EONS and behind the scene of all creations (volume I)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance): Genesis 1:1; Revelation 13:8; Revelation 21:5

In the last blog, the relationship between Potter and Clay was discussed intensively. So, if you have not read the blog, please go back to it for your spiritual growth. This week, it was promised to you that many issues concerning origination of sins and Yahweh's creations would be discussed. This is a very huge topic. I have prepared to discuss this topic in a few numbers of subtopics for better understanding.

               It is always good to start from the foundation of things to have better understanding of why we have such and such outcome. Therefore, there is no other way than to begin with the book of Genesis. You see dear reader, words in scriptures matters a lot. From the words, you understand pretty much why I have come with this truth. I advise all readers to get the kind of bible mentioned above for better understanding of the original letters recorded in both Hebrew and Greek scrolls. One size fits all bibles (KJV; NKJV; NIV e.t.c) will not help on this topic. Somehow, most other bibles were created from King James Version for easy reading. However, it results to Garbage-In Garbage Out situation because the application of these words negates what it was intended for originally.

In addition to this, there many errors found on these one size fits all bibles which have put some people into acting incorrectly and misrepresenting what was recorded in the original scrolls. The misinterpretation of the original scriptures is a huge problem in bible studies. The bible version mentioned above may be a little costly, but believe me, it worths purchasing. It is more close to the original scroll. In the nearest future, a few of these errors would be discussed. Remember, it is good to buy the truth and not selling it.

Genesis 1:1: In a beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth.

               Did you notice something in the bible verse above? The bible says, in "a" beginning...This means there was another world prior the current one. What? You bet. It is true. This is one of the errors found in one size fits all kind of bibles. The single word "a" made a huge difference between concordant bible version in the above topic and bible like King James Version which started with [in "the" beginning]. The word "the" changed the whole meaning on verse one of the book of Genesis chapter 1.

In addition to this, the scriptures read "heavens" and earth. It also makes a huge difference when King James Version reads "heaven and earth". So you my dear, things need to be set straight before I even begin to discuss more on creations and EONS.

What does EONS means?

Simply put, Eons means a very long period of time that has an end. The end of this period of time is determined by Yahweh himself. This is what you will find in the bible version used for the purpose of this blog. In King James Version, you will find forever; everlasting; will never end....These misinterpretations have misled a lot of people on how they study scriptures. Out of many errors found on King James Version, I have already pointed out three. Do you know that there are 5 major EONS? You will learn more on these EONS in the future blogs.

               Talking about creations, Yahweh began new creations because the old world was disrupted. If the world was disrupted, it means a new one has to be created to continue the plan Yahweh has for the next world. In the book Revelation 21:5, Yahweh pointed out that he made everything new. It means the current world will also come to an end at Yahweh's appointed period of time. Do you know that Yeshua (which most people refer as Christ Jesus) was slain from the disruption of the world? It is right there in Revelation 13:8. So, you can see that Yeshua's death and resurrection have been recorded prior Genesis 1:1. I know this may be strange to most of you. That is why this blog is created to educate each other.

More will come in the next week. I am yet to discuss on the advent of sin; Adam and Eve; Lucifer and the Serpent. It seems there are lots of things to be discussed. Wow, many things to go through. Never mind, as you can see that this week lesson is a ground preparation of the lessons to be discussed in the coming weeks. I do not want to stuff many lessons in one blog. I have to stop here today.

Hope you are blessed with this week's blog.

Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.



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    1. After I read this blog, I was in awe of Yahweh at his works! He is control of every creation. All that were written in his books were laid out for us to see. Praise be to Yahweh for this revelation.


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