EONS and behind the scene of all creations (volume II): Who is YAHWEH?

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance)Psalm 19:1-6; 24:1; 139:6-8; 113:3; Colossians 1:16-17


Hello dear readers. Last week, I discussed intensively on Genesis 1:1. I let us understand the followings:

Ø  The better translation of this scripture is the word "an" instead of "the". This creates a far difference in the interpretation of how Yahweh created heavens and earth.

Ø  The word "heavens" as in the bible version mentioned above while compared with "heaven" as it is in King James Version also creates a huge difference while interpreting this scriptures.

Ø  You were also informed that the words like "forever; eternity; everlasting" as found in King James Version are incorrect interpretation of the words in the original scrolls (both Hebrews and Greek) when compared with the above version used to discuss bible lesson on this blog. The better interpretation of all these is eon. Please, see last week lesson for details about this and many more on creations.

               In this week, it would be good to learn about the creator of all that exists both visible and invisible. The best way to find out is through scripture. Believe me, bible is full of coded information and the secrets in it may not be unlocked to anyone except by the Spirit of Yahweh. Spirit of Yahweh  tells you what each code means and how you should apply them. Long words short, bible cannot be interpreted by human's intellectuals. Have you ever wondered how plants, trees, fruits, grass, herbs, mountains, waters, seas and all creatures you can see around you exist? May be you have already have an idea of who I am trying to tell you about. Just to make sure you know, let us look into what the bible has to say on this.

Psalm 24:1

Yahweh's is the earth and its fullness, The habitance and those dwelling in it.

               Do you know what the above scripture means? It means Yahweh owns this world and everything in it. Pause a bit on this. It means everything you can think of in this world was created by Yahweh. All raw materials the scientists and technical gurus implement to formulate their discoveries, hypothesis, theories, conclusions and applications of their theories were made by Yahweh. You need to also understand that scientific theory/theories which established that humans came from apes are false. In other words, Yahweh is the Landlord of every creation on earth and beyond!

               Yahweh and his son Yeshua created all things Colossians 1:16-17. Of course, the first in creation is Yeshua and he is the one in which for him, all things created (in heavens and on earth), visible and invisible, whether thrones or lordship, sovereignties, or authorities were created for him. Yeshua is before all and all has its cohesion in him. This may be mysterious but it is the truth. Do you also realize that the creation as Genesis 1:2 pointed out that the Spirit of Elohim (Yahweh) was vibrating over the surface of the waters. There are two characters in creation. Not three. They are Yahweh and his son, Yeshua. Yahweh is Spirit (invisible). John 4:24 speaks more on this. Yeshua (known in English as Christ Jesus) mentioned this truth to the Samaritan Woman. Yeshua is the first in creation because he is the image of the invisible Yahweh (Colossian 1:15). There a lot of information divulged here. This is also very deep. The book of St. John 1:1-4 pointed out two characters in creation. Think about it. The interpretation from bible version like King James misinterprets a lot on this.

Let us go through the rest scriptures mentioned above. The following truths can be inferred from it:

Ø  Psalm 19:1-6: The Heavens are recounting the glory of Eli. The Heavens reveal how glorious Yahweh is. Yahweh had conceived what he intended to create before he began to display them. The earth recounts his glory. How about trees in different species? What about human beings in different colors; different languages; beliefs; thoughts; ideas and species (tall; dwarf; big; small beautiful; not attractive; male and female); different sea creations; mountains; birds; animals among many other creations? Just imagine what invisible creations would look like too. So, you can see the beauty of Yahweh's mind through his creations. His creations in deed show the beauty of Yahweh's glory.  All things are created for his pleasures.

Ø  Psalm 113:3: Sunrise and Sunset remind us that Yahweh created day and night. This is what scientists and technical gurus based time upon. In order words, day and night are the raw materials for time clocks.

Ø  Psalm 139:6-8: Points out that Yahweh is everywhere. That means his Spirit is everywhere. He is not lost to be found. He only reveals himself to whoever he pleases. No human effort can help to find him. No human efforts can help to understand him. No human effort can also help to approach him. His Spirit does all these and he is the invisible father that dwells high above in Heavens and also dwells on earth.

In conclusion:

               To the Atheists and Atheists in disguise out there, the love Yahweh has been demonstrated by creating heavens and earth. All started by creating his son (Yeshua) whom all things were made through. All things were created out of love and plan Yahweh has for Heavens and Earth to fulfill his purpose. Just imagine what a paint artist displays on his canvas. His emotions and plans conceived by him can be displayed on the canvas he paints. The same way Yahweh's plans can be seen through his creations. If we cannot see Yahweh face to face, at least we can see him through is creations. These are not by chance but by his plans, his love; his desires and of course, his pleasure!

I understand that a lot have been discussed here. I pray that the Spirit of Yahweh helps you to understand it. I think it is time to talk about Lucifer next week. Who really is this creation?

May be you need to unlearn what you were told about him and learn the correct thing according to the scriptures.

Please, leave your comments and/or questions. Be nice with them.





  1. Bible lessons on EONS and creations are just getting more exciting!

  2. Getting to know who Yahweh is is awesome! His son (Yeshua) carried out the mind of his father at creation. It is very exciting thing to know. It is always the father and his son. No more no less. Believe it!

  3. I read this blog and gave all glory to Yahweh, the Master planner.

  4. I praise Yahweh for this blog. It is a blessing to me.


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