EONS and behind the scene of all creations (Volume III) Lucifer: Who does Bible say he is?

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance): Psalm 45:7; Colossians 1: 15-17; I Peter 5:8: Job 1:6; 1:9-11; Job 2:1; 2:3-6

               Grace and mercy of Yahweh be to you today. I pray that this week blog be crystal clear to you through the Spirit of Yahweh. Last week, you were informed that Yahweh created all things including visible and invisible things. He also created heavens and earth. His creations show us the beauty of Yahweh's mind. Yahweh's first creation is Yeshua (his son). Yahweh created the rest things though his son, Yeshua (St. John 1:1-3).

This week, we are going to learn about Lucifer.

Do you know that good and bad things were also created by Yahweh? Isaiah 45:7 established this.

Isaiah 45:7 says:

Former of light and Creator of darkness,

Maker of good and Creator of evil,

I, Yahweh, make all these things

               In the first part of this series, you were informed that Yeshua was slain before the disruption of this world. It means the world we live began on a clean slate. However, Yahweh who knows the end from the beginning had in his mind to create another living movie life we call this world. This life had to be of good and evil. These two characters will help to fulfill his plans. So, Yeshua was created to clean the mess that was about to be created.

How would the mess (evil) begin?

               Yahweh through his son had to create an adversary. This adversary had to be a special creation that would be capable of reporting all creations to Yahweh. Not only that. This creation has to be able to deceive Yahweh's creations. These are the main job of this adversary. So, Lucifer is the adversary of Yahweh's creation (Job 1:9-11; 2:3-6). There are followers of this adversary that Yahweh had already known will exist to help him carry out the work of adversity. If you need to know the truth, Lucifer (otherwise known as Satan) was not a good creation in the beginning. He was created to do evil right from the start. Evil is his DNA! He was never been good before unlike many theories you may have been told in the book of Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. Please, read these scriptures very well. These scriptures addressed kings; Princes and cities/kingdoms that were unpleasant to Yahweh in their deeds and in their pride. These scriptures are not for Satan. This may be further discussed in the future.

Where Lucifer does resides?

Ephesians 6:12 points out that Lucifer and his demons live in heavenly realms. He is not living in lake of fire (or hell fire) as many Bible readers may have believed or being told.

Where does he perform his tasks?

His office is on this earth. Job 1:7 established that Lucifer goes to and fro in the earth and he walks though the earth. He performs his tasks of adversity on earth.

In the book of Job mentioned (Chapter 1 and 2), it can be inferred from them that:

Ø  Lucifer does appear in the present of Yahweh whenever he is summoned.

Ø  Yahweh is the one who calls the attention of Lucifer on his creations.

Ø  Yahweh is the one who instructs Lucifer on what to do. In order words, Lucifer cannot carry out any function on Yahweh's creations unless Yahweh tells him to do so. He dares not go against his maker!

Why did I Peter 5:8 admonish us to be sober and be watchful (vigilant) for Lucifer?

It can be inferred from Peter's message that:

               i. As Believers, we should be sober with understanding that Lucifer did not choose to be the adversary of people. He was created by Yahweh to do so. It also means that Yahweh creates things according to his own pleasures (Revelations 4:11). If Lucifer realizes that his end would be pathetic and destructive, he would have stopped his evil work, but he would never change because he was created to be an evil doer. He was never a good being before!

               Yahweh is a subjector. We are to be sober by referencing Yahweh on how he subjects Lucifer to be the adversary of his (Yahweh's) creations. That is what Lucifer was made for. Remember that in my previous lesson, I explained in details that Yahweh did not only create good things, but he also created evil things (Isaiah 45:7). This is not a plea for Lucifer. This is all about Yahweh's sovereignty. No one can question him on his plans.

               ii. As Believers, we should also be watchful of how Lucifer parades himself as a roaring Lion. Lion is a terrible and fierce looking creation. Lucifer makes people believes he has all power to control people. However, he does not. Some people even fear him while some worship him. The bible says that Lucifer is "like" a roaring lion. He is not a lion. Therefore, the appearance and the deeds of Lucifer are to deceive people. Yeshua pointed out that Lucifer was a murderer and the father of lies from the beginning (John 8:44). This means he had never been a good creature from the beginning. He did not just change to be a bad character overnight. Stop being deceived by so call Bible preachers. Lucifer is deceiving billions of people in places of worship with false doctrines and messages that appear to be right.

               The only Lion we have is our Lord and savior Yeshua. All powers in Heavens and Earth are given to him by his father (Yahweh) Matthew 28:18. Therefore, we as Believers are not to be afraid of how Lucifer operates but to watch how he operates. We are to learn how to deal with him because we are loved and chosen by Lucifer's subjector. In Yeshua's name, Yahweh will crush Lucifer under our feet (Romans 16:20). We do not overcome Lucifer by our own righteousness but on the account of Yahweh's righteousness (Isaiah 54:17) because no one is righteous.

               In conclusion, the book of Colossians 2:15 points out that Yeshua had stripped Lucifer of his powers and his cunningness by making a show of him in an open disgrace because he had conquered him. As Believers, we have overcome him by the blood of the Lambkins and by our words of testimonies (Revelations 12:11). Lucifer is not the red and black color with horn on his head you see on movies, pictures or images. All these appearances are also deceits. No matter how dreadful they want you to perceive Lucifer; you have been deceived. That is why he is been continually misrepresented in our societies. Lucifer makes you think of him of what he is not because he presents himself on what appears to be true. Lucifer does not look dreadful but like an angel of light operating in darkness. Remember, that you are more than conqueror through him who loved you! (Romans 8:37).

There are more than can be discussed about Lucifer but a lot had been discussed already. More to come in the nearest future on Lucifer; Serpent; Humans and the rest of the dramas!

I hope you have understood a lot about Lucifer this week.

Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.





  1. Here we go ! The new blog is out. You've got to know what Lucifer (Satan) is all about. Happy reading.

  2. No. Luckier is not that black and red colors with horns on his head. Don't be fooled.

  3. Lucifer is not the one who wears red and black colors with horns on his head. Don't be fooled.


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