama is getting into climax. More will be discuss on how these creations connect to Yahweh's plans for this world. Stay connected for the next lesson, next week by the grace of Yahweh.

Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.




  1. Yahweh continues to execute his plans for this world. So, he made everything, male human first and then, ...........female human. The drama is getting to the climax! Happy reading

    1. Amen. I hope this blog blessed you too. Thanks for your comments.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for your comment. I hope you were blessed too. Thanks for your support.


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